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Monse's POV:
We've been in here for I don't know how long and I have no idea where Spooky is. "I'm an idiot!" I say quickly as I crawl around on the floor. "Calm down, you're not an idiot." Cesar tries to hold me again but I push him off and keep crawling. "I brought my phone. It fell out of my pocket when that guy threw me in here." I explain. "Seriously?" Cesar asks. "Found it." I smile. I text Spooky not to come and then I call the police. "My boyfriend and I were kidnapped, I'm not sure where we are they covered the room with bags." I tell the dispatcher. "Do you have any idea who did this?" They ask. "Yeah, it was the Prophets." I feel a lump in my throat because I know I'm risking so much. "We're fine, we just need to get out of here." I elaborate. "Ok, just stay on the phone as long as you can honey. We're trying to get your location now." I hear the door knob shake and I know I need to hang up. "They're coming." I feel tears forming in my eyes. "Just another minute." The dispatcher says. "I need to hang up." I cry. "We almost have the address ju-" I hang up before they finish talking. "What the fuck were you thinking coming over here? Monse, I saw you grow up I don't wanna see you get killed." DeAndre says. I hear sirens and I smile. "If I were you I'd start running." I laugh. "I'm gonna get arrested no matter what." He pulls out his gun and points it at Cesar. "Please!" I beg. "Get out of the way!" He screams. I step in front of Cesar because I know he won't shoot me. "Move, now!" He grabs the colar of my shirt and throws me out of the room. When I fall I see a baseball bat and a stroke of genius hits me. I pick it up and I take a swing at the head of a man who I used to call my uncle. When he falls to the ground and the light shines on Cesar's face I can see how shocked he is. "What? I played softball until seventh grade." I shrug. The police barge in and I run back into the black room I was just trying to escape before people start fighting back. Two officers walk into the room and see DeAndre on the ground and the bat still in my hand. "Self defense." I say as I put my hands up. "Come on, you guys are safe now." One officer says. "Let's go." I say to Cesar but he just stays sitting on the floor. "I probably should've told you." He moves his arms from over his stomach and his white shirt is stained red. "They found my tattoo." He says with pain in his voice. The cops call I the EMTs and I just stand there in shock. Why is this always happening? When they cut his shirt to see the damage one of them lets out a sigh of relief. "It's cuts not stabs." The EMT explains. They take him in the ambulance and I follow in the back of a police car. "Hey, we're on our way to the hospital. Yeah he's gonna be ok." I tell Oscar before I hang up. I stand in the waiting room and wait for Oscar. "Where is he?" Oscar asks with a couple of Santos following behind him. "They're giving him stitches but he doesn't have to stay the night or anything." I say. "Are you the one who called the cops?" He whispers and I nod. "I couldn't think of anything else." I'm so worried he's gonna be mad. "It's ok." He says and I can breathe again. "I told you to watch out for Cesar and you did. You should probably go be with him I gotta make a few calls." I want to ask him to elaborate but I probably don't wanna get more envolved than I already am. Instead I just nod and go to the curtained off area that they're stitching up Cesar in. "Is that the world famous softball queen?" He says in a groggy voice. "We had to give him painkillers... a lot of them." The nurse says. "Hey baby." I say. "Hey nurse, give Monse the needle. She is a queen of many talents." He puckers his lips so I can kiss him and I just roll my eyes. "Kiss me bebé!" He whines. "Cesar Diaz if you move one more time I'm going to poke you on purpose!" The nurse complains. "I have to call Jamal and tell him you're ok. If you need me I'll be right outside the curtain. I kiss him and I walk away.

Cesar's POV:
Monse walks in and it makes me so happy. Maybe it's the drugs. "Is that the world famous softball queen?" She hit a grown man in the head with a bat and he fell down. That was fun. "We has to give him painkillers... a lot of them." If I was a nurse I'd sell these, it's good. Why can't I stop smiling? Oh right Monse's here, focus Cesar. "Hey baby." Her voice is like honey. "Hey nurse, give Monse the needle. She is a queen of many talents." Like stitching people and hitting people with baseball bats. I try to kiss her  but I'm still getting these stupid stitches. "Kiss me bebé!" She's so annoying with her pretty face. The nurse says some stuff and Monse says some stuff but all I care about is getting that kiss. "I'm in love with her." I say when she walks away. "Trust me I can tell." The nurse groans. "You think I'll marry her one day?" I ask. "Kid, focus on surviving long enough to get married." The nurse starts bandaging me and I can feel it hurting again. "Ok, Jamal said we can stay at his place again." Monse walks back in and my pain goes away. Not literally but still. "I love you." I laugh. "I love you too baby but you're really high right now." Her smile is so pretty.

Monse's POV:
Cesar won't stop staring at me and it's hilarious. I wonder what he's thinking. "Hermano, next time you plan on talking to Monty bring backup you idiot. I'm glad your not dead." Oscar says. "Me too." Cesar smiles. "I get this is serious but Cesar's a lot funnier right now then he is with all his corny ass jokes when he's not on a bunch of drugs." I tell Oscar. "I've had to deal with his jokes for fourteen years this is refreshing as fuck." Oscar agrees.

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