What If

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Monse's POV:
I keep running and soon I see Latrelle. I'm maybe ten seconds away from him when I hear a gun shot and my chest clenches. Suddenly every memory from Olivia's quince hits me like a truck. "Monse are you ok?" Latrelle says when him and his sister reach me. "He missed?" I ask. "What?" He asks. I look up and I see Oscar's car hit a tree. I stare wide eyed and I can barely move. How did that even happen? Did Latrelle shoot? I run to the car but I can't even feel my legs moving. I try to open the door but it's stuck. "What happened?" I ask Cesar but I don't think he even understood my question. "You can't leave me like this." I cry. I hear sirens coming down the street and Latrelle pulls me away from the car. "We have to get out of here." He drags me away. "Did you do this?" I ask. "Of course I didn't you think I'd bring a gun to a playground?" He asks like it's the craziest thing he's ever heard. "I can't just leave him here!" I scream. "We'll meet them at the hospital but we have to go!" He forces me to keep running but I feel so numb. I should've just forgave him! He's my best friend what was I thinking? Latrelle drags me into Ruby's house. "Go to Olivia's room don't tell her anything." He tells his little sister and she's just nods before running down the hall. "I swear I didn't shoot and I didn't want the police thinking I did that's the only reason I ran." He promises. "What happened?" Ruby asks. "I don't know." I mumble. "Cesar got in a car accident, his brother hit a tree." Latrelle says. "No, someone shot someone or something and then they crashed into a tree." I correct him. "Maybe He was drunk." Ruby suggests. "You weren't even there! I know what I heard." I hiss.

Cesar's POV:
What the hell am I gonna do? Latrelle starts to walk back towards the block and of course Oscar follows him. Latrelle picks up his phone and I have a feeling he knows we're following him. "Do it now!" Oscar yells when Latrelle hangs up his phone. "I can't to do this to Monse or Olivia." I shake my head. "What has he ever done for you? He was gonna kill you." Oscar reminds me. "I'm not you Oscar! I can't just act like I didn't go to school and grow up with this kid." I tell him. "You know how many of my compas I had to kill? You gotta do what's best for the 'Ridge." He says. "You're right... and that's exactly what I'm gonna do." I nod. "Even if it kills me." I say quickly. I shoot him in the leg and not even a second later I see Monse. I grab the steering wheel and turn it quickly and we hit a tree. I know it seems irrational and stupid but I'm protecting everyone. It's all gonna be so different now. I might've just killed my own brother. If the Santos find out I did this I'm gonna have to get as far away from Freeridge as I can. "What happened?" Monse asks as she tries to open the door. More than anything I want to tell her everything's gonna be ok. I would get out of this car and hold her even if it killed me but I can't. I feel like I can't even move. The airbag is pressed against me and it feels like even moving my mouth to speak would be impossible. "You can't leave me like this." She's crying and pulling on the door before Latrelle takes her away. Hopefully he'll keep her safe. I black out and the next time I open my eyes I'm in an ambulance. It still feels like I can't moves. I know I should definitely be worried but I just can't feel anything. I wonder if Monse's ok. I was so stupid I never should've cheated on her. I don't want her to remember me as a cheater. If I die I'm gonna be pissed. What if Oscar dies? What if I have to take over the Santos? I know it doesn't work like that but there's still a chance. Maybe a social worker is gonna try and take me from him. It wouldn't be the first time they tried but now he might not even be there to stop it from happening. I could lose everything just because I didn't want to shoot Latrelle. It's not like I haven't done it before, why would this time be any different? Oscar might be dead. He could go back to jail. We get to the hospital and I'm surrounded by doctors. This is what Monse went through because of me. Maybe she'd be better off if I just left.

Monse's POV:
I sit in the waiting room for the millionth time just biting my nails and praying. They can't be dead. Who am I kidding if they were still alive someone would have come and told us they're doing everything they can. "The Diaz family?" A doctor says when she walks into the room. A random lady stands up and I glare at her. "I'm Cesar's social worker." She tells the doctor. "Ok, Cesar's stable and he should make a full recovery in about two weeks or so but his brother is in a coma." The doctor has no emotion. "Ok I'll make a call with the state and hopefully we can find him a home before he gets out of here. I want to ask questions but instead I just fall back in my chair and try not to throw up. I need to see him he can't go into a foster home. Oscar's gonna be fine and they'll go back home the doctors don't know what they're talking about. "Wait!" I chase the doctor down a hallway. "I want to see him... I want to see Cesar." I beg

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