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Monse's POV:
"What's wrong kid?" My dad asks when he sits next to me on the couch. "I've texted him, I've called him and still nothing!" I sigh. "I'm sure if he got out of the hospital he'd let you know." He smiles. "Don't even try! I've read enough books and watched enough tv to know that this is when the relationship has hit its breaking point. We've gone through so much all at once and it's over!" I know I'm being dramatic but what am I supposed to do? "How about I drop you off before I go wash my truck?" He suggest. "Thanks but that'd be too weird, what if he just doesn't want to see me?" I shrug. "Ok, if you change your mind let me know." He smiles before he leaves. I go over to Jamal's and when I open the door I see my Mariana making out with Jamal. "Gross! Lock the door if you're eating my cousin's face." I gag. "Or you could knock." Jamal points out. "Have you guys talked to Cesar? Or Latrelle or Oscar?" I ask quickly. "Ok I have good news and I have bad news." Mari says. "Good news first." I tell her. "Latrelle's alive and safe." She says. "Bad news?" I ask. "Him and Olivia left with the baby but he told me not to tell anyone where they went." She says. "Did he say when they were coming back?" They aren't ready to be alone with a baby. "He said he'd be back when he knows it's safe for the three of them. Maybe if Oscar dies." She shrugs. "Are you serious? He's in the hospital and you want him to die?" I yell. "I didn't say that." She says quickly. "What about Cesar? Is he out the hospital yet?" I ask. "I haven't talked to him since last Monday when I dropped off his class work." Jamal says. "What about you Mariana, did you talk to him last time you tried to bribe the nurses to skip Oscar's meds?" I ask. "Last time I talked to him was when I told him that Latrelle was leaving so he would stop feeling guilty all the time." She shakes her head. "Is Ruby ok?" I feel like I'm asking too many questions but I've been so focused of Cesar I barely know what's going on with anyone else. "If I'm being honest he's not doing too good but he's a lot better than I thought he'd be." Jamal says. "What?" "He's worried and he really misses them but he's been with Jasmin a lot. Are they together?" Mariana asks. "He was basically in love with Olivia he can't be over her just like that! I get that we're young but we know what love is right?" I say quickly. "Wow ok, Monse is everything ok with you and Cesar?" Mariana asks. "Ha! There's always something going on with them are you kidding?" Jamal says before he slaps a hand over his mouth. "Thanks." I turn around and storm off to Ruby's house. "Monse? Where have you been?" Ruby's mom asks. "Trying it save a dying relationship." I huff. "Ok well it was nice to see you too sweetheart." She laughs. "Who are the aliens that took over our friends bodies?" I say when I throw myself on Ruby's bed. "You think they're even still in California?" He asks. "Latrelle isn't your average teenager he has enough money to drag them around the country and keep them safe but the real question is would he want to leave California?" I ask him. "Mariana's going through a lot right now and Jamal's just trying to be supportive." He answers my question from earlier. "Latrelle knows Cesar's the one who's really got a target on his head if anyone finds out what happened he wouldn't go far." I tell Ruby. "How does Latrelle know what Cesar did?" He asks. "I told Jamal and he told Mariana and she told him." I explain. "So they're probably still around here?" He asks. "My guess is he's hiding out on the Prophets' side he wouldn't be dumb enough to bring his family out somewhere that they aren't protected." I assure him.

Olivia's POV:
"Latty won't stop crying." I tell Latrelle. "Come here baby girl." He picks her up and she starts to calm down. "She knows she's named after you, she likes you better." I huff. "I know it's stressful mama but you just gotta breathe. We can go back once I know shit calmed down." He says. "We shouldn't even be here. Trust me when I say if you didn't almost get killed me and your daughter would be as far away from you as possible." I remind him. "Ruby's with that girl Jasmine Mari told me so why do you keep acting like something's keeping us apart?" He asks. "Because something is keeping us apart! Did you forget that you're in a gang and you got shot by your cousin's boyfriend?" I ask. "I didn't shoot him so how is this my fault?" He yells and the baby starts crying again. "I can't do this." I feel tears streaming down my face and the only thing to blame is these damn hormones. "I'm fine just put her to sleep or something." I love Latty but if I could take a break from being a mom for five minutes those would be the best five minutes of my life. I feel like everything revolves around her. She cries I drop everything running even though she hates when me! I try so hard and she just doesn't stop crying. If I just left the two of them now no one would notice.

Next thing I know I'm on a bus back home with baby throw up in my hair and sweatpants with a broken waistband. I've never looked so gross in my life but I'll finally be able to catch a break. I sneak into the house through the back window and fall asleep right away. "Olivia?! Where the hell is Latty?" Ruby asks when he runs and gives me a hug.

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