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Monse's POV:
Cesar's coming in five minutes and I have no idea if I should tell him about taking over for my dad. How would I even say it? I look in the mirror and try and find the words. "Hey Cesar, I know you won't get it but I'm taking over for my dad when he needs me to. I don't know when but he wants me to start learning-" learning? This isn't school. I throw myself on my bed and put my hands on my face. "Learning what?" I hear Cesar asks and I fall off my bed. "What the hell Cesar?" I scream. "Your door was unlocked. What were you talking about when you said taking over for your dad?" He looks so serious I don't even want to get off the floor. Maybe if I roll under my bed all my problems will go away. "He wants me to learn how to drive a truck." I blurt out. "Why, is that what you want?" I can't tell if he actually believes me or not. "Yeah, I know that when he retires someone needs to take over." I lie. "Wait, do you mean truck driving or hauling stuff for the gangs?" He asks and he sounds so concerned I definitely can't tell him the truth. "No just normal truck driving." He starts laughing and I get really confused. "You're such a bad liar. Ok so you're taking over for your dad how can I talk you out of this?" He's still laughing and I get so annoyed. "You can't!" I exclaim. "This is my choice so I can protect myself. My dad left for seven years so I already know taking over doesn't mean I'm stuck here." He gets serious really fast. "No." He says in a blunt tone. "This isn't up to you Cesar." I get up and I'm about to walk past him when he blocks me. "When your dad left he did nothing. He came back because Oscar found out about the deal and when stuff got really bad he had to come back." "What deal?" I ask. "You know your dad promised my dad if anything happened to him he'd keep making sure we were safe since Oscar was the next person to take over. My dad gave him something as a thank you but we can't figure out what. That doesn't matter though because you aren't getting involved. This was only supposed to last-" I cut him off. "Until my dad dies or he passed it on to someone else. I know and I'm not letting my dad deal with something because of a deal he made when he was eighteen." Cesar looks at me and I know he's worried. I give a small kiss and he just hugs me. "I don't want you to do this but if you wanna take over do what you need to do. I can't be the one to get in your way. Now can we please go back to distracting each other from the life instead of drowning each other in it?" He asks and I can't stop myself from laughing. "Ok, ok. What do you wanna do for the rest of the night?" I ask and he smirks. "I have a few ideas." He gives me a kiss and then he picks me up and he sits on the bed with me on his lap. "For the next three days I just want it to be you and me in this bed... and no clothes." Teenage boys are so weird we were just being so serious and his mind is already on sex. "What about school?" I ask. "Fuck school. Look at me in the eyes and tell me you'd rather learn about biology than be here with me." He says. "We started school today we can't miss three days!" I try to get off of his lap but he puts his hands on my hips and I sit right back down. "We can say it was for educational purposes." I give him a questioning look. "We could say we're learning about the human reproductive system firsthand." He kisses my neck and I just shake my head. "Yeah because that won't cause problems." "I told you I was gonna make you feel sorry for that boyfriend joke you made and I think that could take three days." He says against my neck. "No, it'll take a few minutes." I laugh. "For you." He kisses me again and I roll my eyes. "We're not skipping school." I say against his lips. "Let's see if you're still saying that after tonight." "Wait, do you have a condom." He doesn't say anything and I know he doesn't have one but I swear this is the last time I have unsafe sex.

Cesar's POV:
"So you take back that few minutes comment or do we have to go for round four?" I ask. Monse's laying on top of me and she nods. "I take it back." She kisses me and she gets up to use the bathroom. I'm so lucky to have Monse. "Seriously though condoms." She puts on a big t shirt and lays down next to me. "I know but I just forgot. Plus, I like having nothing between us." She rolls her eyes and I kiss all over her face. "What if I got pregnant?"  "It's not gonna happen, besides if it did that just means there's a little us running around." "Yeah and we're fourteen so I'd rather wait." "So you do wanna have a baby with me." I smirk. "Maybe in the very distant future." "When we're married, living in a beach house." "Yeah and I'm a famous writer. All the gang stuff will be behind us." "And Jamal can live next door with all his rollerworld money and that cheerleader from first period." I add jokingly. "Oh yeah and Ruby can have a big ass bachelor pad." She laughs. "I wish we could have more time like this." I say as I kiss her softly.

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