Shit Keeps Coming

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"I thought you'd want out after all of this." Oscar says. "No, right now all I want is to take care of Monse and if that means I get deeper into the Santos then who cares." Cesar says. "What about little homie? I heard he wants you out?" Oscar asks. "You mean Ruby? How'd you know he told me that in private?" Cesar asks. "And told me that too. He ain't playing around either he really thinks it's that easy." Oscar laughs. "He got shot Oscar and he blames me so of course he wants me out." Cesar says. "It happens, doesn't mean you gotta leave your familia at the first sign of danger." Oscar shakes his head. "He's not a Santo, this isn't his familia." Cesar points out. "Yeah, but we're yours so why does he think it's up to him if you leave or not?" Oscar asks seriously. "What is he your little boyfriend now?" He laughs. "He was there for me when you barely spoke to me because I wasn't a Santo yet. Every time you fucked up Jamal and Ruby were there to help me. So yeah maybe you're my blood but they're my family. This is more like business to me." Cesar says. "Come on hermano don't say that, familia par siempre." Oscar says. "Familia para siempre." Cesar nods. "So, when do you want to get to work?" Oscar asks. "I should probably wait for Monse to get out of the hospital but whenever you need me I got you." Cesar nods. "Ok, go meet Alejandro in the park in an hour. He's got some... supplies for the Santos and he can't come to the house 'cause it'll look suspicious. You pick it up  and bring it all here, got it?" He asks. "What do I get out of it?" Cesar asks. "Money, and respect. So much respect that I'll get the Santos to watch out for Monse when you're not around." Oscar says and Cesar smiles. "I'll head to the park after my shower." Cesar says.

*at the park*
Alejandro leaves a book bag on a bench and a few minutes later Cesar picks it up and walks back to his house. "Here, now can I know what's in it?" Cesar asks as he drops it at his feet. "Supplies Cesar, you're still my little brother you don't need to know everything." Oscar looks through the bag and then puts it right next to him. "You did good, you proved you can do it. Now you can really get to work." Oscar nods. "Can I go to the hospital or do you need anything else?" Cesar asks. "Yeah, how about I give you a ride?" Oscar suggests. "Ok." They both get into Oscar's car and they head to the hospital. "You know I wouldn't let you do this if I didn't think you could handle it. It's in your blood hermano." Oscar tells Cesar before Cesar goes back into the hospital. "Hi I'm here to see Monse Finnie." Cesar says when he gets to the nurses' desk. "Are you eighteen or older?" One of the nurses asks without looking up. "No, but I am a Santo and she's my girlfriend." He says. This is the first time he's ever used being a Santo to his advantage. "Oh yeah, um just go right ahead." The nurse says quickly. He walks to her room and when he looks inside she's sitting down holding her phone. "Hey, don't worry the nurses helped me up." Monse says as she tries to smile. "Your dad hasn't called?" Cesar asks. "No, but he will." Monse nods. "Please just let me-" Cesar phone cuts him off. "What Oscar?" He asks as he step outside. Monse sits and watches her phone. "He'll call." She mumbles.
"Yeah, can you check to see if Monty's ok? He hasn't called Monse and I think she's starting to get worried." Cesar asks his brother over the phone. "Yeah I'll look into it, tell Monse if she needs anything I still owe her a favor for letting me in Ruby's house during the lockdown." Oscar responds. "Hey, sorry Oscar needed me for some Santo stuff." Cesar explains. "Please tell me he's not forcing you deeper into the Santos." Monse says. "No, but I need to tell you something. "Hey Monse, guess who gets to go home tonight!" Ruby cheers as he walks in with Olivia and Jamal. "Seriously why are they letting you out early?" Monse asks. "Time off for good behavior I guess." Ruby laughs. "Ok so I popped a few stitches I did nothing wrong!" Monse says. "Don't worry you'll be out of here in a couple days." Jamal says. "Yeah, a week and a couple days." Olivia says as she smacks Jamal's arm. "What'd you want to tell me?" Monse asks Cesar. "Nothing, it can wait." Cesar shrugs. Monse's dad finally calls and she can't stop smiling. "Shh guys it's my dad!" She says happily. "Hey, yeah I'm in the hospital it barely hit me." Monse says over the phone. "Listen, I'm gonna be away for a little bit. Everything's fine so don't worry. I should be home by the time you leave the hospital." Monty says. Before Monse can say anything she hears a lady's voice in the background. "Who was that?" Monse asks. "No one mind your own business Monse." He hangs up. "Hey, are you ok?" Cesar asks as he walks in on his own. "Yeah, I just can't take anymore bad news." Monse sighs. Cesar decides not to tell her that he's digging even deeper into the life because he knows all she'll do is worry. "Yeah, don't worry only good stuff is coming your way I promise." He lies. "I'm going to sleep for a little, you should visit Ruby." Monse suggests. Cesar nods and he goes to Ruby's room. "Hey, I know you're still mad at me but Monse wanted to sleep." Cesar says once he gets in the room. "I don't care get out." Ruby says. "You guys are all I have please don't do this to me." Cesar begs. "Why don't you just go and hangout with the Santos? If you're not leaving for us then they're obviously more important." Ruby says. "Ruby I can't just leave, I need to protect Monse." Cesar cries. "Protect her? You're only putting her in danger by staying there!" Ruby sits back on his hospital bed and puts in his headphones. Cesar takes a deep breath, leaves the room, and tries to prepare himself for a future of being alone.

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