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Monse's POV:
I stuff my clothes in my bag and Cesar just watches me. "What?" I ask with a smile. "One more night." He asks as he grabs my waist. "If I stay one more night you're gonna keep asking me to stay another night and I don't know if I'll say no." I say. "Stay." He says as he kisses my cheek. "I can't." I put my hands on his chest and look at him. I can't believe we're just friends but that's how it need to stay. "It's one more night what's the worst that could happen." He says as he spins me around and we land on his bed. "One more night." I say as I push him off of me. "I need to call my dad to let him know that you're holding me here against my will." I laugh. My dad says it's fine since he's working with the prophets tonight anyways. "Ok so what do you feel like doing?" I ask and he smirks. "I have a few ideas." He gets up and I try to run out of the room but he picks me up and drags me back to the bed. "What happened to being just friends?" I ask. "Monse Finnie you are so dirty minded. I just wanted to watch something and talk to you." I roll my eyes. "Besides I think we're more than just friends, right?" He's playing with my curls and won't make eye contact. He's so cute when he's nervous. "Come on Monse are you trying to torture me." It's been like two minutes and I haven't said anything. I look at his lips and then back at his eyes and he obviously noticed 'cause he smirked. "Why do you always have to make that face? Like no matter what I do it's that stupid smile. You're so-" He cuts me off by kissing me. Before I kiss him back he pulls away. "You talk so much... it's cute." He laughs and I roll my eyes. I kiss him and what I thought was going to be a small kiss turns into a long one. We start making out but it's really slow like we have forever together.  He pulls away and looks at me. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that." Cesar smiles. We're so close to each other that I can feel his smile against my lips. I give him a small kiss on his smile. "So this is why you wanted me to stay the night." I say as I nod. "No I just wanted to wake up next to you one more time. You're so beautiful when you wake up." I start laughing because he's so cheesy. I kiss him again and we roll over so I'm on top of him. He wraps his arm around my waist and pushes us up so we're sitting on the bed. I put my hands on the hem of his shirt and I take it off of him.

Cesar's POV:
Kissing Monse is the best feeling in the world. When she takes off my shirt I didn't want her to think this was the only reason I want her here but this definitely was a plus. I put one hand on her side under the sweatshirt she's been borrowing and the other on her thigh. I move the hand that's on her waist and I feel a scar from when the prophets attacked her. She notices I'm touching it and she pulls away. "Do you want to take a break for a second?" I asks as I lean my forehead on her's. "No. I don't want to stop." She lifts up her sweatshirt and we keep making out I roll us over so I'm on top of her again.

Monse's laying on top of me and playing with my hair. "Aren't you happy you didn't have to go?" I say as I laugh. "I guess." She kisses me and smiles. "And I guess we're not just friends anymore." I wish we didn't have to leave this room. "Mmm, I guess not. What are we gonna tell Jamal and Ruby?" She ask. Jamal and Ruby, the last people I want to think of while I have a beautiful naked girl on top of me. "Do we have to talk about that right now?" I kiss her again. "We have to talk about it before we see them." I can tell she's serious about this. They haven't known each other for long but Monse and the guys have gotten really close. "They'll be happy for us. We can keep it on the low for now, if you want. Besides I'm pretty sure they know somethings up we're always so close." If they don't know somethings up they're idiots. "Let's keep this between us." She says. "As long as that's the only thing between us." I say and she gives me a confused look. "No clothes." I say and she rolls her eyes. She tries to move but I just pull her closer. "I need to take a shower." She explains. "Can I join?" I give her a wide smile. "No, your brother's home!" She says. "So, he probably heard you anyways." I whisper but I regret it right when I say it. "That's gross Cesar. Now I'm going to take a shower." She gets up and throws on my sweatshirt. "Come on we can save water." I sit up and pull her onto my lap. "Wow you're so environmentally friendly." She kisses me and stands back up. "Yeah, I'm all about saving the polar bears and all that other shit." I put on my boxers and follow her to the bathroom. "Cesar!" She wines. "Fine but we're not doing anything." She turns on the shower, we get in and I kiss her neck. "What did I just say idiota!" She says as she turns to face me. "Fine." Just being there with her makes me smile. We go back in my room and right when we're done changing Oscar comes in. He looks at both of us. "I told you not to get with her Cesar." He sounds really annoyed. "She started it." I laugh. "Fucking teenagers." He walks out and slams the door. "He's just mad cause he can't get with Kaia." Monse says. "You're probably right." I kiss her one last time and then walk out into the living room. She's the best thing to happen to me. I'm so happy she moved across the street so I can see her everyday.

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