The Start

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''Dammit!'' I curse as I walk out of my house, my mom still yelling from the inside "You little shit! You never do anything right, if your father was still here he would be disappointed in you!", she ran outside of the house. "As if I care what he would think you old hag!". I yell not looking back.

Not seeing the tears on her face.

'Who the fuck does she think she is to mention that bastard!' I kick a rock away, stuffing my hands into my sweats. 'It was his fault for everything and she still blames me for what happened'. Looking up I think about that man.

FLASHBACK - 7 years ago

"Daddy!", yelled an excited looking Arashi after opening the ringing door. He ran into his fathers awaiting arms and was thrown up into the air. Giggling could be heard through the whole house. "My little soldier, I'm back". Said the little boys father, a huge grin on his face. "Yay daddy, how long will you stay home this time?". Smiling, the boy asked.

"Well, this time, forever". The father put the boy down and patted his head. "Where is your mother? We're going out to dinner, I want to celebrate our reunion, go find her". Arashi listened to his father and ran to the living room.

He didn't look back, he didn't see his fathers smile disappear.

Replaced by a dark grin.


I shake my head getting rid of the thoughts. 'I can't be thinking of him now, it's over, it's passed, he's gone now'. I continue on my way to the school. 'I wonder if there is anyone worth my time there'. As I reach the school gates, I see a crowd of kids my age talking or yelling. Looking around, I start searching for anyone that looks strong.

"Damn, looks like there are only wimps here". Shaking my head I hear someone growl from behind me. As I turn around I hear a 'swish' of air and reflexively side step to the left. A flash of blond hair passes me. Looking to my right I see a boy my height, trailing my eyes to his face I'm met with angry red ones.

"It seems like I was wrong". I smirk at him. He straightens up and growls again.

"What the fuck did you say you shit!". He yells stalking towards me. "I said 'Damn, looks like there are only wimps here', are you fucking deaf?". Standing my ground he comes nose to nose with me. I tilt my head back and look down at him, 'Looks like he's a little shorter than me'. As he opened his mouth to say something I see a bush of green hair behind him. "H-hi Kacchan, you shoul-".

I look over 'Kacchans' shoulder and see a scrawny looking boy. 'Kacchan' whips his head around, stepping away from me, and yells "OUT OF MY WAY DEKU!" and pushes him away. Stalking of he turns around and places his hand up, little explosions begin going off. "WE'RE NOT DONE YOU FUCK!" he growls out.

"FUCK YOU!" I yell, raising my middle finger. Looking back at 'Deku' I see he's quivering and that his face is pale. "What's that fucks problem?" I ask him, seeing as though they know each other. The boys wide green eyes look back at me and he opens his mouth, then closes it and opens it up again.

"H-he's like that, that's just how he is". He finally spits out. 'Hmm'. "You two know each other I suppose?". He turns to me. "Yeah, we're childhood f-friends". I nod and turn away. Not saying anything I walk away.

Walking into the auditorium I look around for an empty seat, trailing my eyes I see a free seat. Going to it I sit down.

When everyone sat down the lights changed and pointed to the stage. Suddenly a man appears yelling "SAY HEYY". Nobody said a word. He looked and sounded annoying so I tuned out. A loud yell brought back my attention "Go beyond, PLUS ULTRA! good luck suffering". Seems like I missed nothing.

A group of students were led to what seemed like a giant gate. The annoying man then proceeded to explain that we were to go inside and battle robots. "This is gonna be a blast", I crack my fingers and let out a grin. The students around me, seeing that, kept their distance. One student let out a gasp and the others looked at him.

"WAIT! Isn't that Genzai?". Looking at him I smirk, he takes a step back. "WHAT! REALLY!? damn, we don't stand a chance with him here, he's a monster!". 'That's cute'. The other students heads snapped to me and they froze. "I heard that he always picked fights back in his middle school". One girl said. "Exactly, I didn't have any contact with him but I went to the same middle school, he got into a fight every day". "You guys know what's the worst part?". One guy asked.

The others turned to him in interest and fear. "W-what?". One stuttered out.

"All the fights he started, he finished".

"He never lost, not even once".

As their heads once again turned to me, I let out a laugh and go into a crouched position at the same moment the gates opened.

"Let the games begin". I said as I sprinted ahead.

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