Breaking Point

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Exiting the washroom, my hair still wet, I grab the towel and ruffle my head with it. Not seeing where I was going, I hit something. "Oi, you fuck, watch where you're fucking going!" I hear someone yell out. Removing the towel and placing it around my neck, I'm met with crimson glaring eyes 'Katsuki', but upon noticing me, he calms down.

"Sparky, what are you doi-". He stops mid sentence when he sees my bloody hand. His eyes narrow and he grabs me by the wrist, pulling my hand to eye level. "What the fuck did you do?" He demands. I try to pull my wrist back, but he tightens his grip on my wrist, not letting go. Meeting his glaring eyes, I glare back. "Let go". He clenches his teeth. "What if I don't?" He challenges. I let out a growl and my eyes darken. "I'm not in the mood for this, let go". 

Sensing my hostility, he lets go with a huff. Pulling my wrist back, I look away. He was still standing there, looking at me with a mixed expression. Clearing his expression, he takes a step close, we were almost nose to nose. Bewildered, I take a step back, but he follows. This keeps happening until my back hits the wall. "Tell me". He demands. "Tell you what?" I play dumb. "Don't play dumb with me!" He slams his hand on the wall next to my head. "You're not being specific enough". I counter. 

He sighs. "What happened to your hand?" His tone softens unexpectedly. "I hit a mirror". His eyes widen. "Why the fuck would you do something stupid like that!?" He grabs my shoulders as his tone harshened. I bring my arms forward and push with all my might. He skids back a few feet, but stays on his feet. Bringing his head up, he's met with my furious expression. "Why the fuck do you care, huh!? Tell me!" His face twists in a frown.

"I don't know". He answered after what seemed an eternity. I growl at his words. Walking closer to him, I jab him in the chest with my finger. "Not fucking good enough". A surprised expression overtakes his face, before it turns into a glare. He sneers and barks out. "What the fuck do you mean not good enough?" He asks stupidly.

"Exactly what it sounds like". I retaliate. "I don't need your pity". I turn to leave but a hand on my shoulder stops me. "Where do you think you're going? We're not done yet!" He yells. I grab his hand and throw it off of my shoulder. Turning my furious pale eyes at him, I'm met with his enraged ruby orbs. "We're fucking done".

As he once again tries to stop me, I dodge under his outstretched hand and tackle him to the ground. We both fall down in a heap of limbs. Gripping his hands, I trap them on the side of his head and I clench my thighs around his waist. Sensing he's about to use his quirk, I quickly use mine to shock his nerves to stop his quirk.

The only sound it the room was our heavy breathing. "Get off!" He barks out. "No". I answer. His teeth clench and he uses his body strength to throw me off of him. Quickly getting on top of me, and grabbing my hands, he traps me beneath him. "You fucker!" I growl out. He just glares. After a few minutes of struggling, I pretend to give up. "Let me go". I sigh. His grip remains the same. "Please let me go, won't you? Katsuki?" At my words his grip slackens. Using the chance I rip my arms out of his hands and slam my forehead into his, he falls backwards.

Jumping to my feet, I face him. He stands up. He was seething. Explosions start going off in his hands and he prepares to jump at me. Quickly charging my legs and arms, I get into position. "Katsuki". I warn him, but he ignores me, instead, he dashes to me, hands in front of him. Quickly jumping out of the way, I grab his outstretched hand and using the momentum, I throw him at a nearby wall.

Turning mid-air, he kicks off the wall with his feet, which propels him towards me. I outstretch my open palm to him and our quirks clash. An explosion occurs. Since he was attacking from above, the force of him falling and his quirk managed to knock me away.

"You fucker! Calm down! Your emotions are all over the place!" He yells out. Hearing that, I let out a dry chuckle. Hearing me laugh he demands. "What's so funny?" I raise my head, my eyes humor less. "It's funny you are telling someone to calm down, when you're the one who's always angry".

"I'll ask you again... why do you care?" I inquire. He remains silent. Not like I expected anything. "Nobody cares". At my words, his head snaps towards me. "I care". He declares. I laugh. "Liar". He glares. "I'm not lying". I slide down the wall and sit down on the ground.

"That's what they all say". I lean my head on the wall behind me and close my eyes. "But they all leave me". I add. Hearing footsteps, I notice him walking towards me. Just before he reached me, I surge forward and whip my fist forward, successfully hitting him on the jaw. His eyes widen and he takes a few steps back from the impact.

He grabs his injured jaw and glares at me, explosions at hand. "You're going to regret that". He threatened. I get up and return the glare. "Leave me the fuck alone, are you so stupid you can't understand?" I sneer. He cracks his fingers and dashes towards me. I do the same. We clash in a fist fight, since our quirks together did a lot of damage to the room a few minutes back.

He kicks me in the side and as I double over, he whips his knee and hits me in the stomach. Jumping back a few feet, I growl a him. His ruby orbs meet my steel blue ones and he smirks. Once again he charges towards me, but this time I manage to dodge and get behind him. I grab him by his hand and twist it behind his back. While behind him I kick him in the back of his knee, forcing him to kneel.

"You always did fucking trick like this". He spits out. I tighten my grip and force his arm upwards, making him wince. I don't say a word. He chuckles. "What's wrong, you always had something to say back". I let him go and push him forward. He barely managed to put his arms in front so he wouldn't slam into the ground.

"I'm done, just leave, I told you I'm not in the mood for anything". As I utter those words, I almost regret them after seeing the look on his face. He looked so weak and vulnerable, so unlike him. Without a word he gets up and turns to leave. At that moment, Kirishima opens the door. "Hey, Bakugo your match is ne-". Upon seeing Katsuki's face he stops. "Whoa, what happened to your fa-". Before he could finish, Katsuki dashes next to him and through the door, hitting him with his shoulder.

Kirishima, bewildered, turns to me. He looked like he was about to ask something, but upon seeing my expression, he changes his mind.

After a few moments of just looking at me, he walks towards me and puts his hand on my shoulder. "You can talk to me". He says sincerely. Feeling angry at his pity, I slap his hand off of me. "Don't you fucking pity me". I growl at him, my eyes dark and narrowed. His hurt expression was the last thing I saw before I stormed out of the room, towards the stage.

Reaching to where my class was at, I sit at the far corner. Looking down at the stage, I see Katsuki and Uraraka. Anger fills me and I clench my teeth. Midoriya, noticing this, turned to me. "Genzai? Are you alright?" The moment his words left his lips, I snapped my eyes towards him and glared, lightning crackling around me.

He flinched and quickly turned away from me. Iida seeing our exchange, gets up from his seat and walks over to me. "What kind of behavior is that? He was merely trying to help". He lectures me. I turn to him. "I don't need his fucking help, he can fuck off to wherever he came from".

Someone from the side said something that sounded like "He's just like Bakugo", but before I could do anything, Present Mic yelled start and the match began. Turning towards the match, I see Uraraka dashing towards Katsuki, but every time she tried to get close he blasted her away from him. After a while, she released her quirk, which she used to make the cracked ground float upwards. The ground started falling down on Katsuki, but he just pointed his hand up and released a huge blast into the sky. The ground disintegrated. Uraraka passed out from exertion and Katsuki won.

I look at the screen which said who was fighting who and I grinned in delight.

Genzai Arashi vs Iida Tenya

Time to blow off some steam. 

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