Final exam

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As I'm trailing down the streets, no person in sight, I hear a distant explosion. Please let it be Katsuki. Following the direction from which it came from, I arrive near a bridge. Looking up, I see smoke coming from atop of it. Charging my legs, I jump up and grab the ledge of the bridge, pulling myself over the side. I arrived just in time to see Katsuki blow away grotesque looking meatballs which were thrown at him.

"What the fuck is that?" I ask out loud. "Genzai?!" Hearing Kaminari, I turn and look at him. "Yo". I raise a hand in greeting. Katsuki jumped back, narrowly missing one of the meatballs. "What took you so damn long?!" He growled out and I waved him off. "Sorry, sorry, had a problem". He glares at me and then looks back at the opponent. "What's his quirk?" I walk over to Kaminari and tap his shoulder.

He blinks and then points around the enemy. "You see those meat lumps on the ground? Those are students, he also got Kirishima". How weird, I didn't notice those things around him. "So if he hits me with his meatball, I turn into one of those, got it". Cracking my fingers, I walk over to Katsuki and stop next to him. "Shall we finish this?" Nodding my head at the student, Katsuki grins. "Hell yeah!" Yelling the words out he charges at the boy.

"Katsuki?! Don't just run at him!" Yelling after him, I get completely ignored. "For fucks sake!" Cursing out loud, I channel my lightning and lunge at the opponent. He throws the meatball at me and I slam it away with my fist. Katsuki continues destroying the meatballs, but it just keeps on coming and coming. "Jesus! That's disgusting!" I exclaim as I kick it away and it plops on the ground with a splat.

Katsuki fires off a long-ranged attack, which the student blocks with a meat shield. "Don't ignore me!" He shouts at him and prepares another explosion, but before he could fire it off, the meat starts wrapping around his shoulders from behind him. "Katsuki!" I yell, but I was too far away from him to help him. The meat warps around him and he is turned into a lump on the ground. Before that happened, he threw something to Kaminari, who, thankfully, caught it.

"Bastard!" Clenching my fist, I pull my fist back, lightning coursing through my arm. Whipping it forward made it expel from my fist, racing left and right towards the student. He places a meat shield around himself, but it disintegrates. He remained unharmed, but if it wasn't for the shield, he wouldn't be able to move. "Kaminari!" I yell as I jump back, evading a meatball. Kaminari dodges under a meatball and throws something at the enemy.

There was an explosion. "Huh?" Turning to Kaminari in question, he explained that Katsuki created a grenade and then gave it to him. The student barely avoids the blast. "By the way, sir...". Kaminari trailed off and pointed his hand in a finger gun-like motion at him. "You've stumbled over to a great spot". Then, from the tip of his finger, electricity blasts off and hits the opponent straight on. He starts screaming in pain.

After a few moments, he falls to his knees and starts panting. I notice that Katsuki and Kirishima meatballs started to expand. As the enemy stood up, prepared to attack us, Kirishima slams his fist in his stomach and Katsuki sends a blast his way. He is sent flying away. As he was knocked out, the meatballs which were around him started turning back into people. "Oh, this is gonna be great!" Licking my lips in excitement, lightning starts crackling around my body.

They turn to the four of us and start sprinting at us. Cracking my neck, I raise an arm towards the sky and the weather changes. They stop in their tracks and look up. "Shit". One of them whispers as he sees the clouds over his head. "Shit indeed". I add as a loud boom is heard above. "Chain Lightning!" I shout as I harshly bring my hand down, practically slamming it into the ground. The sky lit up in a brilliant flash of blue and lightning descended from the heavens.

As it was hurling at them at top speed, the lightning breaks apart into smaller ones. They start warping around, hitting one person, then disappearing and appearing in front of another person. They all keep flashing around, until there was no one left standing. "Phew". I say as I wipe the sweat off my brows. "Damn, that was intense!" I turn around and grin at the three of them. Kaminari points at me and starts yelling. "Huh?! That's not fair! How are you so strong?!" He exclaims.

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