It's time

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'I messed up', ' I messed up', 'why is this happening'. Those were the only thoughts in my head. Frantically running, looking around and seeing nothing. Streets covered in sand, decaying buildings. 'this must be the sand zone'. My legs ached from the continuous running.

'That bastard, why did he bring me here'. Just as I finished the thought I hear a rustle behind me. Quickly turning around I brace my hands in front of my face. Something hit me and it threw me back a couple of feet but, somehow, I managed to stay on my feet. ''Seems like you didn't forget what I taught you''. His voice rang out. But I couldn't pinpoint the location.

The sand was constantly hitting me in the face and obscuring my vision. 'guess I'll have to rely on my hearing' ''Why did you come back?'' My question carried on through the sandstorm. ''Can't I come see my son?'' He was mocking me. It was as if his voice was coming from all around me. 'damn his quirk'

''It seems like you didn't understand my question''. My voice cold, my eyes narrowed. ''All these years, you were alive'', I look around. ''Why now? Why not sooner?'' He let out a loud laugh. ''You know why, you killed me because of it''. At his words my blood ran cold. ''Y-you, no, I destroyed everything, your subjects are all dead!'' My desperate cries echoed. ''I made sure of that!''.

''Not every subject is dead''. That came from next to me. Dread filled me. ''Why do you think I had you?''. I couldn't move. 'this can't be real' ''You, I'm your son, how co-''. I didn't get to finish my sentence because I was suddenly hit from the side. 'shit' Staggering a few feet away, I reach for my side. Feeling a thick liquid, I grimace. I bring hand in front of my face. 'blood'.

Holding my right side tightly with my right arm, I reach for my steel bat with my left. ''That's exactly why I did what I did''. Turning my eyes to the left I finally get a good look at him. Standing tall in a dark suit, dark blond hair and eyes so painfully similar to mine. ''I did it to make you stronger, to keep you safe''. His eyes turn soft and his smile turns sad.

''DON'T ACT AS IF YOU DID IT FOR ME''. Finally my fuse broke, my once cold eyes turn fiery and full with rage. ''Protect me?!'' I spit out. ''Don't joke with me!'' His eyes narrow. ''You killed my mother! Was that also to protect me?'' He shakes his head. And takes a step towards me. I instinctively take a step backwards, the grip on my bat tightens. ''That woman was an obstacle which needed to be removed''. He takes another step towards me. ''If she was still in the picture, it would have been harder for me to bring you to my side''. 'he's got to be fucking joking'.

''Your side? Don't fuck with me, as if I would ever do that!''. He lets out a laugh. ''You've got quite a tongue on you''. My face twists in a frown. ''I don't care what you have to say, you killed my mother, and you're going to pay for that!'' I point my bat at him. ''I think it's time we ended this, once and for all''. He grins and pulls his hands out of his pockets. ''I guess this is what they call a 'heartwarming family reunion' don't you think so?''.

Just as he was about to dash towards me, a figure appeared before him. ' it's the fucking purple mist guy' ''Genzai, we need to go''. My father turns towards him in annoyance. ''I'm not done yet''. The mist guy turns towards me. ''We'll just bring him with us''. My father sneers. ''That wasn't part of the plan Kurogiri, I was supposed to bring him back''. 'Kurogiri' turns back towards him. ''He wasn't planned at all, the only reason we let you to him was because you said he was important, so let's grab him and let's meet up with the others, one kid escaped and is going to contact the heroes, we need to move''.

Before I could come up with an escape plan, I was, yet again swallowed by purple mist.

Opening my eyes, I was met with a sight I was hoping I will never see. Aizawa-sensei on the ground bleeding, with some kind of fucking monster on top of him, and he wasn't moving. ''AIZAWA-SENSEI!''. Hearing my yell, he opens his eyes, but just as he was about to say something, the monster grabbed his head and slammed him into the ground. ''No, no, this can't be happening''. As I'm about to run towards Aizawa-sensei, my father grabbed me by the shoulder. ''Oh it's happening, and you're in the middle of it''.

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