Depending on someone

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AN: Hello! It's been a long time since I last updated this! It must be a surprise to see I've posted a new chapter. Thank you all for waiting so patiently for me! I decided I would be continuing this fanfic!
This chapter may be a little different than the ones before, since this won't be in first person. There is another story I'm writing and I got used to writing in third person, so this one will be taking the same path.
I've also changed up the style of my writing and I hope you like it.

Without further ado, let the story continue!

Arashi blinked his eyes open and was met with the harsh rays of light. The body on his left side shifted and moved closer to him, effectively throwing an arm over his waist. Arashi sighed and turned to the boy next to him. His ash-blond hair was disheveled and sticking to the side. He scrunched his brows and nuzzled his head closer. Arashi internally cooed at the scene.

Not wanting to wake him up, he gingerly took his arm in his hand and moved it away. In a moments time, he found himself under the, previously sleeping, boy. "What do you think you're doing?" His voice sounded deeper than normal since he just woke up. Arashi nervously grinned at the question.

"Uh... good morning?" Katsuki raised his brows, before leaning down.

"Morning". His lips settled on the other boy's forehead in an affectionate greeting. Arashi sighed and wrapped his arms around Katsuki's shoulders. "Did you sleep well?" Katsuki rested his forearms on each side of Arashi's head as he asked the question.

"As a baby". He snorted at the answer he got, before he rolled onto the side. Arashi sat up and ran his hands through his hair, trying, and failing, to pull the bangs back. They continuously fell into his eyes. "Damn it... I need a haircut". As an idea popped to his mind, he turned to the other boy with an excited grin on his face. "Go with me!" Katsuki blinked and looked at him.

"Huh? Where?" Arashi looked at him in an 'are you serious' way, before he plopped across his stomach. Katsuki let out an 'oof' as the weight settled on him.

"To cut my hair?" Katsuki raised his head to look at him and tilted it to the side. He reached a hand forward and took a strand of hair into his palm.

"It's not bad? Why do you wanna cut it?" He asked, making Arashi huff in reply.

"Becauseee!", he whined, dramatically letting his head drop down, "It keeps getting into my eyes and it stings!" Katsuki bit back a laugh, but it was too late, Arashi had noticed. "Are you seriously laughing at my misfortune? Lucky you! Your hair spikes up no matter the length!" Katsuki sat up, making Arashi roll onto his thighs.

Arashi pouted as he stared at the ceiling... His back hurt. "Okay, I'll go with you". He looked up at he spiky-haired boy and felt an inexplicable fondness fill him up.

With the grin ever-present on his face, he sat up and wrapped his arms around Katsuki, consequentially making him fall onto the bed. "Thank you! I love youuu!" He tightened his grip on him and felt arms wrap around his middle.

"You're welcome". He nuzzled his face into the side of Arashi's neck. The said boy pulled back with a smile.

"When can we go?" He took Katsuki's hands in his own and excitedly shook them up and down. The ash-blond boy nodded.

"The next weekend?". Arashi threw his hands in the air in happiness, before he looked at the clock on the wall. He hurriedly jumped off the bed and went towards the closet, taking his shirt off in the process.

"Go get dressed, school starts soon". He told the other boy, who sighed in reply.

"Can't I watch you get undressed?" Arashi's eyes narrowed to a glare and he threw the shirt at him.

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