Old friends

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The days passed by, and so the day of the exam finally came.

Class 1A was in front of the National Dagoba Arena. "If you can pass this test and get your provisional licenses, then you novice eggs will become chicks... you'll hatch into semi-pros... do your best". Aizawa told us. Wow, speech 100. "All right! I'll become a chick!" Kaminari exclaimed, fist raised in the air. "Let's call out the usual! Ready, set-". Kirishima added. "Plus... Ultra!" He yelled out at the same time some guy from behind us did.

"You shouldn't just barge in on other people's huddles, Inasa". Some other guy with a police-like hat with a giant S in the middle said. Inasa? What? "Oh no, I am very, extremely, sorry!" The guy yelled as he slammed his head into the ground. "What the actual fuck?" I unconsciously exclaim, baffled beyond reason. "You can say that again". Katsuki scoffs from the side. "Wait, that uniform". Jiro suddenly said. "U.A. from the east, Shiketsu in the west...". Katsuki added. Shiketsu? Sounds familiar. The guy started saying how he was honored to be able to compete against U.A.

"Yoarashi Inasa". Aizawa suddenly said. "Sensei, you know him?" Ashido asked. "He's... strong, he was on top of the recommended students last year, but for some reason, he turned down the acceptance". Top of the recommended? Why would he turn down the acceptance? "He's strong eh? Can't wait!" Slamming my fist into my palm, sparks dart around. "Calm down, Genzai". Aizawa warns me as he glares. Crossing my arms, I turn to the side with a scoff.

I wonder what his Quirk is. Out of nowhere, this green-haired woman appeared and asked Aizawa to marry her. When he declined she started laughing. Izuku said that she was The Smile Hero: Ms. Joke. "If you're here, that means...". Aizawa trailed off and the woman gestured behind her. "That's right. Come here, everyone!" She yelled. A group of students appeared behind her. "Ketsubutsu Academy, second years, Class 2! They're my class. Please be kind". Ms. Joke finished.

The boy in front was... "Huh?! You?!" I exclaim and point a finger in his direction. His brows furrow before his eyes settle on me. "What?!" He yells back, also pointing at me. We glare at each other, before a grin appears on his face and he prances over to me. He grabbed my by the hands, raised them up and let out a laugh. "It's been so long since I've last seen you!" He exclaimed. Turning my head to the side, I let out a sigh. "Should've been longer". Hearing me whisper those words, he snorts and playfully slaps my shoulder. "Don't be like that!" He cheerily says.

He proceeded to drag me to my class. "This is Shindo Yo, don't let his smiley face fool you, he's rotten to the core". I present Yo to my class. He playfully glares at me and immediately grabs Izuku by his hands. "I'm Shindo! U.A. had trouble after trouble this year, so it must've been tough!" He exclaims. Before Izuku can answer, Yo grabs Kaminari by the hands. "Even so, you're all aiming to be heroes like this, huh?" He asks and moves over to Jiro. "That's wonderful!"

He takes a step forward and raises a fist in the air. "A heart of fortitude is what I believe all heroes should have from now on!" He winks and sparkles appear around him. "Oh my God, here we go again". I face-palm. He turns to Katsuki. "From among you, there's Bakugo, who experienced being the center of the Camino incident". Katsuki glared at him. "You have an especially strong heart, today, I'll do my best while learning from you!" He reaches a hand to Katsuki, but he just slaps it away. "Stop pretending. What you're saying doesn't match the look on your face!" He sneers at Yo and turns to the side. A dark look flashes across Yo's face. There it is.

"Hey! Stop being so rude!" Kirishima yells from the side, before turning to Yo. "Sorry for his rudeness...". He awkwardly scratches the back of his head. Yo immediately starts talking. "It's okay! It just proves how strong his hear is". He continues spewing his nonsense about 'strong hearts'. "Yo, just back off". I wave him off, sending him a warning look. He sends a grin my way and Katsuki glares harder at him, moving closer to me.

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