A mouse bites when cornered

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A few days had passed since that night and everything went as normal... Until that day came.


"About the hero work studies that are like a more serious version of the internships, where you go to where pro heroes work and help them... We talked about them at our faculty meeting yesterday, and almost all the teachers, including the principal, thought you shouldn't do it". Aizawa deadpanned and an immediate uproar resounded through the classroom.

"What?!" Everyone had asked out loud.

"After we had that big meeting about it?" Kirishima whined.

"But thinking about why we ended up in the dorms, I guess that makes sense...". Said Kaminari while playing with Ojiro's tail.

"Serves you right!" Katsuki slammed his hands on the desk and Arashi dropped his head on his own desk in exasperation. He turned around and glanced at the ash-blond boy.

"Please don't be so loud now, my head hurts". Katsuki furrowed his brows and slowly sat back down, not taking his eyes off the raven-haired boy. Arashi noticed the questioning look in his eyes and shook his head. "It's not that bad...". Katsuki didn't look like he believed him.

"But some think we won't be able to raise strong heroes with our current policies, so we came to the decision that first years will only be allowed to go to agencies with a good track record of accepting work study students". Aizawa had spoke up, interrupting whatever Arashi was about to say to Katsuki.

A tick mark appeared on Katsuki's forehead at their sensei's words. Arashi sighed and turned to face the board. A moment later, a pretty loud 'Damn it!' echoed from behind him and he let out a groan, slamming his forehead onto the table.


School passed quickly after that and Arashi couldn't wait to get back to the dorms, his headaches weren't getting better. Hurriedly arriving to his room, he slammed the door open, before closing it behind himself. He threw his backpack onto the bed and started rummaging through his bedside tables. After successfully finding a packet of pretty strong pain relief pills, he dry swallowed one.

After that, he plopped down on the bed and promptly passed out.


And so... time passed even faster and then came the weekend. Ashido had grabbed Arashi the day before and pulled him to her room. She told him it was time for a new haircut, and Arashi kind of regretted everything in that moment. It didn't take long, maybe twenty minutes or so, but the result was worth it.

Arashi didn't think she would do that great of a job, but he was pleasantly surprised at the end.

"You're a miracle worker, what the hell?" He leaned closer to the mirror and picked at his, now, shorter hair. The bangs didn't get into his eyes anymore, and the hair on the nape of his neck was also shortened. "Thank you!" He turned to Ashido with an excited look on his face and she matched his grin.

"Bakugo is gonna be real happy with this, don't you think?" Arashi froze and his grin turned a bit forced.

"Huh?" He exclaimed, but Ashido's grin just widened in return.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me!" She gave him a thumbs up and he nervously blinked.

"Um... How did you...?" He trailed off, not able to finish the question, but, thankfully, she understood what he wanted to say.

"Well... Remember that day I was supposed to cut your hair? Yeah... You didn't show up, so I went to search for you, and when I knocked on your door you didn't open, so I checked to see if it was locked, and lucky me, it was... So, there were you two, all cuddled up on the bed...". She explained and scratched her cheek. "Sorry...". Arashi wasn't mad... Not at all... Really... He wasn't...

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