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The metal bat slips from my fingers, falling to the ground with a distinctive clank. "You...". I trail off, whispering. "Huh? Genzai? Did you say something?" He calls after me. "You... how dare you". Turning around, I take a step towards him. "How dare you say that!". I raise my head and shout at him. His eyes widen and he takes a step back. "Wait, Genzai! I didn't mean it like that!". He furiously shakes his head and raises his arms. It feels hard to breathe. The desert sand around was hitting me in the eyes, so I closed them. But I don't need to see, I don't need to hear, I don't need to feel.

The sky above our heads darkened and clouds appeared. The wind around us stopped and the sand fell to the ground.

I hear Aizawa's yelling from the mic in my ear, but I can't quite make out the words. My arm raises to the sky, I feel the so familiar cold feeling running from my shoulder down to the palm of my hand. The coldness not so unwelcome this time around. I open my eyes and trail them up my arm, up the glowing veins. Once they reached my palm, the shot up into the sky.

"Shirudo... prepare to feel... pain". Once those words left my mouth, the sky opened up and a beam appeared over Shirudo. He raised both his arms over his head, pointed at the sky, in an attempt to deflect whatever I was about to throw at him. I knew there was no point in trying and by the look on his face, he also knew.

A lightning the size of a building appeared over him and with the speed light, it descended on him. The moment it touched the palm of his hands, it... disappeared? What? How? No... No! Just as I started raising my hand to the sky, a hand from behind me grabbed me by the wrist. "Genzai!" Someone yelled next to my ear. Struggling to rip my hand from their clutches, I turn my head to look at the person. Aizawa...? "Why are you here?" I bite out the words. "Genzai!" He yells again, this time turning me around to face him. "What?!" I yell back in annoyance.

"Do you realize what you were about to do?" He whispered, his brows furrowed. What I was about to... do? I don't... Oh... no. My eyes widen and a chill runs down my spine.. I look up at Aizawa in panic. "Sensei...". I trail off, my voice breaking. "No... no, no, no!" I struggle to get free and he releases my hand. Without the support of him holding me up, I fall to the ground on my knees. My chest painfully constricts and I grab the space above it. "Sensei... I-I didn't mean to, I just-". Before I could continue, a violent shudder runs through my body, cutting of my words.

"Arashi, hey, hey, shh, listen, it's okay, nothing happened, alright?" Aizawa's comforting words snap me out of my thoughts. "Just breathe, okay?" He crouched in front of me and placed his hand on my shoulder, gripping slightly. After a few minutes, I calmed down enough to stand up, albeit on shaky legs. "I'm fine, sensei". I tell him as I take a step back. "Thank you". I thank him as I bow. Turning around, I see Shirudo still in the same spot as before. I walk over to him and when I'm about 5 feet away, I also bow to him. "I'm sorry for what I was about to do, it was unacceptable".

Shirudo bowed back to me. "It was my fault, I provoked you, I am also sorry".


I walked to the observing room with Aizawa. From that room, I could see all the matched that were happening. Realizing that, I frantically turn to Aizawa. "The moment the sky darkened, the signal was cut off and nobody could see what was going on, presumably because of the huge interference by your quirk, at that moment I knew something was wrong and I hurriedly ran there". He explained. I let out a sigh of relief and sit down on a chair that was close to the screen to observe the next match. Katsuki and Midoriya vs All Might.

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