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Katsuki, upon reaching a few feet away from me, went for a right hook, while his left arm propelled him faster towards me. Dodging under his extended arm, I get behind him. Quickly turning around, he blocked my knee and swung his elbow up, effectively hitting me in the jaw. My head whipped backwards and my back met the dirt.

Dashing to me, he pushes me into the dirt with his foot. His red eyes shinning. Reaching my hand to his leg, I grip him under the knee and let out a surge of lightning. Cursing, he takes his leg off and moves away from me. Not looking away from him, I use my hands to push off of the dirt. Taking a closer look, he wasn't moving, but his leg, which I shocked, was twitching.

Grinning, I straighten and stand still. Noticing I'm not moving, his eyes narrow and he starts walking towards me. When he was about 10 feet away from me, he suddenly accelerates and jumping in the air, descends upon me with his blasts. Rolling to the side, I avoid his blast, but he singes the side of my shirt.

"Is that all?" He lets out a grin, his tone mocking. "Come at me! Fight!" He yells out. Raising my head, I lower my hand to the ground and let out my quirk. Lightning surges towards him through the ground. His eyes widen in surprise and he tries to dodge, but his leg gets caught and it quickly goes up his body, successfully shocking him. He lets out a grunt and falls to one knee, barely holding himself up with his arms.

"How about now?" I question, my blue eyes reflecting my quirk. Lightning was zapping around my body, appearing and disappearing after each second. "WHAT A TURN OF EVENTS!" Present Mic shouts in the background, but I tune out everything, everything except Katsuki.

He was panting, his body shaking from the shock, his eyes glinting in, what seemed, determination. He straightens up and clenches his fist. "That's more like it". Grunting out, he dashes towards me. Taken by surprise, I'm knocked to the ground by his full body strength. Gripping my arms, he forces them next to my head, trapping me under him. Just as I'm about to use my quirk, I feel his palms grow hot.

"Don't even think about it". He whispers, slightly panting. I let out a smirk. "Isn't it too early for you to be panting? Katsuki?" I tease. His brows furrow, but he stays silent. Letting out a sigh, I move my head to the side to take a closer look at my hands. Sensing my movement, his grip only tightens further. "You're not going anywhere". He declares in triumph. Moving my head back, I trail my eyes over him. From his arms, shoulders, jaw, to his eyes.

"Are you sure about that?" I inquire. Blinking in confusion, he starts. "What ar-". Not letting him finish, I release a wave of lightning from my body. The force of the blast knocks him away, almost out of the ring. That went well. The moment I thought that, a sharp pain runs through my head. Seriously? "Oh give me a break!" I yell out, grabbing the side of my head.

"What the fuck!?" Katsuki curses. Forcing my eyes open I look towards him. His clothes were singed, smoking in some places. His hair a mess and his face dirty. Noticing my discomfort, his expression turns worried. "Are you ok-". Before he could get the words out, I charge my legs and quickly leap at him. Swinging my leg, I aim for the side of his head. Quickly, he raises his arm to the side of his head, narrowly blocking my hit.

"Shut up! You're the one that said fight! Now fight!" I growl the words at him. He moves away from me and stops. His hand twitches and an explosion erupts. Raising his head, he looks me straight in the eye and grits his teeth. "Fine". He exclaims.

Katsuki places his open palms behind him and, using his quirk, is propelled towards me at an incredible speed. I point my open palm at him and let out a lightning blast. The lightning started accelerating and zapping left and right, until ultimately hitting him.

The blast sent him away, but not before he released a blast of his own, which hit me in the side. The both of us went flying away and we hit the ground with a prominent thud. I should have seen that coming. I looked up and the sky darkened in an instant. Light rain started drizzling down upon my face, the drops were a cold feeling on my body, my body let out a shiver.

The light rain turned into a heavy downpour in what seemed like an instant. I quickly get up, but hearing footsteps made me look up. A fist went flying towards my face, moving my head to the side, I narrowly dodge it. Katsuki moved away from me, but before he could get far enough, I grab him by the shoulder and push with all my might.

I manage to push him down, but his leg gets caught up in mine, making me lose balance and fall down next to him. Leaping to my hands and knees, I try to take a grab at him, but he rolls to the side. Springing to me, he grabs me by the neck, effectively bringing me down into the wet ground. He was now kneeling above me, his forearm across my neck, forcing me into the ground and his other one hovering at my side, explosions ready.

"You're done for! Give up!" He demands, his voice raspy from all the shouting. A grin appears on my face. "What are you grinning about!?" I let out a chuckle. "Oh nothing, it's just that water is a great conductor". His eyes widen. My grin grows. "And you're all wet". The moment those words left my lips, Katsuki let's go of me, but before he could get up, I reach my hand and grab his side.

Sparks start zapping around me, traveling through my arm, to my hand, down my palm and straight into Katsuki. The shock made his muscles spasm violently. Roughly grabbing my hand at his side, he lets out an explosion which hits both me and him. The blast distracted me from using my quirk, which gave him enough time to get away from me.

The rain was pelting down upon us, slightly obscuring my vision, my bangs fall over my eyes. I push my hair away, slicking it back. We were now facing each other, just a few feet between us. As I prepare my quirk, charging my legs, I feel a familiar throb in my head. My vision turns blurry and my body sways. Not this shit again, come on, not now. Hissing in pain, I grab my head. Why does my body feel heavy?

I notice Katsuki charging at me, his hands outstretched. I point my free hand at him. Forcibly charging my arm, I ignore the pain that's tearing through it. I must do this. When our quirks were about to clash, my vision goes dark and my body loses its strength.

The last thing I hear before the so familiar blackness consumes me is Katsuki's outraged yell. I fall unconscious before I even hit the ground.

Lightning Strike ||Bakugou Katsuki|| (bxb)Where stories live. Discover now