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"Arashi!" A yell from downstairs interrupted my sleep. "Huh?" Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I get up from the bed and, still in my pajamas, head down. Stifling a yawn, I head to the living room. Aizawa-sensei was sitting on the couch, with a laptop on the table. "What time is it?" I ask as I plop down onto the couch next to him. Aizawa-sensei looks at the laptop. "Half past 8". What? "Huh!? It's Sunday! Why am I awake?"

"I have something important to talk to you about". The seriousness in his voice made me freeze. Pulling my legs up the couch, I settle in a comfortable position. "About what?" I barely managed to get the words out, already dreading the answer. Aizawa-sensei takes a deep breath and closes the laptop. "It's about your internship". Even though it felt like there was something else, I didn't question it. "What about it?"

"You got a lot of offers, but I have a recommendation to make". Aizawa-sensei fully turns to me. "Since your quirk is unstable, I need you to train more with it, but you will need help. I can't help you with that, but I know who can". That took my interest. "Where and who?" I inquire. "Hosu City, Tokyo, and his name is Shirudo Sorasu, but you may know him as the hero Ricochet". Ricochet? "Wait, isn't he retired?" That genuinely surprised me, he was a well known hero who had a quirk named Deflect. It can deflect attacks based on their power level, the more power the user uses, the stronger the attack it can deflect, it can also fire the attack back at them with more or less power, also based on how much power the user uses.

"He is, I asked him if he could help you out, at first he declined, but after hearing your name he accepted". Hearing my name? "He knows who I am?" Confusion floods my senses. Something is wrong. "He knows your last name very well". Aizawa-sensei admits. "" Now I'm even more confused. "Yeah...he used to work with your father". The moment those words left his lips, a sudden feeling washed over me. Dread? Confusion?...Hate?

"Are you fucking kidding me?" The words left my lips before I could think. "You want to send me off to him? What makes you think he wasn't involved?" Enraged, I jump to my feet. "What makes you thing he wasn't helping him? That he wasn't experimenting on me?!" There was a familiar feeling in my core, sparks accumulating, but before they could emerge, they vanished. Blinking my eyes, I look around me. Huh? The pillows on the couch were on the floor, the table was flipped and cracked and Aizawa-sensei was on full alert in the corner of the room, his quirk active.

"W-what?" Bewildered, I take a step back. Aizawa-sensei took a step forward, his quirk still active. Feeling a slight burn in my arm, I look down. What I saw made my blood run cold. Light blue veins were quickly fading. Taking another step back, I grip my arm with my other hand. "S-sensei? What is happening to me?" I feel my throat constrict and my voice breaks. Aizawa-sensei turns off his quirk and walks over to me.

Before I even realized what was happening, Aizawa-sensei pulled me into a hug, my forehead on his shoulder. "We will fix this, I promise you". Those words, he uttered them with such conviction. Not trusting myself to keep my quirk under control, I don't hug him back. "Okay, you better keep that promise". Aizawa-sensei pulls me on the couch with him, sits down and places my head on his leg.

Aizawa-sensei is like a father I never had, a father I always wanted.

"Believe me, Shirudo is trustworthy". Aizawa-sensei reassured me, gently running his fingers through my hair. I could only nod. "When will I be leaving?" I mutter into the fabric of his pants. His hand stops moving, but stays in my hair. "I will give him your answer today, everyone leaves tomorrow". Closing my eyes I fall into slumber.


Ring! Ring! Ring!

"Arashi! Can you get the door!?" Aizawa-sensei yelled from the kitchen. Begrudgingly getting up from the couch, the moment I straightened up my back popped. "Definitely shouldn't have slept on the couch". Dragging my feet to the front door, I raise my hands over my head and proceed to further pop my back.

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