First day on the job

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A sudden pinch on his cheek woke him up. He whined and pushed at the hand. "Stoppp". He hissed out, but the other hand didn't move away.

"Get up". The pinching grew harsher and Arashi flicked the other boy's wrist away.

"No...". He mumbled and turned away from him, pulling the covers over his head. Sadly, the covers were soon taken away from him. "Ugh!" He groaned out and sat up, facing the other boy with an annoyed expression on his face. "What?" He asked, but the blond just shrugged his shoulders.

"Nothing". Arashi squinted his eyes in suspicion, but said nothing in return. He sighed and leaned forward, wrapping his arms around the spiky-haired boy.

They plopped back onto the bed and Arashi tightened his hold. "Tell me, what is it?" He inquired, but Katsuki just hummed at the question. "Is it about last night?" Arashi leaned back to look at him and the shift in his expression told him he had hit the jackpot. "So it is about last night? What's wrong? Did I hurt you?" Katsuki furrowed his brows at that.

"Hurt me? You'd never do that". Arashi breathed out a sigh in relief.

"That's good then, I was worried for a moment". He trailed his hand over the other boy's skin, counting all the birthmarks he ran into. He glanced back at him and found that he was already looking at him. "What?" He asked and Katsuki shook his head.

"Nothing...". Arashi's lips curled up and he leaned down to him. His lips brushed the side of his neck and went up to his cheek. Katsuki raised his hand and placed it on the back of Arashi's neck. Before the said boy could react, Katsuki pulled him forward and slammed their lips together. Their bodies intertwined and they rolled around on the bed, occasional laughter escaping them.

Katsuki ended up on top of him, a grin on his face. Arashi closed his eyes in comfort. He didn't wish to move from this spot. He didn't want to leave the bed ever again. This is where he felt most comfortable... With Katsuki by his side... But, of course, the alarm had to start ringing in that exact moment. Arashi sat up with a scoff leaving his lips and Katsuki snorted at him.

"What perfect timing". Arashi sarcastically said and crawled over to the side of the bed to turn it off. He promptly plopped onto his stomach and sighed out.

Cold skin touched his own and he shivered as it trailed down his spine. "Katsukiii, not fair". He whined and turned around. The said boy was blankly staring at him.

"What?" He deadpanned, but Arashi could see the amusement in his eyes. He sat up and got off the bed, turning his back to the other boy.

"I'm gonna take a bath, feel free to join me if you wish so". He threw a wink towards the blond and disappeared inside the bathroom. Katsuki got up with a grin on his face and followed after him.


Since it was the weekend, Arashi really didn't know what to do. He had thought about the Hero Work Studies, but he knew he couldn't go to Shirudo again, since he needed to go to an agency with a good track record. Maybe he should ask Aizawa if he had any recommendations? He stuffed his hands inside his pockets and exited the dorms. Aizawa was probably at school, even on a weekend.

Thank god the school was a literal less-than-a-5-minute walk from the dorms.

He entered the school and walked to the staff office, there he found Aizawa sitting on a chair, blankly staring at the screen of his computer. "Aizawa-sensei, I need to speak with you". The said man glanced to the side and looked at him.

"I can only imagine what you would need of me". He deadpanned and Arashi almost laughed at the tone he used. He came closer to the man and took a seat on an empty chair next to him.

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