The reveal

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Genzai Arashi vs Iida Tenya was written on the big screen. I look at Iida, but he was already looking at me, unwavering and confident. I can't wait to wipe that look off of his face. I throw a smirk his way. Getting up from my seat, I head down to the stage. As I was going down the stairs, I see Katsuki. Seriously? I shove my hands in my pockets and walk pass him, not saying a word. Right before I went to the stage, someone grabbed my arm.

Turning back around, I'm met with ruby orbs. His eyes always showed anger and confidence, always narrowed. Now they held confusion and question in them. "Why?" His voice so quiet, it was almost a whisper. His grip tightens. I take my hand, one which wasn't grabbed, out of my pocket and grab him by the collar of his shirt. Pulling him close, I hear him take a sharp intake of breath. Leaning my face next to his ear I whisper. "Because that's who I am".

Moving my body away, he lets me go. I turn away without a word and leave out to the stage. I didn't notice the look on his face, him bitting his lip. Walking through the exit, I'm met with a bright light and loud cheering. Iida was already waiting at the other end of the stage. I walk over the line and stop. "Both participants are here! Let the match begin!" Midnight yelled out.

The moment she pulled her hand down, Iida fired of his quirk, and dashed straight towards me. Silently dodging to the side, I crouch down. He whips back around and, using his legs, sweeps under me at an incredible speed. I jump up channeling my quirk through my legs, I kick him in the shoulder, knocking him off balance. He jumps back and stops. For a few moments we just stare at each other.

Deciding he was going to end this he, once again, dashes towards me. I place my open palms onto the ground and send shock waves through the ground towards him. Noticing this, he jumps up to avoid getting shocked and doesn't notice me. The moment I sent the waves through the ground I dashed towards him. While he was in the air I jump towards him.

I pull my arm back and charge it with my quirk, lightning crackling around my right arm. Not having enough time to dodge, he is hit straight in the chest, which manages to slam him into the ground beneath us. Once the dust settled, I was shown standing over an unmoving Iida. "Iida Tenya is unconscious, Genzai Arashi win-" Before Midnight could finish her sentence, I notice Iida getting up, his legs shaking.

"Give up". I narrow my eyes at him. He shakes his head. "No". My eyes widen and a grin graces my features. "So be it". I take a couple of steps back and close my eyes. I focus on the feeling of my quirk and I feel it crackle around my body. "You asked for it". I declare and release my quirk.

The shock wave covered the whole stage, it glowed in a brilliant royal blue. The lightning started jumping around me, appearing and disappearing left and right. "WHOA WHAT IS HAPPENING? WHAT A DISPLAY OF POWER FROM GENZAI!" Present Mic shouted. The sparks start disappearing. Once every trace of my quirk disappeared from the stage, Iida was lying in the middle of the stage, now clearly unconscious. A sharp pain runs through my head and I take a wobbly step back.

"Iida Tenya is unconscious, Genzai Arashi wins!" The crowd cheers, but the cheering makes my head throb. What is happening? The world starts spinning and I blacked out before I even hit the ground.

You're my greatest masterpiece!

I shoot up straight. I immediately regret doing that because a sharp pain travels through my head. "Fuck!" I shout as I grab my head. Someone clicks their tongue a few feet away from me. "Now, now, young man, there will be no cursing here". I look in the direction of the voice and see Recovery Girl sitting on a chair. "My bad". I apologize.

"What happened to me?" I ask in confusion. She turns her chair to me. "You overused your quirk and you passed out". She replies. I tilt my head. "This never happened to me". Her eyes narrow. "Young man, human bodies aren't capable of handling quirks at their 100%!" She scolds me. "How long was I out?" I move my sheet and prepare to get up. "About an had visitors".

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