First Day

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It seemed as if though the night passed by too fast. I dreaded waking up, knowing I have to go to U.A. 'So annoying'. Getting out of my bed I get dressed into the official school uniform. Leaving the jacket open, I look in the mirror. 'This tie is ugly'. Taking off the tie I unbutton the first button of the dress shirt. 'Whew it's easier to breathe like this'. Grabbing my black shoes and my black bag I leave the room.

Not bothering to say anything to mother, or to eat 'I'll buy something at school' I leave the house. The walk to the school was a short one so I jogged for a while 'Nothing feels good like morning jogging'. Reaching the school gates I stop. Looking up at the school I scoff. Walking through the gates I hear a yelp. Snapping my eyes towards the noise I see 'Deku' floating above the ground and a girl laughing beside him.

'How can she be so happy and bubbly so early?'. Walking pass them I hear 'Deku' apologizing to the girl. I shake my head and enter the school. Looking at my paper I see that I'm in class 1-A. Looking around the school I decide that if I'm late it won't really matter. After a few minutes of exploring the school grounds I reach my classroom. Looking at the large doors of the classroom I open up the door.

When I opened the door everyone stopped talking and looked at me. Stuffing my hands into my pockets I look at the paper and check where I'm supposed to sit. Finding my seat number I walk over to it. Sitting down I look around the class and spot 'Deku' and the happy girl. I look behind me to see a familiar looking blond. 'You're kidding me'. I groan loudly. His feet are up on the desk and upon hearing my groan his eyes snap onto me.

Upon seeing me his face contorts in anger and his feet slam onto the ground. Leaning forward I see his mouth about to open up but he is interrupted. Suddenly a blue-haired boy with weird eyebrows appears in front of him. "I see you've put your feet onto the table, have you no respect for the people who built that desk?". My brows furrow and my eyes narrow. 'Kacchans' head snaps to the blue-haired boy. "HA! Does it look like I care? Who the fuck are you!?". The blue-haired boy scoffs and replies. "My name is Tenya Iida, I went to Soumei Junior".

'Kacchans' face contorts and he yells. "HA! A damn elite! Like I'm going to do what you say!". The blue-haired boy turns toward me and his eyes trail over my form. "You are not wearing the uniform like you are supposed to, you are breaking the rules of this school". I look at him in annoyance. "Go away you fuck, I don't care, I didn't like how it looked so I changed it". The boy was about to say something but the door opened and our eyes snapped to the entrance.

A yellow sleeping bag appeared. It started moving like a caterpillar, crawling towards the middle of the room. It unzipped, and a mans face appeared. He looked bored and tired. The class seemed to finally notice the man. "It took you all 8 seconds to realize that I'm here". He said uninterested. "I am your homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shota, change into your P.E. gear and meet me outside". Saying that he turned around and crawled outside again.

After changing into P.E. gear we went outside and met with the teacher. "Today we are going to be doing a quirk apprehension test".

Aizawa turned towards the blond. "Bakugou Katsuki, how long was your ball throw back in middle school? Without your quirk?". 'Bakugou Katsuki huh? So that's his name'. Bakugou turned towards Aizawa, his hands in his pockets. "67 meters, why?". '67? Not bad'. "Try using your quirk this time". Replied Aizawa, stepping toward Bakugou and handing over a ball. Bakugou took the ball and turned towards the field.

He steps into position and movies his hand back. Hurling the ball forward he yells out "DIE!". An explosion occurs and the ball flies away, not visible anymore. Aizawa looks at his distance calculator and shows it to us. "705.2 meters, know your limit".

A couple of students yell out an excited 'that's fun' and 'this is gonna be so cool'. Aizawa turned towards them and said "Fun? You come here to master your quirks. If it's fun let's change it up a bit. The one who gets last place will be expelled".

This caused an uproar. "WHAT NO WAY", "THAT'S CRUEL". Aizawa turned towards us and said.

"Let's begin".

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