The Big Three

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Even though I tried to hurry to class, I still got there too late. Sliding the door in a rush, I wince as it slams open. There was silence, before a sigh is heard. "Genzai... you're late even though I told you to hurry". Aizawa deadpanned. As I opened my mouth to speak, he waved his hand. "Spare me the excuses, just get to your seat". Sending him an apologetic smile, I head on to my seat.

Walking over to my seat, I place my bag on the floor. Unexpectedly, it slips from my grasp and slams into the ground. The classroom, once more, echoed. Slowly looking at Aizawa, I see him staring directly at me with a murderous gaze. "Isn't it too early to contemplate murder, sensei?" Seems like that question was not needed to be asked, because, as soon as I asked it, his eyes flashed red for a moment and I regretted it immediately.

"It's never too early to contemplate murder". He said. Sheepishly scratching the back of my head, I smile. "Of course it isn't". He sighs at my answer and turns to the class. He started explaining how we are going to stay in the classroom today, and how we will have even harsher training in this semester that before. Asui raised her hand. "Can you explain what you meant with 'hero work studies' you mentioned at the opening ceremony?" She asked.

Hero work studies? No wonder I don't know, I wasn't at the opening ceremony. Aizawa started saying that they are simply hero activities outside of school, like the internships we did with the heroes, only closer to the real thing. He added that we will talk about that later on. "Sorry to keep you waiting, Mic". He said and the door slammed open. "First period is English, in other words, my time! It's been an age since I stood on this stage! Did you miss me bro?!" He started yelling and Aizawa exits the room.


Classes ended and all of us returned to the dorm.

Katsuki and Izuku were tasked with cleaning the dorm. Sero and Mineta were standing near Katsuki, in front of a window. Walking closer, I hear Mineta speak. "Hm? What's this dust, Bakugo?" Mineta asked, raising a finger, clearly covered with dust. Katsuki quickly shifts and points an accusing finger at them. "Deku was supposed to clean that. Stop messing around!" He snarls and turns to Izuku. "Hey, can't you even clean properly?!" He growls out at him.

Izuku was looking inside the trash bags and flinched when Katsuki yelled at him. "I-I'm sorry!" He quickly apologised, a frightened expression on his freckled face. Holding a hand up to stifle my laughs, I fail to do so. Bursting out laughing, I bend over, hands on my stomach. Furious, Katsuki turns my way. "Huh?! Why the fuck are you laughing?!" He started stalking over to me. Still laughing, I look around for something to shield me from his inevitable rage.

A wild Kirishima appears. "Kirishima! Help!" He turns just in time for me to jump at him. "W-What?!" He exclaims as I clamp over him. He looks over my shoulder and sees a fuming Katsuki. Seemingly, he connects the dots. Grabbing me, he turns on his heel and starts running. "Sorry, Bakugo!" He apologises. Raising a hand, I wave at Katsuki with a grin. He had an exasperated expression on his face.

As we disappeared around the corner, Kirishima stopped and let go of me. "What was that about?" He asked, clearly confused. Shaking my head, I snort. "Same old Katsuki, wanting to kill someone, nothing new". He laughs and puts a hand on his hip. "Are you two okay?" His sudden change in tone made me furrow my brows. "What do you mean?" He shifts nervously on his feet. "I mean, uh, well...". He starts stammering.

Crossing my arms in front of myself, I patiently wait for him to speak. "You didn't have a fight?" He finally spits out. The realisation dawned on me. I quickly wave him off. "Nope, besides, we've gotten even closer this morning". It took me 10 seconds and a furiously blushing Kirishima to realise what I just said. He clears his throat and turns away. "So, that's why you missed the opening ceremony". Furiously shaking my head, I start. "No, no, no! That's not what I meant! I meant we talked everything through!" The situation was no longer salvageable.

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