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Bakugo Katsuki... didn't pass.

An instant feeling of dread filled me up. It felt like it was a mistake. How could someone like him not pass? This was unreal. "You should rethink your abusive language. Words are important, you know". I heard Kaminari from behind me. Turning around, I'm met with a fuming Katsuki. "Shut up. I'll kill you". Katsuki growled out at Kaminari. Deciding it was best to interfere, I did just that.

"Katsuki, calm down". Placing a careful hand on his shoulder, I step in between him and Kaminari. He raised his head and looked at me. Underneath all that rage, there was... disappointment? He was disappointed. He clicked his teeth and turned away, shrugging off my hand. That act of rejection momentarily shocked me, making me freeze in place. Gritting my teeth, I force my legs to move and walk away, not turning back.

Then, the dude that supervised the exams said they were going to hand over our breakdown of scores and that we should look through them carefully. A guy walked over and gave me a piece of paper. There were various things written. The supervisor said that 50 was the passing score and I looked at the score on the corner of the page. 87. "Not bad". I whisper to myself. I overheard Yaoyorozu's score. 94. I guess she got the highest score.

The supervisor said that the ones who pass can act out in emergency situations as heroes would, but only in emergency situations. He then proceeded to say that the ones who didn't pass, can enter a 3-month program, and if they pass it, they will be given provisional licenses. Hearing that, I look at where Katsuki was. He had his hands in his pockets and was looking at the man. The disappointed look was still there, but not so intense anymore.


After that, we got our licenses and left for the bus. Boarding it, I walk over to the second to last seat and sit down. Since we were sitting in alphabetical order, Katsuki was supposed to sit down next to me, but when he got on the bus, he sat in the middle. "Oh, come on!" I growl out and get up, walking past a perplexed Izuku. Once I reached his seat, I grabbed the top of it and looked at him. "Spit it out". I demand. He was looking out of the window, acting like he didn't hear me. I glanced at Kirishima, who was next to him, and he seemed to understand, because he sat up.

Once he was gone, I plopped next to Katsuki. "Talk to me". This time, he didn't ignore me. He looked my way. "What do you want me to say?" He asked, almost in a whisper. I turned my body his way. "Everything? Just... please talk to me?" He took a deep breathe in and bit his lip, turning away. "Come to my room once we get back". And with that, he didn't speak to me for the rest of the ride.


The sun was still out once we reached the dorms. The sky was overflowing with different shades of orange and red. As soon as we got inside, I left to my room to take a quick shower and change into more comfortable clothes. Changing into a white sleeveless shirt and some gray sweatpants, I leave for Katsuki's room. On the way there, I bumped into Kirishima. "Oh, Genzai, what're you up to?" He asked with a grin, his sharp teeth on display.

"Going over to Katsuki". I simply answered. His grin faltered and then it disappeared. He raised his hand and scratched the back of his neck. "Uh, about that... you know when we watched a movie in your room?" He asked, a subtle blush appearing on his cheeks. I've got a bad feeling about this. Shifting from one leg to the other, I feel my heart skip a beat. "Yeah? What about it?" I try to sound as uninterested as possible.

"When the movie ended...". He trailed off and it started getting on my nerves. "Just spit it out already!" I yell out, making him jump. "I heard you two!" He confessed. I felt my heart stop. He was awake?! Fuck! Taking a small step back, I open my mouth to say something and then close it. "Oh". That was the only thing I could get out. Taking a closer look at Kirishima, I notice he looked very nervous.

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