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There was blood everywhere, on the floor, on the ceiling, on the walls. Looking at the sight made me want to throw up. And in the middle was a table. Covered in blood. What's worse is there seems to be a person on it. My breathing quickens. Forcing my legs forward I approach it. Almost slipping on all the blood I grab the nearest thing as to not fall. It was the table. Looking at the person I see they're still breathing. My eyes trail over their body. They are disfigured, broken, cut up. As I was reaching my hand forward I hear the door opening. Quicky trying to hide I slip on the blood. Falling down made a lot of noise. The footsteps came closer. Looking up I'm met with my father. His blue eyes shinning in the dark room. His brows pulled in a frown, confusion written all over his face. We continued to stare at each other. Then his mouth opened and in what seemed disappointment he said ''I thought I told you not go to down to the basement".

I screamed

''Ugh". I sat up. Rubbing my eyes I let a sigh escape my lips. 'Dammit, why now, after all this time'. Shaking my head to get rid of the thoughts I get up and go to get ready for school.

Going downstairs I'm met with my mother, cooking. 'What the hell, why is she cooking, shouldn't she be sleeping'. Shaking my head I leave the house, jogging towards the school.

Entering the classroom I went to my seat. As I sat down I feel something hitting my chair. Turning around in annoyance I glare at the culprit.

"What the fuck do you want?". Sneering at him I spit out. Glaring at me he replies. "I did tell you, you and I weren't done yet". 'You're kidding me'. Groaning I turn around.

Suddenly the door slams open. "I am here, walking in like a normal person". All Might walks in. The whole class explodes. ''NO WAY!'', "ALL MIGHT!?".

He grins and proceeds to say we we're going to have an exercise, fighting against one another. Hearing this I turn back to Bakugou. "Guess this is the chance to settle this". Saying this I smirk at him.

He turns his eyes at me and glares, huffing he replies."I'm looking forward to crushing you". Trailing my eyes up his face, my blue ones meet his red. "We'll see who's the one getting crushed".

Turning towards All Might once more I start listening to what he's saying. "The hero costumes which you designed are already in the school, follow me and I will lead you to them". Saying this All Might turned around and went outside the classroom. 'Finally, this is going to turn out great'. 

Following him to the changing room I see a box with my name on it. Opening it I put on the contents of the bag. Looking into the mirror I whistle 'Damn this looks good'. I was wearing a tight black tank top tucked into dark camo pants. Over my tank top I had a dark camo jacket that just goes over my hips. The dark camo pants were tucked into black army boots, and there was a steel bat strapped onto my jacket. After we got on our costumes we followed him to a room.

"This exercise will require teamwork, so there will be pairs", turning towards us with a bag, "Everyone grab one paper from this bag and those who grab the same letter will be on the same team, there will be a hero and a villain team", pausing he looks at us, "The hero team is tasked with protecting the weapon, if one person from the villain team touches the weapon they win, but if the hero team manages to tie up the villain team with this tape", he shows us the tape, "they win, or if the time runs out", he points to the clock which shows a timer. "Now, come take your letters".

When it was my turn to grab it I put my hand inside. Feeling a paper I pull out my hand. Opening my palm I see the letter 'I'. Turning towards my class I yell "Who's got 'I'?". A pink girl with horns puts her hand up. I walk towards her. "My name is Ashido Mina, what's your na-". I cut her off. "No need for introductions, this will be over soon". Turning away from her, not seeing her hurt expression I wait patently for my turn.

I got snapped out of my daydream by the pink girl, saying that's it's our turn. Turning toward her I see her pointing to a half red half white haired boy, there was no expression on his face. Next to him stands a boy with 6 arms. 'I hope this is going to be fun'. The pink girl turns towards me and says "You missed his round, he uses ice and he's pretty strong, so it would be good if we worked togeth-". Again not letting her finish I wave my hand. "Don't panic, I'm going to beat him, he's weaker than me".

The pink girl and I were the villain team and half and half boy with the 6 arm boy were the heroes. Waiting for them to go into position we stand in front of the door. After All Might yelled go we ran in. Almost immediately ice covered every floor effectively freezing our legs to the ground. Testing how strong it was I figured I was going to tear my foot if I wanted to go out. The pink girl tried using a weird liquid to melt it, it worked for a moment before it was also frozen.

Hearing footsteps I look from my feet up. My blue eyes met his mismatched ones. He was about to grab the tape to tie us up. Charging my legs with lightning the ice around them explode. His eyes widen and he gets into a defensive position. I jump from wall to wall, his eyes struggling to follow my form. Appearing before him I go for an uppercut, he creates an ice shield at the last moment. Jumping away from him I look at Mina, she was still struggling.

Not caring about her I focus my eyes back at Todoroki, he looks calm. Grabbing the steel bat from my back I swing it a bit, testing the weight. I charged my legs, but this time I also charged my arms and my bat. Once again jumping from wall to wall, my feet leaving holes in the wall, I charge at Todoroki. His eyes were struggling to follow me, but he couldn't. He swung his arm and a wall of ice appeared before him. Meeting his eyes I smirk. He looked confused.

Swinging my charged bat I slam it into the ice wall. For a second is seemed nothing happened. Then a crack was heard, then another. The whole wall cracked under my hit and disintegrated. It was like in slow-motion, his wall cracking, falling around us, me with my bat, still in the air swinging down, grinning at him from above. He took a step back, but I was faster.

Tackling him to the ground I straddle his hips. Swinging down at him I grin. He closes his eyes and prepares for the hit. When he feels nothing he opens his eyes. I'm still straddling him, but my bat is barely a hairs width away from him. I stand up and grab the tape. Grabbing his arms, I force them behind his back. Tying him up I walk away towards the room where the weapon was.

The guy with the 6 arms is standing in front of the weapon. Charging my legs I jump at him. 'He's big, and strong but he's slow'. I knock him out with my bat. Slowly walking towards the weapon I place my palm on it. The alarm rings and All Might shouts "THE VILLAINS WIN!". Stepping outside the building I meet up with the rest of the class. All Might pats my shoulders. "Nice work Genzai-shounen, you're definitely the MVP of this round, but next time try and save your teammates, not everything is up to you". Shrugging his hands of my shoulders I walk past him to lean on the wall. "Who needs weak teammates when I'm strong?".

Everyone turns to me. I look at them with a 'What?' expression. "He reminds me of Bakugou". Someone says. "OI FUCKERS, DON'T LUMP ME IN WITH HIM". Bakugou yells from across the room. "Yea don't lump me in with that firecracker moron". I agree. "WHAT DID YOU SAY YOU DICK?". Bakugou starts walking up to me. "I said you're a firecracker moron, are you also deaf?". I smirk back at him. "All right kids calm down, no swearing". All Might appears between us and holds us back with each hand.

"Hey teach, how about they battle?". Someone proposes. "YEAH! That would be interesting to see". One adds. "We still have time". Another one agrees. All Might looks defeated and nods. "All right, but don't go overboard, I'm looking at you Bakugou-shounen, after that stunt you pulled against Midoriya". Bakugou sneers and glares at me "Prepare to die". My eyes meet his "Looking forward to fucking you up, firecracker". His hands start producing explosions. I raise mine up and sparks start dancing around my palm "Really looking forward to it".

Who knew that interaction would later on bring something so much better.

Lightning Strike ||Bakugou Katsuki|| (bxb)Where stories live. Discover now