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Our first semester ended and summer vacation started. The training camp in the woods was about to start soon and I couldn't wait for it. On a normal day I planned to spend inside, I got a text from Midoriya. He invited me to join the class at school to use the pool for endurance training. Since I had nothing better to do, I accepted. Aizawa wasn't home, so I just sent him a text so he knows where I am.

Once I reached the school, I went to the locker room where Midoriya told me he will wait for me. Once I got inside, I saw that he wasn't alone. Kaminari and Mineta were there with him. "Oh! Genzai, you came!" Midoriya sounded surprised when he saw me enter the locker room. "Yeah, I did say I would come". Walking over to my locker, I quickly change into swim shorts. "Using the pool for endurance training, huh? What a great idea Mineta!" Midoriya told Mineta. Ohh, so this was Mineta's idea? Something doesn't make sense.

"If we're at school, then we can use our quirks, too! It's perfect for training!" Midoriya added while closing his locker. "We're in the hero course, you know". Kaminari and Mineta finger gunned at Midoriya. "Go beyond! Plus Ultra!" Mineta yelled and struck a pose alongside Kaminari. "Ultra!" Midoriya yelled and joined them, posing. Just as I was about to follow the excited duo of Kaminari and Mineta, who were already out of the door and running to the pool, Midoriya tapped my shoulder. "Uh, Genzai?" I turned around and saw he was fidgeting.

"What is it?" My question made him flinch a little. "Not to sound rude or anything... it's just... are you comfortable with showing so much skin?" His question confused me and I think it showed on my face. He quickly spoke up. "I meant...". He trailed off and nodded towards my side. Oh. I looked at the scar on my side. It healed quite nicely, but it is still much lighter than my skin tone. I sent a small smile his way. "Don't worry, it don't really care that much about it, anyway". I reached my hand and patted his head. "Thank you for your concern, Midoriya". His eyes widen, but he grins.

As we exited the locker room, I had a thought. "By the way, Midoriya?" I called out and he stopped, turning around. "Yes?" He asked unsure. "Can I call you Izuku?" I asked. "S-Sure". He stuttered and scratched his neck. I furrow my brows. "If you're not comfortable with it, I will stop". He immediately waves his hands in front of his face. "No, no, it's just... I'm not used to it, I don't mind, really". He clarifies. Nodding my head, I pat him on the head again. I always wanted a little brother. "You can call me Arashi". I tell him and he nods. "Let's go". I say and start walking to where the pool is.

We went to the pool and saw that the whole class was there. The girls were playing with a ball in the pool and the boys were stretching. I hear Kaminari ask why everyone is here and Izuku said that he messaged everyone. I hear Mineta say something to Kaminari on the side. "There are definitely girls in swimsuits here!" He whispers not-so-quietly. I knew he had an ulterior motive. "Mineta". I call out to him. I see him freeze and slowly turn his head to look at me. "G-Genzai!" I start walking towards him.

"Why do you keep doing the things you do, eh?" I question even though I know I won't get an answer. Once I was close enough, I grab him by his grape head and bring him eye-to-eye. "I wonder if you can fly". I think out loud. Mineta let's out a frightened 'what?' and I send him flying to the deepest part of the pool. Dusting my hands off, I turn back to Izuku. He tilts his head in question and then looks at Mineta in the pool and then back to me. I shake my head.

Iida calls out to everyone and we start doing some exercises. After a while, he brings out a little freezer filled with ice-cold sodas. Nobody said anything about my scars and even though I said I don't care about them, it made me feel more comfortable. Seeing that everyone is doing something, I go near the pool edge and dive in, swimming all the way to the other side. It was a very hot day so the cool water felt nice on my skin. Just as I broke the surface coming back up, I hear yelling on the other side of the pool. I wasn't able to hear what they were yelling about, but I immediately recognized the voice. Katsuki.

Iida suddenly shouted loud enough so everyone can hear him, including me. "Everyone, do you want to see which of the boys can swim 50 meters the fastest?" That piqued my interest and I swam back to their side. As I grabbed the side of the pool, too lazy to go the the small ladder, I pulled myself out of the pool, but barely. Damn, I need to work on my physical strength more. Just as I stepped on the edge, my wet bangs fall in my eyes. Huffing, I run my hand through my hair and slick everything back. Noticing everyone was silent, I look at them.

They were staring at my ears. "What?" I call out and that seemed to snap them out of their thoughts. "We didn't know you had piercings, are they even allowed?" Kaminari asked. I unconsciously reach my hand to my ear. "You don't see them because of my hair... probably not allowed". I say, shrugging my shoulders. That answer seemed to satisfy them and they turned to Iida. Out of the corner of my eyes, I notice Katsuki hasn't looked away. Looking at him, I notice he was glaring at my scar.

Feeling self-conscious, I turn to the other side to hide it. That broke his concentration and he looked me straight in the eyes. We held eye contact for a few seconds, before the girls joined us. They wanted to help with the racing. Iida said we can use quirks for the race. Katsuki walked up to Izuku. "I'll crush you, Deku!" Then he turned to Todoroki. "Of course, I'll crush you too, Half-and-Half Bastard!"

The first race was between Kaminari, Katsuki, Koda, Tokoyami and Mineta. Katsuki used his quirk and flew over the pool, getting first place. The second one was between Todoroki, Aoyama, Sero, Kirishima and Sato. Todoroki used his ice and glided over the pool, getting first place. The third race was between. Shoji, Ojiro, Izuku, Iida and I. We got into our positions and jumped once the whistle was blown. Iida used his quirk to glide on the lines separating the rows, Izuku used his quirk to swim faster.

I focused my quirk only on myself so it doesn't spread through the water and shock everyone in the pool. Hurting others is forbidden in the race. Iida, Izuku and I raced ahead and just as I thought I was going to win, Izuku touched the end of the pool at the same time I did. Everyone started yelling it was a draw between Izuku and I. Iida then declared that the winners of each race were going to race against each other. That means that Todoroki, Katsuki, Izuku and I were going to race.

The four of us got into place. Todoroki, Izuku, me and then Katsuki, that was in what order we stood.

"On your marks!" Iida yelled, already prepared to blow the whistle. Small explosions started on Katsuki's palms. Todoroki's arm was covered in a thin layer of ice. Green sparks cover Midoriya's body as he prepared himself. I charged my arms and legs to the max. "Get set!" Iida yelled... and blew the whistle. We all surged forward. What?! Our quirks disappeared and we all plopped into the water.

"It's 5 PM, your pool use time has now ended". Aizawa walked through the door and towards us, his quirk still active. "Hurry up and go home". Someone said we were just getting to the good part, but Aizawa glared at them. "Did you say something?" Everyone yelled 'No, sir!' and scurried off to the locker rooms. As soon as I got dressed, I went to the teachers office. "Aizawa~ Drive me home, please~". I entered the teachers office and walked over to Aizawa. He let out a sigh. "Can't you walk? You have legs". I started to whine. "Pleaseee! I'm tired, I swam the whole time!" Taking one look at my puppy eyes made him sigh and get up. "Alright, lets go". Grinning in victory I followed after him.

The sun outside was slowly disappearing behind the mountains, painting the sky in a brilliant crimson. That crimson reminded me of Katsuki. How his eyes could glare at you with the force of a thousand suns, but at the other hand, could look at you like you put the stars in the sky. He looked fine today, like nothing ever happened between us. I guess that's better than seeing him miserable.

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