The end of All Might

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The street was full of people wondering what was going on, panicking. Helicopters flew over our heads, heading towards the place where All Might and All For One were fighting. "This scene looks like it's straight out of a nightmare! In an instant, half of Camino Ward has been destroyed! Currently, All Might is fighting the villain thought to be the ringleader!" The giant screen in the middle of the street showed the destruction the fight caused.

"Shit... All Might". Sighing out the words, I clench my fists in panic. What's going on? Is the villain that strong? "I can't believe it, it's just one villain, he's destroyed the city and is more than holding his own against the Symbol of Peace!" The news reported shouted into the mic inside the helicopter.

"Dammit, this can't be happening!" My throat tightens up, my teeth gritting together. Katsuki, Izuku and Kirishima are in the same boat as I am, all three of them looking at the screen, disbelief on their faces. All For One fires of an attack, hitting All Might, who didn't move away. Gran Torino got out of the way. All Might stayed in place and the force of the attack created an explosion, shaking the ground around them.

The dust cleared and in All Might's place was... "Huh?" Perplexed, that was the only thing I could say. "Show the world your pathetic form, "Symbol of Peace". All For One said to the skinny, bony man that was in All Might's place. All Might? What's going on? Katsuki's eyes widen. Hurriedly turning to look at Izuku, his face showed pure terror. "Don't be embarrassed, that's your true form, is it not?" All For One taunted, his arms spread wide, as if he was showing the world his work.

"Even if my body rots and grows weak... Even if you try to expose that form... my heart will remain that of the Symbol of Peace!" All Might retaliated and raised his bloody fist in the air. "It is not something that you can steal even a single piece of!" He shouted, determination clear in his eyes. Unable to handle what was happening, I quietly grab Katsuki's hand in mine. He flinches and looks at me. Upon seeing the terrified look on my face, he intertwines our fingers, tightening his hold.

All For One and All Might enter a conversation, All For One said something which instantly erased the ever so present smile on All Might's face. A moment passes and All Might let's out a heart wrenching scream. The crowd around us starts saying things like 'this is bad' and 'no way'. "Win...". I hear quietly beside me. Katsuki's head was lowered, hair covering his eyes. "If you can't win, then who can?" A man behind us says, drawing the attention of people around us. "Even if he looks different, All Might is still All Might, right?" A woman a row back says. "Haven't you always been able to save us somehow?" A man exclaims and suddenly, everyone starts cheering. "All Might, you can do it!"

"Win, All Might!" Izuku and Katsuki yell at the same time.

All Might pulls his right arm back, buffing only that part of his body. All For One starts levitating, buffs his left arm and points it at All Might. He was interrupted by a flame attack. Endeavor showed up. "What is that form of yours, All Might?!" One more hero shows up behind him. "What is with that pitiful back?!" Endeavor yells out. A couple more heroes show up and grab the unconscious people and heroes out of the rubble.

All For One fires off another attack at All Might, destroying the area even more. All For One starts activation one quirk after another, all the quirks he accumulated over time, all the quirks he stole from people. "Dammit!" I growl the word out and bite my lips so hard I can feel the blood. All For One's right arm was disfigured with all kinds of quirks activated. He then starts descending down, his arm pulled back in a punch. All Might pulls his arm back and the two collide. All For One manages to push All Might back.

All Might transfers the power from his right arm to his left one and slips under All For One's right arm. Tilting his body, All Might whips his left arm forward and hits All For One on the cheek. The hit wasn't enough and All For One prepares for another hit. All Might spins around and using his right arm, hits All For One straight in the face, forcing him into the ground. The ground around them deforms and a crater forms. The force of the hit created wind so strong it made the helicopter way above them swing.

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