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"It was a human". His eyes widen. "A...human?" He asks. I nod my head grimly. "Yes, but you couldn't really call it a human anymore. It was disfigured, dry and its body was covered in bruises, the flesh hanging off of some parts of its body and tubes sticking out of its sides". Katsuki lets out a shudder.

"The strange thing is, even though it was so mangled, there was no blood on the body itself, only around it. I looked at its side, where the tubes were, the tubes were taking the blood out of the body. At that time, I didn't know what I was looking at, but I knew it wasn't good, but before I could leave, I heard the basement door opening. I turned around to hide, but my small body wasn't coordinated enough and I slipped on the blood on the ground and fell down. The footsteps came closer and before I could turn around, I heard a sigh".

"It was my father, but he had a different expression on his face, one I never saw on his face before. Looking at it now, I can only guess it was disappointment". I take a deep breath and continue. "After that my memory is hazy, but I distinctively remember laying on a table, him over me". Katsuki's eyes widen and he grabs my shoulder in a panic. "Did the bastard do something to you!?" He growls out. Grabbing his hand which was on my shoulder, I shake my head. "I don't know, but when the villains attacked at USJ, he told me not all his subjects were destroyed, that one survived". My head starts throbbing, but I ignore it. "I destroyed the house, along with everything that was in the basement, so nobody could have survived".

"He told me that I was his subject, until now I doubted it". Katsuki's eyes narrow. "Until now?" I nod my head. "My quirk, it has been acting up, normally when I overuse it I get headaches or my whole body feels heavy, but since the beginning of the Sports Festival it started to become somewhat uncontrollable, I can't control how much lightning I discharge and it began to hurt my whole body after or while using it".

"You need to tell Aizawa". I shake my head. "We're getting off track here". Katsuki looked as if he wanted to argue, but I interrupt him. "The reason I'm living with Aizawa is because my mother died, you know that". He nods his head. "What you don't know is that she didn't die in an accident".

"You mean-". I nod my head. "Yes, my father set fire to the house, but he didn't plan to kill me along with her, because he told me she was an obstacle which needed to be removed, so I can go with him". I feel my eyes sting, but I stubbornly didn't let the tears fall. "The night my mother died, was the night I found out what regret was, what sadness was and what a cruel world we live in". I shakily let out the words.

"I remember when I woke up in the hospital the day after, the thought that was constantly in my head was 'Is this despair? Is this what despair feels like?', it was the first time I felt emotions on that scale, at that one moment I felt too much and after that I felt nothing, no despair, no anger, nothing". I let out a shaky breath.

"It felt like I was torn apart and put back together, with the pieces in all the wrong places". I force the words out, my throat constricting. "I tried to forget, but life doesn't let you forget". I chuckle darkly. "My mother... when my father 'died'... she broke, completely, I ignored her because I though my pain was stronger than hers, I though she was crazy and I told her things she didn't deserve. I couldn't see through my own anger".

"You know how people say that when something bad happens it's all slowed down? That time slows down? Well they lied, it all happen fast, time doesn't stop or slow down, time doesn't slow down for anyone". Katsuki bites his lip at my words. "I tried not to care, without caring and without people by my side, I couldn't be hurt, without love there's no sorrow".

"There are times when I'm dreaming, but it feels like I'm still awake and at times like that I can't see what's reality and what's a dream. I'm walking through the darkness and I always see my mom, but when I try to get closer she just keeps going further and further away. So I think 'is this how it's supposed to be? So close yet so far, just out of reach'". I feel tears gathering at the corners of my eyes. Katsuki patiently listens.

Lightning Strike ||Bakugou Katsuki|| (bxb)Where stories live. Discover now