Ultimate moves

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It's so hot. That was the first thought on my mind as I woke up. Throwing the covers off of my body, I take a deep breath. "Phew". Sighing out, I ruffle my hair. The sole income of light was coming from the window directly across from the bed, and it was basking the bed in its orange rays. Shifting to the side, I take a look at the person beside me. "I can't stop wondering what I did to deserve you". Whispering the words out, I reach my hand and move his hair from across his eyes.

His brows furrow and he blinks his eyes open. He looked around, confused, for a moment, before settling on me. "You enjoy lookin' at people while they sleepin'?" He sleepily mumbles out and sits up, making the covers fall. "Only at you". Leaning on the wall, I let out a laugh. He shakes his head with a chuckle, before turning to me. "What time is it?" Looking above me at the clock, my eyes widen. "Shit! Get up, get up!" I scramble out of bed, tripping on the sheets and falling onto the ground with a thud.

A knock came from the door. "Genzai? You okay? I heard a loud noise". Kirishima's voice was heard through the door. "Fuck! Yes, I'm fine!" I call out as I struggle to untangle myself from the sheets. "Okay, don't be late!" With that he retreats from the door and silence falls. The silence lasted for a moment, before Katsuki snorts from the side. "Help me!" I whisper-yell at him and continue trying to remove the sheets, but to no avail.

"Yes, yes". He chirps and rolls over to the other side of the bed, before getting down next to me. By that time, I was so tangled that the sheet was also covering my head. The sheet was grabbed at the sides and raised over my head. "Clumsy Sparky". He teases with a grin. I scrunch my nose and turn away from him. "Shut up and help me, we're gonna be late". He scoffs and removes the rest of the sheet, before helping me to my feet.

Finally, free from the sheets, I turn to run to the bathroom. A hand grabs me by the wrist and pulls me back. "Give me a reward". He demanded, a smirk on his face. With raised eyebrows, I lean towards him and just as he closes his eyes, I lightly push him away. "Not before we brush our teeth, now, scurry off". Waving him off, I ignore his pouting face and leave to the bathroom. When I finish everything inside, I go inside the room and see he wasn't there. "At least he listened and went to get ready". Throwing on the school uniform and grabbing my bag, I exit the room and start my way towards the school.


And so three days passed since we moved into the new dorm.

"I believe I mentioned this yesterday, but for now, Class 1-A of the hero course will be focusing on getting their provisional licenses". Aizawa told us, as we were sitting in the classroom. "Yes, sir!" The class said. "The hero license bears with it the great responsibility of human life. Of course the exam to receive one is very difficult". He continued explaining that only 50% of those who take the exam pass it. "That's why, we will have all of you come up with at least two..." He trailed off and the door to the classroom opened. "ultimate moves". There, at the door were Cementoss, Midnight and Ectoplasm.

Ultimate moves? I already have one, so that leaves me with one more... Tuning out the heroes, I look through the window in thought. Hmm, what should I do with the other one? What kind of approach should I take? My first one is a long-range attack, should I create one which is short to medium-range? That seems like the best choice.

"Change into your costumes and meet in Gym Gamma". I hear Aizawa say. All of us then went and changed into our costumes. "Gym Gamma, also known as the "Training Dining Land" or TDL". Cementoss then explained that with his quirk, he can create certain terrains for students to help them with creating their moves. Midnight added that whether we have a special move or not will determine the outcome of the exam. "Your ultimate moves don't necessarily need to be an attack type. For example, Iida's Reciproburst, the temporary increase in speed is enough of a threat to be called an ultimate move". Ectoplasm said as he turned to Iida.

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