Training camp

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It was, finally, the day of the Training camp. Everybody from Class 1A was in front of the school, waiting for the time to depart. Class 1B also joined us. Monoma was being annoying again and started saying stuff about students from Class 1A failing the exam and that Class 1B is better than us.

"Monoma!". I call out and he turns to my direction. He was about to say something, but I interrupted him. "Shut up, you're annoying!" He closes his mouth and after a moment opens it again. "Huh! Y-". Before he could spew more nonsense, he was hit at the back of the neck and he passed out. "Sorry about that!" An orange-haired girl apologizes and drags Monoma into the bus, telling every other Class 1B student to board the bus.

A moment later, Iida called us and told us to board the bus and sit in seat order. That made me freeze momentarily. Seat... order? That means... I slowly turn my head to Katsuki. He was already glaring at me in distaste, his fists clenched at his sides. This is going to be a very, very, exciting... I let out a sigh and shake my head, boarding the bus after Izuku. He was climbing in front of me and he missed a step, but before he could fall, I quickly grabbed his hand. "Shit! Izuku, you okay?" I hurriedly ask him.

He quickly thanks me and says he's fine. Letting his hand go, I go to my seat and sit next to the window. After what seemed an eternity, Katsuki decided to show up. He plops down next to me without a word and turns to the side, facing away from me. The bus started going. I put my elbow on the window and lean my head onto my arm, watching the changing scenery.

"Since when do you call him Izuku?" I hear a scoff from beside me. Subconsciously preparing myself, I face him. "Since when do you talk to me?" I sneer back. Shit! That's not what I fucking wanted to say. His brows furrow and his eyes harden. Fan-fucking-tastic. He bites his lip and turns away. Calming myself, I take a deep breath. "Look, I know you don't want to talk about what happened that day, but we need to talk".

He inhales sharply. Here we go... I feel the seats rattle and a hand closes around my throat, forcing my body to shift and the back of my head hits the window. The loud sound of my head meeting the window made everyone stop what they were doing and look at us. "We need to talk? We need to talk?! You fucker! We don't need to fucking talk!" With each word, he was closer and closer, tightening his grip ever so slightly to the point I felt something pop in my neck.


I can't breathe.

I can't breathe.


It hurts, it hurts, IT HURTS.

Make it stop.

Please... MAKE IT STOP.

"D-Daddy! S-Stop". I barely got the words out, but he didn't stop. His grip only tightened.

He... just... continued... to... press and press and press and PRESS.

I couldn't take it anymore. I... just... wanted... it... to... stop.


It didn't stop.

-Flashback end-

Just as I was running out of breath and just as dark spots started appearing in my field of vision, the pressure disappeared. Gasping for air, I look in front of me. Katsuki was held back by Kirishima and Kaminari. I couldn't form any words, just incoherent gasps of air. Warm fingers were placed on my shoulders and Izuku's worried eyes were all I could see. "Akashi! Are you okay?!" His hand settled on the side of my neck and I froze in place.

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