Training camp pt2

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Later that same day, Aizawa led us all into a clearing where we would train our quirks to the max. Everyone was led to a certain spot and was given a different task to do so they could improve the usage of their quirks. For example: Kaminari was told to use his quirk on a battery, which also shocked him, so he can use his quirk more, before he goes 'Dumb', Asui was using her tongue and body to climb a wall, to improve the strength of her body and tongue and so on.

Aizawa walked up to me. "Since your quirk usage improved more than the others, you don't need to work on it". Thinking I was not doing anything, I let out a sigh of relief. Suddenly, it felt like the air around Aizawa darkened. "Uh? Aizawa... sensei?" Quietly calling him, I turn to face him. He had a small smirk on his face. "You will be joining Midoriya in improving your physical capabilities since you seem to lack that". He said and pointed in a direction. Damn... straight in the heart.

Turning to where he pointed I see Izuku doing some weird exercises. A cat-man walks over to him and tells him something. Izuku whips his hand back and throws a punch at the cat-man, but the cat-man dodges and punches Izuku back, making him fly back and hit a tree. I turn to Aizawa and look at him in a 'are you kidding me?' way. His smirk only widens and he waved me off to where Izuku was. And so, we spent the whole day training.

After we finished the training, it was already dusk. We went back to the house and we saw that there was unfinished food on the table. One cat-lady told us we were to make our own food. Iida encouraged everyone to make the best curry in the world. Well... he's useful in situations like this. Todoroki was lighting the fire for everyone that needed it. "Bakugo, use Explosion to light this". Sero said a few feet away from me. That sounds like a bad idea. "Like I would, scum!" But he does it anyway and the wood explodes, no trace of fire.

Everyone was so happy and cheerful when they were making food. After all the food was cooked we all sat at the tables, I was once again sitting between Izuku and Iida. I grab a spoon and dig in. The food wasn't bad. Everyone was laughing and having fun at the tables. I feel a nudge from the left. Turning in question, I'm met with a smiling Izuku. "Arashi, are you enjoying yourself?" He asked, the smile still present on his face. "Yeah, it's actually not bad". I answer, letting a small smile out. "I'm glad!" He exclaims and resumes eating his food.

I raise my head and look at the now night sky. It's not so bad. Maybe things could be different.


The next day

The morning came fast, I got almost no sleep. The bruises on my neck turned a very visible blue, so I asked Aizawa for some thin bandages to wrap around. We were all led to the same clearing again and did the same thing we did the day before. I was next to Izuku, doing crunches and push-ups, building up muscle mass. Aizawa walked over to us. "No matter what you're doing, you should always be aware of where you came from". Where I came from? I came from a fucked up family. As if he knew what I was thinking, Aizawa looked straight at me. Shaking my head at him, I continue on with my exercises.

The day passes and dusk came, we ate our dinner and prepared for the night escapade. "It's time for the test of courage!" Ashido yelled jumping up and down. She seems excited. But her excitement was cut short when Aizawa said that the ones who failed the practical exam are going to take extra lesson right now.

Cat-lady told us we were going to go in a circle and collect our name tags and return. Class B will be the scarers first. Cat-lady told us to draw lots. Please... please... let me get Katsuki. I take the paper out of her hand and look at the number '2'. "Hey! Who's number 2?!" I yell so everyone could hear me. A second later a mini explosion is heard. There's my answer. "You are fucking kidding me!" An enraged shout is heard, before Katsuki emerges from the mass of students. He was gripping the smoking paper in his hand.

Sensing the danger of us being on the same team, Izuku jogs up to me. "Are you sure you're going to be fine with him? I can switch with you if you want to!" He proposed. Grinning at him, I pat his head. "Thanks, Izuku, but I need to sort things out with him". Reluctantly nodding, he turns around and walks back to... oh, he's with Todoroki.

Katsuki and I were the second ones to go. He shoved his hands in his pockets and went ahead of me. Walking a few steps behind him, I thought about what I was going to say. Should I say sorry? Should I say I didn't mean it? That I didn't mean to hurt him? No... the last one would make him think I was seeing him as someone weak. Goddammit! Scoffing out loud, I kick a nearby rock. "Fucking stop! I can hear you thinking from here!" He suddenly exclaims and turns around.

"Sorry". I unconsciously say, making him glare at me, before he started walking over to me. "You should be fucking sorry!" Grabbing me by the collar, he drags me off the trail, behind a tree and slams me into it. My surprised eyes meet his narrowed ones. They weren't only narrowed, they were enraged. "You said we needed to talk! Then talk!"

Looking straight at him, I feel my cold exterior crumble. "That day... at my house... I lied". I feel him let go of my collar and take a step back. Seeing he was waiting for me to continue, I do just that. "When I told you that I didn't know why I did what I did, I lied". His brows furrow but he still stays quiet. "I was scared". I admit, placing my hand on the side of my neck. His eyes follow my hand and they widen when I rip the bandages off. Not wasting any more time, I continue.

"I was scared of feeling, I was scared of making connections with someone, because everything I had was destroyed by me". My throat feels dry and I swallow. "I thought I didn't need feelings... all I saw was revenge, just the fires that burned my mother". Katsuki stays still, but I could see that his hands were balled in his pockets. Taking a deep breath, I carry on. "And as cliche as this will sound, you opened my eyes and showed me things I never saw before, things I never felt before".

Pushing off of the tree, I come closer to him. "I fell in love with you because you loved me when I couldn't love myself". Whispering those words, I wrap my arms around his neck and lean onto him. It felt like I could breathe again when I felt his arms wrapped around my waist. "I realized I'm loved by you and that made me feel so happy". Brushing my lips over the skin on his neck, I feel him shudder.

"I didn't mean to hurt you when I hurt myself". Pulling my head back, I gaze into his eyes. "I thought too much and I felt too little... so I'll stop thinking". The moment those words left my lips, I leaned forward and kissed him. There were no fireworks like they write in the cliche romance novels, no spark. It felt like the world fell apart. It was comforting in a ways that words could never be.

I rested my hand beneath his ear, thumb slowly caressing his cheek and the worries I had for the past days were washed away. I poured everything I had into that one kiss, all the pain, all the fear, all the longing I had. After one more second, I pulled away and looked back at him. He had a dazed look in his eyes. As I was about to step away, his hands tightened around me and he pulled me back into another kiss.

Our mouths moved in perfect sync, our hands tightening around one another. I've never felt anything like this before, this warmth, these steady hands holding me up. I didn't notice until my back started hurting, but we had somehow ended up back at the tree. His hands gripped my hips and his lips ravaged mine. We kissed until out lips felt sore, until we ran out of breath.

We separated, both breathing heavily and he leaned into my shoulder. "You...". He trailed off. I thread my fingers into his hair. "I?" Rubbing his scalp, I feel him melt in my arms. "You idiot... you should have told me sooner". His warm breath was ghosting over my shoulder, making me exhale in delight. "Yeah, If I did, I would have gotten the kiss sooner". His shoulders start shaking and soon after, a laugh escapes his lips. "Yeah, it really was something". Leaning back, he looks at my neck.

He slowly raises his hand and before he touches it, he looks at me. Realizing what he wanted to do, I nod my head. His fingers lightly touch the bruises. "I'm sorry". He pecks me on the cheek. "I'm sorry". Now my jaw. "I'm sorry". His lips brush my neck in a feathery light kiss.

"I'm sorry".

When his lips met mine, I wished time stopped.

I just wished it stopped.

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