Roaring Sports Festival pt2

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Passing the first part was easy for a few people, me included. Present Mic was yelling something about the first barrier being too easy. 'he's right about that'.

Reaching what seemed to be a cliff, I take a closer look. 'you're kidding me'. There was a huge dug out hole, which had pillars in the middle which were connected by rope so we can walk over them and onto the pillars and reach over. "If you fall, you're out!" Was echoing around. 'he really is loud' "If you don't wanna fall, then crawl!" He added after. "No shit Sherlock". I deadpan. "It's "The Fall"!" He was still overly enthusiastic.

"When did they build this stage?" I hear Uraraka ask from in front of me. Then I noticed frog girl crawl to the edge, and to my amazement, she just leaped away. "Ribbit!" She yelled as she fell onto a rope. "This is like a glorified tight rope". She added while easily crawling across the rope. "She's fast!" Ashido exclaimed perplexed.

Suddenly creepy laughter was heard in front of me. A girl with pink hair and goggles was giggling. "Here it is! Here's my chance to show off!" She started saying something about her gear which she brought in. Tunning her out, I turn back towards the rope. Getting closer to the edge, I crouch and grab the rope to inspect it. 'seems durable'

Standing back up, I reach for my sleeves and pull them up. Cracking my back, I prepare myself. I take a step back and try to figure out how much power I should use. 'I'm still worn out after the robots, so I'll have to spare my energy here' Taking a few more steps back, I bend my knees slightly and charge my legs. Quickly stepping forward, I leap into the air and onto one of the ropes. 'I can't use my full power to just jump from pillar to pillar, so I'll have to use the ropes'

Stepping onto the rope, I realize I miscalculated the thickness of the rope. The ropes were thinner than I thought. Pressing my foot onto the rope, I test out how much weight it can hold. As I press my foot, I hear something tear. Hearing a gasp from behind me, I turn around. ''You've got to be kidding me, seriously?" I'm met with some boy that is on the same rope as I am.

"Hey!" I call out. He flinches and loses his balance, but barely manages to stay on. "W-what?" He stammers out, clearly confused as to why I'm calling out to him. "Are you stupid or something? These ropes won't hold the weight of two people". His eyes widen. 'what the fuck? he actually is stupid' I don't know why, out of sheer curiosity or plain stupidity, but he continues walking across. Letting my lightning crackle across my fingertips, I point my finger at him.

"Stop right there, or you will regret the day you got into this school". I threaten and my eyes narrow. This seemed to stop him. "W-what?" Fully turning my body to him, my right leg which was facing away from him, comes in front of my left. "Do you want to die?" The lightning on my fingertips spreads over my hand. "What!? Of course not! What kind of question is that?" Clearly not noticing my threats, I start walking over to him. "It looks like you do".

He finally seemed to notice the tension and he takes a step back. I continue my stride towards him and I stop 5 feet away from him. "Move, or I will move you myself". This causes him to flinch violently and his foot slips and slides off the rope. He falls down with a scream, but manages to grab onto the rope with his left hand. 'isn't he persistent' Walking over, so I'm right above him, I look down at him. "Let go". He shakes his head violently. "N-no, I'll die!" He refuses. 'fine' "Fine, then I'll do it myself". Using the lightning which was still dancing around my hand, I reach down and touch his hand which was holding onto the rope and shock him.

His hand opens up and he starts falling down. His screams echoing. His eyes looking up at me. I cup my hands around my mouth. "Don't worry, you won't die...I don't know about getting hurt though". I yell after him. His screams get louder. 'what a wuss, face your defeat with courage'

Turning back towards the pillars, I use the rope to accelerate my jump. Doing this for a few times led me to the end of pillars. Passing that part, I continued to run ahead. Reaching a clearing, I see a white sign at the side. 'DANGER MINES!!' was written in bright yellow. Todoroki was just in front of me. "And now, we've quickly arrived at the final barrier!" Present Mic called out. Then proceeded to explain that there are mines in the dirt, which are visible, but barely. When the mines explode, they are loud and bright, but aren't dangerous.

Todoroki went on ahead, and I followed. Soon, others started pilling up and tripping the mines. Bright pink was everywhere behind me. All of a sudden I hear explosions from just behind me. 'Katsuki' Turning around, I grin. "Took you long enough, Katsuki!" His eyes snap to mine. "Shut up, Sparky!" Hearing the nickname, I laugh out loud. "Already on nicknames, how bold of you". I proclaim in a teasing voice.

His eyes widen and he turns away and proceeds to catch up to me. Todoroki was right in front of me by now, and Katsuki was just behind me. Katsuki, upon catching up to me and Todoroki, starts firing off explosions. "These mines don't affect me!" He yells out. He slips past me and goes next to Todoroki. "Bastard, don't declare war to the wrong person!" He yells out as he slams his hand in front of Todoroki's face and fires of an explosion, Todoroki barely dodges.

Katsuki is now in front of Todoroki and I'm behind Todoroki. The two of them continue racing forward, and I power up my legs and start running faster, catching up to them. Out of nowhere, I hear a huge explosion behind me. Turning my head back, I see a piece of metal flying through the air and on the metal there was...'are you fucking kidding me?' Midoriya, of all people, it had to be him. He whips through the air above Todoroki, Katsuki and I. This seemed to enrage Katsuki, because he yells out.

"Deku! Don't go ahead of me!" And fires off after Midoriya. Todoroki upon seeing that he was losing, uses his ice to cover the mines and make his running across them easier. Midoriya slowed down and was falling off of his metal plate. Right now, he was between Todoroki and Katsuki. Seeing he was about to lose, Midoriya grabbed the rope he used to hold onto the metal plate, and swung the metal plate on to the ground.

The metal plate hit a mine, which propelled him even more ahead. Midoriya was currently first, then Todoroki, Katsuki and then me. 'shit, the ice is making it difficult to run, even with my quirk active' Left with no other choice, I quickly crouch down and place my hand upon Todoroki's ice. Sending shock-waves through the ground, the mines under the ice explode and the ice shatters. Activating the quirk on my legs, I charge forward, catching up to them.

The three of us were using our quirks, but Midoriya was running on foot, and barely keeping his speed up. As we run into a tunnel, there was a bright light at the end. Forcing my quirk, I pick up on speed. As we soon reach the end of the tunnel, I look to my right. Todoroki was panting and forcing his legs. Looking to my left, Katsuki was growling and furiously activating his explosions.

Midoriya passed through the tunnel, so only Todoroki, Katsuki and I were left in the tunnel, the others not yet caught up. Speeding up, I prepared to pass them both, but a path of ice formed under my feet. The ice messed up my balance and I didn't manage to turn off my quirk in time. Slipping straight towards the side wall, I almost hit it. Jumping up at the last second, my feet hit the wall and I jump off of it.

Managing to control my balance again, I turn towards the exit and see that Todoroki and Katsuki, a few feet away from me, were at the end. "FUCK YOU TODOROKI!" I shout out as the two of them pass the exit. 'fuck' Running after them, I pass into the light. Opening my eyes, I'm met with the stadium and a lot of shouting and cheering. After a few minutes. They declare the results. Midoriya got first, Todoroki second, Katsuki third and I got fourth. 'fourth...that's shit' Turning towards Todoroki, I glare at him. As if sensing my glare his heterochromatic eyes turn to me. My glare hardens, but he remains expressionless.

"Fucking ice-boy". I snarl at him. His brows furrow and he turns away. Midnight declares that the third round will be a Cavalry Battle. "Participants can form teams of two to four people as they wish". She also added that based on the results of the race, each person has been assigned a point value. The ones with the lower scores have lower points, and those with higher scores have higher points. Pointing towards the top of the list I read Midoriya...10.000.000 points? As soon as the points were shown everyone turned towards Midoriya with predatory eyes. Midoriya flinched and turned pale.

Smiling sharply, I chuckle.

Midoriya, prepare yourself.

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