Practical exam

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School days finally came. The alarm didn't wake me up, so I had to skip breakfast. Because of that, I grabbed some money to eat at school. Felling constricted, I grab my tie and loosen it up. Much better, although, I would take it off, but Aizawa keeps pestering me about it. Running out of the door and quickly locking it, I take off in a jog towards school.

I reach the school gates and thank you God, there are no people in front now. I look at my watch and see that classes start in 2 minutes. Crap. Breaking into a full-blown sprint , I reach the classroom with a few seconds to spare. As I open the door, I'm met with yelling. Another normal day. "Seriously?! Seriously, Bakugo?!" My head turns to the direction of the yelling. Kirishima and Sero were laughing and pointing at something.

Taking a few steps to the side I see what they were laughing at. Katsuki. They were pointing at Katsuki's hair, which was not in it's usual spiky form, but was slicked to the side. "Stop laughing! My hair's gotten used to it, so it won't go back even after I wash it! Hey stop laughing! I'll kill you!" He growls at the two of them. His eyes slightly shift and there it was. The thing I wasn't looking forward to.

His eyes met mine. Kirishima and Sero stopped laughing at the serious look on Katsuki's face. His eyes widen for a split second, before they go in a full-blown glare. A moment later his hair poofs back into its natural look as if magic was used. Kirishima and Sero start screaming about his hair again, but he pays them no mind and continues glaring at me.

Deciding it's now or never, I start to open my mouth, but the door slides open. "I am here!" All Might walks in and tells us to put on our hero costumes and follow him.

After we did what he told us, we followed him to a huge sealed off land. He then told us we were going to be having some fun with a rescue training race. The area was full of buildings and metal pipes. He will split us up in groups of 5 and 6 and we will race to see who will get to him first.

First group was Midoriya, Sero, Mina, Iida, Ojiro and I. We all got in place. I will be first. The moment All Might pressed the button and the siren rang, I already had my legs charged. Quickly jumping on the pipes, I also charged my arms and gripped the wires, swinging myself over a building. Landing the jump, I dash off forward. In that moment, something green caught my field of vision.

Midoriya! Midoriya was next to me, jumping over the pipes. Forcing my quirk even more, I dart past him and under a wire. This continued until the moment Midoriya missed his step. You're joking. Abandoning my current goal, I jump after Midoriya, catching him by his hood, saving him from a face plant. "Ah! Genzai! Thank you!" Midoriya immediately thanked me. I nodded and jumped up on a building and resumed the race.

Unfortunately, I wasted too much time saving Midoriya and Sero managed to get ahead of me, getting first place and I got second. Ugh. "Genzai! That was... highly... heroic of you". All Might declared once I reached him. "You don't need to say it like that, you make it sound like I kick dogs for fun". I let out a sigh and All Might smiles awkwardly.

After every other team finished, we went back to school and into the locker rooms. I took off my hero costume and just finished putting on my pants when I heard Iida yell. "Stop this Mineta! Peeping is definitely a criminal act!" Oh my God. Turning around, I see Mineta pointing at a hole in the wall, undoubtedly showing the girls locker room. Gritting my teeth, I walk up to Mineta. Mineta, seeing a shadow over himself, turned around. "Oya? Mineta-kun? What are you doing there? Don't tell me you're planning to peep?" I grin at him, my tone cherry and light.

He starts trembling and takes a step back, his back hitting the wall. "O-Oh, Genzai, not at all!" He hurriedly tried to get out of the situation. Too late you little perverted grape shit. "Oh? So now you're lying to me, Mineta-kun?" I take a step closer, now practically above him. He starts shaking all over, his eyes wide. "You're being a bad boy, Mineta-kun". I reach and grab him by his grape hair, pulling him up so we were on eye-level. "Remember this". I threaten.

Turning around, I reach my arm back as far as I can and whip it forward. "Yeet!" I yell as I throw Mineta at a wall, his grape hair softening his meeting with the wall, but he bounces away and falls onto the floor face-first. There was silence in the locker room, until the 1 brain cell trio started laughing. Kirishima started hollering, Kaminari was laughing so hard it turned silent and Sero was bent over, clutching his stomach.


Yet another day at school comes to a pass. "Okay, that's it for class, there's only one week left until the final exams, you are all studying properly, right?" Aizawa said as he stacked some papers. "I'm sure you already know, but it won't just be a written exam. There's also a practical component, make sure you train your mind and bodies at the same time. That's all". He told us and exited the classroom, closing the door after himself.

Finals huh? I was fourth so I don't care that much. Everyone was yelling about how they needed to study and stuff like that. Everything was going fine until Katsuki started yelling. "Hey, Deku! I don't know if you've figured out how to use your quirk a little or what, but you seriously keep rubbing me the wrong way". He narrowed his eyes at Midoriya, growling every word. "I don't need another half-assed result like at the Sports Festival, at the upcoming finals, we'll get individual scores, so we will see who's better whether you like it or not". He raised his arm and pointed at Midoriya. "I will beat you with an indisputable difference, I will kill you!" Midoriya flinched at his tone.

Katsuki turned around. "Todoroki, you too!" He yelled and just as he was about to exit, I cleared my throat. "Bakugo". He turned around, his eyes wide when I called him by his last name. "Tone down the hostility". That was obviously the wrong choice, because as soon as I said those words, his eyes narrowed and he approached me. Once he was close enough, he grabbed me by the tie and pulled me towards him. "Mind your own business". He spat the words out and pushed me away. I stumbled a few steps, before regaining my footing. It was too late to say anything, because as soon as I looked at where he was, he was already out, the door slamming behind him.


The written exams passed in a blur and it was the day of the practical exam.

There was Aizawa with a couple of teachers in front of the place where the practical exam was supposed to take place. Principal Nezu appeared and said that we will be fighting against a teacher in a 2v1 battle. 2v1? But there's 21 of us in the class. I raised my hand. "Yes?" Nezu asked. "There are 21 of us here, how will we fight 2v1 then?" Just as I finished asking that question a voice rang behind me. "That's why I'm here".

I know that voice. When I turned around, I saw it was Shirudo. "R-Ricochet?!" Midoriya's fanboy mode activated. "Yo, Genzai". He said as he approached me. "Genzai, you will be in a 1v1 match against Ricochet here". 1v1? Seriously? How unfair is that? "1v1? Isn't that unfair?" Iida asked from next to me. "It is unfair, so we decided to change the rules for his fight, instead of 30 minutes he will get an hour to escape or to put the handcuffs on Ricochet". Hmm. "Okay, now it is fair". I say, nodding my head.

It was time for the first match and guess who's fighting. Why me... I go to the starting line and wait for the air horn. 5 minutes later, I hear the air horn. Great. I need to focus. The stage where I am is like a ghost town plus a desert. How do they even make this. Walking along the sand roads, I try to think of a plan. I don't know if Ricochet's quirk is able to deflect a charged hit, but I know that it can deflect a blast of lightning. Guess I'll improvise.

After about 15 minutes of walking, I finally come across him. "Genzai! Don't hold back, will you?!" He yelled from across the street. "Wasn't planning to!" I yell back and dash at him. While running, I slowly charge my legs so that he won't notice and when I'm close enough, I will charge them to the end, get behind him and hit him with my charged bat. Doing exactly as I planned, I charge them to the end and just as I'm about to get behind him, he whips out both his arms and my lightning disappears from my legs. What?!

I'm hit with a surge of lightning and thrown back. "Oh come on!" I yell, annoyed. "What? Is there something wrong?" Shirudo asks me while grinning. I glare at him. Think, think, think! I can't think of anything! Do I run? Or fight an unbeatable opponent?


Charging my legs once more, I turn around and make a run for it. "Oya? Genzai-kun? Running away?" I hear from behind me, but I pay it no mind and continue running. "Is that what you'll do once you meet him?!" He shouted from behind me and I stop in my tracks.

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