Don't worry

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The sky rumbled above their heads and Manipula watched as lightning descended down to them. It hit the ground around them, creating craters in it. A burst of energy escaped Arashi's hand and it shot into the sky.

The fire spread even further around them.

Manipula blocked as much of it as she could with her Quirk, but it just kept spreading around. Arashi watched as the sky exploded in a bright flash of light. "Manipula! Try to create a shield around him, but leave the top part opened!" He yelled out over all of the noise.

"What are you trying to do?!" She yelled back, struggling with the flames licking close to her skin.

"Just do it! Please!" His desperate tone echoed around them. "If you don't, both of us will be caught in the blast!" The palm of his hand twitched and the sky opened up. "Now!" She grit her teeth and did as he asked.

Her arms shifted and her fingers flicked, forcing everything she had into that one barrier.

There was a great boom from above their heads and she felt her violet eyes snap wide at the sight. Arashi had forced him arm down and a lightning bolt, twice the size of her, burst out from the thick clouds. It whipped down towards the laughing man. The moment it connected, she felt her barrier crack. That force! She pushed with all her might, trying to keep it in place, but it was no use. Her body flew back as the barrier shattered, massive flames bursting out from it.

Arashi took a step back as he looked at the sight before him. The man stood in place, not a scratch on his body, but the flames...

They burned and burned and burned... Leaving nothing but ash in their wake.

"What the fuck is up with his Quirk?! How is it so strong all of a sudden?!" He shielded his eyes with his arm as the flames grew brighter. "Manipula?!" He yelled out when he received no answer. His head whipped around, trying to locate the woman. He stopped once he saw where she was. She laid still, body embedded into the building behind him. "Manipula!" He exclaimed and ran towards her. Arms gently grabbed at her shoulders and slowly shook her. "Hey? Can you hear me? Manipula?" He received no answer. Alarmed, he felt for her pulse.




A sigh of relief left his lips at that. She was alive... But unconscious...

"Burn! Burn! Everything will burn! The might flames will cleanse the world of all its sins!" The man spun around behind him, flames no longer going out of his fingers, but out of every pore of his body. "They will cleanse the world and leave space for the new generation!" He leaned back, a frenzied look on his face, mouth wide open as he laughed, maniacal sounds leaving his lips.

"Cleanse the world? Of sin? How thoughtful of you...". The boy's eyes narrowed, sparks of lightning dancing across his iris. Light blue veins appeared on his visible skin, leading down his neck and under his shirt. He took a step forward and his body became encased in lightning. Every inch of his being produced sparks. He reached behind himself and grabbed at his metal bat.

The moment his fingers met the hilt of it, the world went into a standstill.

He pulled it forward, twirling it between his fingers. "Sin cannot be cleansed... You should remember that...". The man in front of him looked at him in disbelief, before even more laughter escaped his lips.

"And you would know that? Little brat!" He whipped his arm forward and the flames answered his calling. They burst our from his hand and lunge towards Arashi. The said boy bent his knees and disappeared, leaving nothing but a blue flash behind himself. The man wildly looked around, not knowing where he had disappeared off to, before he felt something slam into his hip. A distinctive crack resounded from around them. The man released a scream and crumbled onto the ground.

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