The morning after

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Blinking my eyes open, I'm met with the darkness of the room. There were a few specks of light here and there, which mainly came from the closed blinds of the double window. Glancing at nightstand, where there was a clock, the bright red numbers blinking back at me. 6 AM. Sighing, I run a hand through my hair, pushing it back from my forehead. I move the sheet from my body and throw my legs over the side of the bed, meeting the cool floor.

My underwear, which was hastily discarded last night, was on the rug a few feet away from the bed. Tiptoeing to it, I hurriedly put it on. During the day the temperature isn't so low, but now that it is early morning, the air is rather chilly. Shivers run up and down my spine as I slowly crawl back into bed. The covers were still warm, partially thanks to the other body occupying the other side of the bed.

As my cold fingers meet his skin, he flinches back, but a moment later, I find myself pulled forward and arms wrap around me. "Where'd ya' go?" He sleepily mumbles out, nuzzling closer into my hair. I internally coo at the action. "Nowhere". Returning the embrace, I breathe out into his neck. "Nowhere at all". His body shifts as he moves down, resting his head on my shoulder. His hair softly brushes over my jaw.

"Go to sleep, it's still too early". He mutely nods and grows still. A few moments later, his breathing changes, indicating that he was asleep. Trying not to laugh, I breathe in to calm myself. Raising my right hand, I brush his cheek. I feel a small smile grow at my lips as I look at him. "I really am glad I met you". Whispering the words out, I shift my body, pulling him atop me. He doesn't wake, instead, his arms clamp tightly around me and he leans into my neck.

He's like a koala bear. And as his body heat joins my own, sleep quickly takes me away.


*Bang!* Sitting up in a hurry, my eyes snap open. Apparently, that was a mistake, because as soon as I opened them, they were assaulted with bright light. "Fuck!" Groaning out, I fall back onto my pillow face-first. "Rise and shine!" I hear him yell from the bathroom. Sitting back up, I slowly blink my eyes open, to get used to the brightness around me. As they somehow get used to it, I look towards the bathroom and hear water running.

"Katsuki!" I call out and a second later, he appears on the doorway, sweats and a sleeveless shirt on. "Are you alright?" He walks over to the bed and sits down next to me. Nodding my head, I shift closer and drape my arms around his shoulders. "Perfectly fine". Grinning, I tilt my head to the side. His eyes widen and he quickly looks away, a slight flush on his cheeks. I laugh at his expression. "Huh? Are you blushing? What for?" He shakes his head and tries to pull away.

"Lemme go!" He continues to struggle, but I was fully on his lap, making him unable to get away. "Are you embarrassed?" He freezes at my question. "What?!! Get off!" He stammers and grabs at my thighs, trying to move me aside. "Yes you are! Your ears are red!" The tips of his ears were redder than his cheeks. He managed to get up, with me wrapped around his waist. Using the opportunity, I force my full body-weight forward, making him stumble and fall backwards onto the bed.

"Why are you embarrassed? Shouldn't I be after last night?" He lets out a groan and turns his face to the side. Placing my hand over his heart, I feel its accelerated beats. "You had me in such an embarrassing position". Smirking at his silence, I continue. "I was so tired after all that". He splutters some incoherent words, but I ignore them, leaning next to his ear. "You wrecked me so hard, I can still feel it". Leaning back, I look down at him.

His chest was rising and falling at an increased pace and his breathing was disrupted. He had an arm over his face, shielding himself from my view. That was unnecessary, because I already knew what kind of face he was making. "That's unfair". He mumbled out, one red eye peeking through his fingers. Sitting back on his thighs, I place my hands on his hips. "How so?" He drags a hand over his face and sits up. With a blush still visible on his face, he grips my thighs and pulls me closer.

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