The Truth

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Tilting my head forward, my bangs fall in front of my eyes, hiding my expression. Looking at his feet, I see Aizawa-sensei awkwardly shifting his weight from one leg to the other. Clenching my hands I exhale. "How long have you known he was alive?", looking up at him, I barely had the strength to say the words out loud. His eyes snap to mine, slightly narrowing. "What makes you think I knew before yesterday?", meeting his gaze head on, I snarl at him, "call it a hunch". He sighs, and pinches the bridge of his nose.

"I've had a feeling it was him", I tilt my head in confusion, "it was a few days after you 'killed him', I saw him in a crowd, he was barely standing up", my eyes narrow, "but before I could verify his identity, he disappeared in the crowd", he shakes his head in amusement, "that quirk of his really does help him in situations like that". 'his quirk huh? 'Perception manipulation', allows the user to become practically invisible to one person at a time, which makes it nearly impossible for Aizawa-sensei to erase his quirk if he can't even see him'.

"Get out, I need to change". Not awaiting his answer I push him out of the hospital room and close the door. Leaning heavily on the door I shakily let out a breath. 'why did he come back now? after all this time?'. Shaking my head to get rid of my thoughts, I look towards my clothes. 'seems like they gave me something else to wear'. Denim jeans, black sneakers and a black long sleeved shirt. Getting dressed I hear a knock. "Come in". The door opens and a nurse enters. "All the expenses have been paid for", looking at my medical records she flips through the pages, "you are free to go now". Not acknowledging what she told me I just walk pass her and out of the room.

Now, in front of the hospital I take out my phone and the paper with Aizawa-sensei's number and call it. It rings three times and he picks up. "Hello", I sigh, "Come get me". Not awaiting an answer I hang up. After about ten minutes of sitting on a bench I hear a car. Sitting up I turn towards the car, it's a sleek black Subaru 'not bad', the window rolls down and Aizawa-sensei's eyes appear. "Get in the back". Opening the car door I enter and take a seat. The drive to Aizawa-sensei's house was spent in an awkward silence. The car slows down and he pulls up to a driveway.

Exiting the car I look around. 'this isn't far from my home', wincing at the thoughts of my burned down house I inhale, 'it's no longer my home' following Aizawa-sensei to the front door I look at the house. It's a simple house, beige in color, double front door and two floors. Entering after Aizawa-sensei, I take off my sneakers. "Follow me". He suddenly speaks up and goes up the stairs. I follow him up. Walking pass a couple of doors we reach a door at the end of the hallway. "You will be staying here". He opens the door. "If you need anything else just tell me, there are clothes in the closet". Looking up, I ask him. "How do you know what size I am?", he grins, "you don't remember? they took your sizes when they were creating your hero costume". 'makes sense'.

"Thank you". I mutter, moving my head to the side so he doesn't see my face. After a few seconds I don't hear a response. Looking up I find him slightly smiling. He walks towards me and pats my head. "You are my student, It's my duty to give you aid when you need it". I nod at him. "I'll leave you now, I have some hero stuff to take care of". As he was about to turn around he adds. "The bathroom is the first door to the left". Leaving the room he closes the door. Walking over to the bed, I let myself fall backwards onto it.

My thoughts wander off to my father again. 'why is he back, why now?'. I couldn't get that question out of my head. Closing my eyes, I slowly drift off. 'BANG!' Jerking awake, I jump out of bed and out of the door. Running downstairs, I quickly go towards the source of the noise. Out of nowhere, I see an apple roll in front of me. 'what the fuck?' Aizawa-sensei's head pops up over the counter. He sheepishly scratches his head. "Sorry, did I wake you up?". I nod. "Sorry again, I went out to grab things to make dinner and I dropped a bag". His head disappears under the counter again and I hear shuffling.

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