This feeling

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After the school festival ended, we had a couple of days off to let our injuries recover, and then we would start our regular classes today. Those couple of days were hell for me. Every time I went outside for anything I would get swarmed by people who ask me how I feel about second place and if I'm satisfied with the outcome. I'd always give them the same answer.


"Piss off!" Yelling at the press in front of the school gates, I stomp towards the entrance. What the hell is wrong with them? "That's not a proper way to act young man!" An older lady yelled in a high-pitched voice while trailing after me. "Jesus! Lady! Leave me alone!" I reply not looking back. The lady continued lecturing me, but was stopped when the gate closed after me. Shoving my hands in my pockets, I begrudgingly make my way to the classroom.

As I walk into the hallway, I see Aizawa-sensei walking into the classroom and closing the door. Shit! I'm late! Picking up my pace, I grab the door handle and slide open the door. The door slammed open and I shuffled inside. Aizawa-sensei was already at his desk sending me a shit eating grin. "You're late Genzai, what's your excuse?" Tapping the desk, Aizawa-sensei asked. "Didn't set an alarm". Glaring at him silently, I walk to my seat. More like someone didn't have the time to wake me up. "You should be more responsible".

Not having the strength to argue, I sit down. A few moments later, I feel a weak kick on my chair. Already knowing who's responsible, I turn around. Katsuki was leaning back in his chair, his hands behind his head. "Hmm?" Questioning him, I place my chin on the back of my chair, over my hands. "Why were you late?" He asked, his red eyes gleaming in the morning sun. Letting out a sigh, I close my eyes. "I didn't set an alarm and Aizawa-sensei didn't bother to wake me up". He raises his eyebrows and huffs. Noticing he was done, I turn around.

Aizawa-sensei cleared his throat and everyone turned towards him. "We're having a special hero informatics class today". Suddenly tension filled the room. I turned around and looked at Kaminari, who's face showed alarm. Kirishima's was no better. Heh. "Code names". Aizawa-sensei broke the tension. "You'll be coming up with hero names". The moment those words left his mouth, half the class jumped up in excitement. But before they could celebrate further, Aizawa-sensei's hair stood up, his eyes glinting red and everyone returned to their seat.

"This is related to the pro hero draft picks I mentioned the other day". He continued. "The drafts begin in earnest in the second and third years, after students have gained experience and can become immediate assets to the pros". Oya, oya, that seems fun. "In other words, for them to extend offers to first years like you shows that they are interested in your future potential". He clarified. "These offers are often canceled if that interest dies down my graduation". So if we don't meet their expectations, we are thrown away, huh? Harsh.

"So we'll have to prove ourselves once we get picked, huh?" Hagakure asked. "That's right". Aizawa-sensei answered. "And here are the totals for those with offers". Aizawa-sensei picked up a remote and clicked a button. On the blackboard, there was a ranking shown. Todoroki was first even though he got third place, Katsuki was second and I was third. "In other years, it's been more spread out, but all eyes were on these three this year".

"Gah, there's such a big difference!" Kaminari exclaimed from behind. "Keeping these results in mind, whether or not anyone asked for you, you will all be participating in internships with pros". So everyone gets a chance, eh? That's fair. "At USJ, you already got to experience combat with real villains, but it will still be meaningful training for you to see pros at work firsthand".

"So that explains the hero names!" Sato added from the back. "Things are suddenly getting a lot more fun!" Uraraka joined in. "Well, those hero names are still temporary, but if you're not serious about it..." Aizawa-sensei trailed of. The door slammed open and Midnight walked in. "You'll have hell to play later". She finished Aizawa-sensei's sentence. The boys immediately brightened up. Ugh. She then explained how there's a chance that the hero names we chose now, will later on be our real hero names. Aizawa-sensei added that she will be making sure our names are okay.

We were distributed papers on which we will write our hero names. I grabbed the stack, took a couple of them and turned around to hand it to Katsuki. As I handed him the paper stack, my hand accidentally brushed his. I felt my heart stutter. "Here you go". Acting as if nothing happened, I shove the papers in his hand and quickly turn around. Calm down, you just touched his hand. Katsuki didn't say anything.

Now what? Hero name? I haven't thought about it that much. After a while of thinking, Midnight said that the ones who are ready should present their names. Aoyama was the first to present his name. I can not stop twinkling? Seriously? What the hell? Midnight told him to shorten it. Next was Ashido. Alien Queen? Nice... She got denied by Midnight, who said it's to scary. After a while, it was Katsuki's turn. He presented the name 'King Explosion Murder' and everyone started laughing, including me. Kirishima said that he should change it into 'Explosion Boy' which made us laugh even more. Katsuki, fired up, started yelling at everyone to shut up.

Everyone who was left presented their names and it was finally my turn. Grabbing my paper, I walk up in front of the class. Taking a deep breath, I turn my paper towards the class. Catalyst. Midnight grabbed her chin in thought. "Catalyst..? Isn't that a substance? Why this name?" She questioned. Nodding my head, I answer. "Yes, but there's another meaning". I continue and turn towards the class. "A catalyst can be a thing or a person who can cause a sudden event to happen, it's mostly undesirable, but I see it in another way". The classes eyes widen.

"As a hero, you want to save people right? To be somebodies hero?" The class nods in union. Letting out a small grin, I continue. "Well, in a situation where all hope seems lost, I'd want to make a sudden change, to bring back hope into the hearts of people". Finishing, I turn to Midnight. "That's why I chose this name". She raises her eyebrows in surprise. "That's actually great". She lets out a full blown smile and claps me on the shoulder. "That's a great name for a future hero". Nodding my head at her, I go back to my seat.

Classes ended and everyone immediately swarmed around me saying things like "Oh, Genzai! I didn't know you could think so deep like that!" "Yeah! We expected someone like Bakugo!" and "That's a really good hero name! It suits you!" They continued talking and laughing loudly around me. Huh? This isn't so bad. "Thank you~". A small grin appears on my face. But they are so loud. Out of nowhere, a loud bang was heard directly behind me. "Oi you bastards! Quit being so loud so close to me! Scram!" Katsuki shouted at them. They quickly scurried out of the classroom.

I turn around and see Katsuki let out a huff and cross his arms in annoyance. Seeing me turn around, he looks at me. "Thank you". I thank him with a small smile, my bangs flowing in the cool breeze from the open window. His eyes widen slightly and he turns his head to the side. "I didn't do it for you". He clarifies. Already knowing this is his way of showing affection, I reach my hand and pinch his nose. He splutters and slaps my hand away. Bursting out laughing, I grab my stomach and double over, but I stop when I hear a snort come from Katsuki.

"Did you just laugh?" He coughs and covers his mouth. "No". Shaking my head I let out a chuckle. "You should do it more, you look more approachable". He lets out a grunt. "I don't need to be more approachable". Oh? "What? You only need me, huh?" I tease him, a smirk on my face. He shakes his head in exasperation. "You don't give up, do you?" I give him a silly grin. "Nope! And you're stuck with me!" Placing my hands on my chair, I lay my head on top of them, looking up at Katsuki. His expression didn't change. "I'll be taking your word for it". A small smile makes it's way up his face.

Sitting like this, with him in front of me, leaning in his chair, his eyes closed and a light breeze tousling his hair. Can I have this? Do I deserve this? Even though he sees me as I friend, I'll hold onto this feeling. Even if it seems so unlikely to happen, I won't let this feeling go. If needed, just so we can stay together like this, I will bury this feeling so deep even I won't be able to find it, just so I can be close with him.

In that moment, when he opened his eyes, ruby red glinting in the sunlight, I decided.

I really like him. 

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