Internship pt2

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"Okay, we will start immediately, but first I need to see on what power level you are". Clapping his hands, he got up and beckoned me to follow him. I sat up and trailed after him. He stopped next to a bookshelf and pulled out a book. After the book was pulled out, a whirring noise was heard. After a moment, the bookshelf moved and a passageway opened up.

"Huh?! You have a secret passage!?" The surprise in my voice was clear. He didn't say anything, but he grinned and stepped inside. Once I stepped in, there was a staircase leading down. He switched on a light and went down the stairs. Following him down, I'm met with a huge room with metal replacing all the walls, including the ceiling.

"We will train here, I created this room when I was just starting out as a hero, so I can train my quirk". He gestured around and pointed at the machines on the wall opposite us. What are those? He turned to me. "I guess you're wondering what those are?" He tilted his head in the direction of the machines. I nod. "I got them to help my quirk, the fire objects of various weight and at various speed at me". Oh, so that's what it's used for.

"Could you move there?" He pointed at a far corner, about 30 feet away from us. "Okay". I answer, walking over to the corner and I turn around, facing him. "Now, go all out on me with one attack". He blankly said. Huh? "A-all out? Are you sure?" That made me stutter. "Yeah, just focus everything on me". He answered.

Okay, calm down, concentrate. Relaxing my body, I concentrate on finding the feeling deep inside me. Going deeper and deeper, I sense a familiar spark. Huh? It feels weird. It feels different than before. More... cold? Shaking off the odd feeling, I grasp the spark. I immediately feel it going through my whole body, through my blood, through my muscles. It feels like forever since I used it.

Opening my eyes, I look at Shirudo head-on. Focusing everything in my hand, I point my open palm at him. Feeling the cold feeling creep up my hand, I let go.

The moment my quirk was let loose, I feel panic fill me. I shouldn't have done that. But it was too late. A searing pain went up my palm to my shoulder. Taking a step back and gripping my shoulder because of the pain, I watch as the room lit up in a brilliant blue glow and the lightning hit Shirudo. Once it connected with him, there was a flash so bright I had to cover my eyes.

After the light receded, I slowly blinked my eyes open and looked at where Shirudo was. I feel my eyes widen. He was slightly bent over, panting, and his knees were shaking. I immediately run over to him in worry. "I'm sorry!" I shout and grab his shoulders. "Are you okay? Can you speak?" The questions fly out of my mouth, but before I could continue, a laugh came from him. "Whoa, I didn't expect that much raw power from you". He straightened up and wiped at his forehead.

Relief washed over me and I took a step back. "I didn't charge up my quirk enough because I underestimated you, that was my fault". He explained. "But...". He continued. "That wasn't your full power, was it?" He crossed his arms across his chest. "I remember seeing a lightning so big it cut the robots in half at the Sports Festival... that was you right?" He questioned.

I slowly nod my head. "I can't use it indoors, I need access to the sky". His brows furrow. "Access to the sky?" His tone full of confusion. I let out a sigh. "Yeah, I can manipulate lightning, but I can also empower my own with natural ones". His eyes widen and he lets out a small 'oh'. "Oh yeah, is your arm okay? I saw you grab it when you fired off your quirk?" My arm was throbbing from my shoulder, down to the tips of my fingers.

"It will stop in about an hour or so". I answer, clenching and relaxing my fist. Hearing my answer made him nod, before he started. "Do you want to continue this or stop for today?" His concerned tone cut through the silence in the room. Raising my head, I look him in the eye. "I need to do this every day, if I don't, it won't make a difference". I answer him in all seriousness. Smiling at my determination he claps his hands together, before his his eyes narrow.

Lightning Strike ||Bakugou Katsuki|| (bxb)Where stories live. Discover now