Training camp pt3

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After we had our talk and shared our feelings, we thought it was best to get back on track. We walked in a comfortable silence and with each step we took, our fingers brushed. Class B's scare tactics weren't that good, but one managed to surprise Katsuki enough for him to let out a single 'oh'. Teasing him about it was fun.

After a while of walking along the track, pink smoke appeared. What? Pink smoke? "Katsuki, don't breathe it in!" In that moment a voice rang clear in my mind. "We're being attacked by two villains, it's possible there are more! Everyone who can move, get back to camp immediately! Even if you come across the enemy, retreat and do not engage!" What he fuck!? "Katsuki, did you hear that?" I hurriedly turned to him and seeing the expression on his face gave me the answer. 

"Shit! How did they know we were here?" Asking out loud, I clench my hands. "Never mind that, we need to go". Katsuki said and grabbed my hand, pulling me forward. We walked for a few minutes, but I couldn't stop thinking about the situation. Are they the same villains from last time? Does that mean he is also here? "Fuck!" Cursing in outrage, I pull my hand away from Katsuki and take a deep breath. 

"What's wrong?" He asked from behind me. "Nothing, it's just... what if he's here?" Shaking my head, I look at him. His face is expressionless, but his eyes look worried. Letting out a sigh, he steps up to me and grabs my hands. "It's going to be fine, nothing will happen to you... I promise". He reaches one hand up, moving my bangs away and leans forward, brushing his lips over my forehead. 

Out of the corner of my eyes, I see movement through the trees. "Katsuki". I whisper and nod my head to the trees. He seemed to have understood, because he immediately gets ready to attack. As the figure comes closer and closer, my heartbeat going faster and faster, I start charging my quirk. The person finally comes out of the shadows and relief floods through me.

"Todoroki, it's you". I let out a sigh, my posture relaxing. He shifts on his feet and only then do I notice the extra person on his back. "You sound disappointed?" He questions, tilting his head in confusion. Letting out a short laugh, I shake my head. "Quite the contrary". Wait. "Todoroki... where's Izuku?" I noticed that he was missing. My eyes narrow. "Where is he?" I ask more forcefully when I didn't receive an answer. 

"He ran off". He deadpanned. "He... ran off? What the fuck do you mean he ran off?!" I take a step forward, but a hand stops me from moving. "Katsuki, let me go, I need to find Izuku". I tell him as I try to shake off his hand, which is futile because my physical strength is equivalent to 0. Seeing he wasn't going to let go, I turn back to Todoroki. "You let him go alone?" I question in barely contained anger. 

He shakes his head. "He said he knew where that little boy, Kota, was and I couldn't follow him because I need to get this guy to safety". He explains. Izuku... "Not surprising". I roll my eyes in exasperation. We need to go. "Okay, we need to go, let's go". I hurry them up and we start making our way back. The pink smoke was gone in this area. As we were walking along the path, the silence is broken by Todoroki. "Someone is there". He says and looks ahead of us.

Directly in front of us, kneeling on the ground, was a man. Looking closely, I see he was wearing an all black outfit, and even his head was wrapped in some kind of fabric. But what shocked me the most wasn't the way he looked, but the severed hand which he was kneeling over. "Hey... who was in front of us?" Katsuki asked out of nowhere. In front of us... if I'm not mistaken... "Tokoyami and..." I trailed off and looked at the severed hand. "...Shoji". Shit! Is that Shoji's hand? "Shit!" I exclaim.

The man starts standing up and then he turns around. Great... we get a psychopath. The man's whole face was covered in black fabric, everything except his mouth, which was wide open, little steel things were holding his mouth open. Teeth? Is that his quirk? I see no other reason for his mouth to be uncovered. "Don't fight?" Katsuki asks, a grin appearing on his face.

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