Entrance Exam

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When the siren rang I sprinted ahead. There was one 2 pointer and two 1 pointers in front of me. Charging my lightning I jumped in the air and let it out. The two one pointers were immediately fried and the one that survived was still functional. Side stepping its attack I looked for a weak spot. My eyes trailed over it. "Bingo".

There seems to be a wire visible on top of it. 'I hope thats the power cord'. It started charging towards me. Charging again I jumped on top of it and grabbed the wire. It shocked me but it didn't do anything since I'm basically immune to shock. Gripping the wire and ripping it out made the robot stop. 'Looks like that did the trick'.

Jumping down I looked around for more robots and found a couple more. 'Better get to work'. Running around for what seemed forever and destroying them made me tired. 'Ugh, damn quirk'. Stopping for a moment I heard movement behind me. Whipping my body to the side, I barely missed the attack. Looking around I didn't see anything. 'What the hell'.

As my eyes trailed up, the building I saw wasn't quite a building. 'You've gotta be kidding me'. About a 100 feet in front of me was the zero pointer. Towering over buildings. 'How in the actual fuck did I mistake that for a building, well shit it's too late for that now'.

Taking cover in one of the buildings I hoped it didn't see me run in. Hearing the low rumble of it getting closer I quickly tried to come up with a plan. 'I'll try to charge as much lightning as possible, use half on my legs and the other half on it's weak spot'. "If it has one". I sigh out. Getting up I charged the lightning and got around it quickly I charged at it and jumped on top of its shoulder. Looking around, my eyes rapidly shifting up and down.

I finally see it. 'At the back of the neck, there's a wire sticking out'.

This time I also charged my hand because this one is bound to pack more of a punch. Grabbing the wires the power sent waves of shock through me. I winced and gripped harder. "COME ON YOU FUCK!". Yelling, I ripped it out making it fall. 'Fuck, I didn't think this part through'. As it fell down I fell down with it. 'Come on don't fail me now'. Charging my hands again I tried to grab the side of a building.

When I managed to grab it out of the corner of my eye I saw a girl stuck under a rock. And the falling robot was hurling towards her. "FUCK, I DEFINITELY DIDN'T THINK THIS THROUGH!". I curse aloud. Letting go of the side I let myself free fall the little distance, charging lightning to my legs to absorb the fall.

As soon as I fell, I charged as fast as possible towards the girl.

Grabbing the rock, I charged my hands and picked it up enough for her to crawl out.

She stood up and fell immediately. 'Of course her legs had to be busted' I thought sourly clicking my tongue. Grabbing her by the arms, I threw her over my shoulder and quickly got out of the falling robots way.

Setting the girl down, I sigh. "Thank you for saving me, my name i-". I scoffed. "Don't bother, I don't really care". I waved her off. Her face showed shock and then hurt. 'I don't care, I just didn't want to fail another person'. She started to say something but there was a voice saying "TIME'S UP, YOU CAN LEAVE NOW, WE WILL SEND YOU A MESSAGE IF YOU PASSED OR NOT". I turned away, but the girl yelled after me "Wait! What about me, I can't walk!".

I continued walking and yelled. "If I see someone I'll tell them!". I heard her protest, but I didn't care about what she said.

Passing by an old pink-haired lady, I told her there was a girl with her legs fucked up. The old lady looked at me sourly and said something about swearing. I shrugged my shoulders and passed her.

Getting home, I went straight to my room and in the bed. I passed out immediately.

Tomorrow morning I woke up and went downstairs, 'The old hag is probably still sleeping'. I made myself breakfast and ate. Thinking about the exam yesterday, I remember that they said they were going to send us a message if we passed or not.

Going outside to check the mail, I see something. Grabbing the package, I go inside and into my room. Opening it up made All Might pop up. With his stupid grin he started yelling. "Not again with the fucking yelling". He started saying something about passing and points and I didn't really listen. I just heard that I passed and that I got into the hero course, with second place. 'Yay'.

The holograph turned off and I let out a sigh. 'I wonder if things are going to change'.

Little did Arashi know, he was right, things really were going to change.

For the better and for the worse.

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