Meeting the family

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The ride to the Bakugo residence took about 20 minutes. Honestly, I didn't expect I would see All Might so soon after what happened. We soon pull up to a big beautiful house. I exit the truck, expecting the two of them to follow me, but to my surprise they didn't. "Aren't you two going in?" I turn to Aizawa and All Might. "We have a list we follow, Bakugo's house is one of the last ones". All Might explains. "Oh, okay, I'm going in". I wave at them and go to the front door.

Taking a deep breathe, I ring the doorbell. A moment later shouting comes from inside. Uh-oh. Footsteps are heard coming closer and closer and the door opens. "Ungrateful brat". A woman grumbles to the side. The first thing I think of when I see her is. A female Katsuki. The woman was very beautiful. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I realize I was staring at her in silence.

"U-Uh, hello". I bow. "I'm Genzai Arashi, Katsuki's friend". I introduce myself to her. She squints her eyes and then a full-blown grin appears on her face. "He told us you would be coming, come in". She moves to the side and lets me pass. The interior of the house is as beautiful as the exterior. A moment later, thuds are heard coming from the staircase. Soon, Katsuki appears on the top of the staircase. "Katsuki! I told you no running in the house!" The woman unexpectedly shouts from beside me and I flinch in surprise.

"Shut up old hag!" He yells back at her. Oh my God, what have I gotten myself into? As I was contemplating running away, a man peaks his head through one of the doors. A brunette Katsuki. "What's with all the shouting again?" He softly asks. Again?! Jesus! I was awkwardly standing in place. The man walks up to me and offers me a hand, using his other one to move his glasses up. "Hello, I'm Bakugo Masaru, Katsuki's dad, you are?" I shake his hand. "Hi, Genzai Arashi". The woman from before walks closer and offers her hand. "Bakugo Mitsuki, you can call me Mitsuki, the brat's mom".

I shake her hand, but she pulls me into a hug. "This is the first time Katsuki brought home a friend". She pulls away and grins at me. "How is it that a polite, nice young boy like you, ended up being friends with that?" She asks and points a finger at Katsuki. "You hag! Who are you calling 'that'?!" Katsuki, once again, shouts at her. "It just happened". I answer, in a daze. "You're very beautiful". I blurt out. The woman freezes, before she starts laughing. "Oh my, add charming to the description".

I feel myself blush in embarrassment and I start spluttering. "I-I'm sorry!" She stops laughing and shakes her head. "It's okay, thank you". She smiles at me and I blush even more. Cowering my face with my hand, I inwardly scream. I'm an embarrassment to the male population. "Stop flirting!" Katsuki growls and walks down to me. "I-I wasn't!" I exclaim, still blushing. He grabs my wrist and pulls me after him. "We're going to my room". He says. "It was nice meeting you both!" I turn around and declare while being dragged away.

Once upstairs, he continues pulling me. "Katsuki, you can let go now". Completely ignoring me, he opens the door to his room and we go inside. "Katsuki". I call out, but he still wasn't saying anything. He lets go of my hand and sits on the bed, turning away from me. I take a moment to look around his room. He had a simple room, with a few posters here and there. Looks like him. Turning back to him, I walk over and kneel in front of him. "Hey, what's wrong?" But he continued to stay silent.

Turning to the side, I take a look at his face. He was... "Are you pouting?" I exclaim in disbelief. His eyes widen and he pushes me away, making me fall back. "No I'm not!" He shouts. I start laughing on the ground. "Oh my God, you're unbelievable". He crosses his arms and glares at me. "Why is the baby pouting?" I tease him in a baby voice. "I told you, I wasn't pouting!" His reaction made me wonder. Was he jealous? Of what? And then it dawned on me.

"Is it because I called your mother beautiful?" My question seemed to do nothing, but I notice him stop breathing. Jackpot. I get on my knees again and place my hands on his own. "Or is it because I never called you that?" I ask and he looks directly at me. He whispers something. "What?" I question. "You already did call me that". He reddens and looks down. When did I do that? I try thinking back. Oh wow. At the practical exam? "You heard that, huh?" Feeling myself grow hot, I scratch my cheek.

"Yeah". And then it's an awkward silence. "Well... I meant it". I say after a minute.

He raises his head and our eyes meet. What pretty eyes he has. And then he was leaning down. Our lips barely brushed, before the door slammed open, making me jump in surprise. "Fuck! Katsuki!" I exclaim as I grab my forehead in pain and close my eyes. "The fuck?! Don't you 'Katsuki' me! You're the one who hit me!" Opening my eyes, I take a look at him. He was holding his nose, blood already seeping through his fingers. "Shit!" I quickly get up and grab his chin, tilting his head back.

"Stay like that, don't move". I order and he rolls his eyes and look to the side. His eyes widen. That makes me look to the side. His mother was standing there with a phone in her hand. Katsuki starts standing up. "What are you doing?!" He yells at her. Gripping his shoulder, I force him down. "Sit your ass down, you are bleeding". He narrows his eyes. "But-". I shush him. "No buts, stay!" He quiets down and grumbles something incoherent.

I turn to Mitsuki. "Uh, we need a towel?" I awkwardly look at her. She was looking at me, her eyes slightly widened. "Coming right up". She shakes her head and leaves. I sit on the bed next to him. "Sorry, I was just surprised". I apologize. "It's fine". He grumbles, his voice nasally. Leaning in, I kiss his cheek. "What's that for?" He asks. I just shrug my shoulders. "Just wanted to do that". I answer, grinning at him. He sighs, before a smirk appeared on his face. "I need to sneeze". What?

I quickly stand up and start walking backwards. "Katsuki, don't you dare!" I warn him. He stood up and followed after me. "Fuck off!" I yell as I dash through the door, knocking into Mitsuki just as I rounded the corner. "I'm really sorry!" Internally face-palming, I look at her reaction. She had a fond look on her face, looking at me and behind me. I gingerly look behind me and see Katsuki laughing. Like full-on bending over laughing.

"Here you go". She hands me a wet fluffy dark blue towel. "When the bleeding stops, come down, we're eating lunch". Muttering a small 'thank you' and an 'alright', I turn around and pull Katsuki inside the room, closing the door behind me. "Sit down, now". Glaring at him, I point at the bed. He huffs, but sits down. Placing my palm on his forehead, I push his bangs back and tilt his head back. Gently dragging the wet towel across his nose and lips, I wipe the blood off of his face.

"There, good as new". I place the towel on the table near the bed and take a seat next to Katsuki. "Your mom said after we're done to go down to have lunch". He grunts in reply and falls back down onto the bed. I let myself fall down beside him. He shifts slightly and I feel his hand envelop mine, intertwining our fingers. "What are we doing?" He asks out of nowhere, looking at the ceiling. "What do you mean?" Clearly confused, I ask him.

"I mean this". He holds our intertwined hands up. "What is this?" He turns to me. Taking a moment to gather my thoughts, I sit up and lean over him. "It can be whatever you want it to be". He raises up his other hand and rests it on my cheek. "What if I don't know what I want?" He whispers. Smiling softly, I touch the hand on my cheek. "Then we can figure it out together". Leaning down, I kiss his forehead, his nose, his cheek, his jaw and lean back, getting up.

"Let's go, better not make your mom wait". I clap my hands. "Just as the best part was coming". He scoffs and sits up. "Get up". I say. He frowns and shakes his head. "Kiss me". Narrowing my eyes, I walk over to him. "You're being a brat, you know that, right?" He throws me a shit-eating grin. Sighing, I grab him by the chin and tilt his head up. Leaning my head down, I barely brush my lips over his and turn around. I knew this was going to annoy him. "There, done, let's go ea-". My sentence was interrupted, because he decided it was a great idea to pull me back.

"Hey!" I exclaim as I fall onto the bed, lightly bouncing up. He wastes no time in climbing over me. "Katsuki, you're unbelievable". As soon as those words exit my lips, his own cover them. He kissed me softly at the beginning, then it grew in intensity. Our lips melted together. His lips were soft, his eyes were closed and his hands were cowering my own. His legs tightened around me and he pulls back, sitting on my thighs. "Now, that's better". He exclaimed, lips cherry red, cheeks flushed and lips parted.

He moved his hands away, but before he could get up, I sit up and pull him back. "Where do you think you're going?" I whisper in his ear. "If you start something, then you should finish it". His eyes widen and I smile softly. Gripping the back of his neck, I pull him in another kiss. My other hand winds up around his waist, resting on his spine, pulling him further to me. One hand grips my hair and the other grips my shoulder.

"Oh, so that's how it is". A woman's voice says from the other side of the room.

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