The rescue

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After the events of the camp, I was taken to a nearby hospital. A couple of Class A students were also hospitalized. Some of them because of the pink smoke and the rest because of critical wounds. I was currently leaning onto the hospital window, the cold breeze running through my hair. The silence was broken by the door opening. 

"I see you're awake". Aizawa said as I turned around. "Surprise, surprise". I deadpanned. His expression turned serious. "We need to talk, right now". He turned around and closed the door, before walking over to the bed and sitting down. He patted the space next to him and I reluctantly sat down. "We found a body". He said, looking me straight in the eyes. "It's your father". He clarified. 

"I know". I confess, but he doesn't look surprised. "Why did you do such a thing?" Grabbing me by the shoulders, he grips me tight. "I thought you were getting better, not worse". His eyes were wide open, anger and sadness mixing in. "I was never getting better or worse, I was always prepared to do this". Removing his hands from my shoulders, I bring my knees to my chest, wrapping my arms around them. 

"Now that you did it... do you feel better? Or worse?" He questioned. 

Do I feel better or worse? I don't know.

"It felt like the most amazing thing in the world". I admit and bite my lip. "But then... the feeling disappeared and I was left with nothing, absolutely nothing". He lets out a sigh. "And then I felt worse, because if I just ran away from him, maybe I could have saved Katsuki". I lean back onto the wall and close my eyes. 

"The scene keeps repeating over and over in my head, his wide scared eyes looking directly into mine equally scared ones". Aizawa shifts closer but I stand up and go over to the window. "You know what's even worse?" I ask. "What?" "I confessed to him and we settled everything, we forgave each other and he told me nothing would happen to me". I chuckle bitterly. "And then he goes ahead and gets kidnapped". 

"What will happen now? I killed a person". Aizawa hurriedly stands up and walks over to me. "You killed a villain in self-defense, that's what you did". He explains and I laugh. "It wasn't self-defense, he accepted his death, he didn't struggle, you know that, right?" I question, but he stays quiet. "Sensei, I miss him". I say and turn to him. "Katsuki? Or your father?" He asks and that made me think. "Both". I reveal. "But I still hate him and I will always hate him... just like I'll always love him". Saying that to another person made me feel lighter. 

"Now, sensei, if you're done with your question, I'd like to rest a bit more". He nods and turns around to leave, before he grabbed a bag and threw it on the bed. "Clean clothes". He explains. "Thank you". He stops in his tracks and looks over at me. We look at each other in silence for a few seconds, before he strides over and hugs me. "You are strong and you did the best you could". When he finished, he let me go and walked out of the room, closing the door behind himself. 

The best I could, huh? That wasn't enough.


A ding coming from my phone woke me up. "Who the hell...?" I grab the phone and unlock it. "Izuku?" The message was from Izuku and it said: Be in front of the hospital in 5 minutes. 

"What is going on?" Questioning myself, I get up and grab the clothes Aizawa brought me. Short sleeved graphic tee, black jeans and converse. Quickly dressing up, I exit the hospital just in time to see Iida throw a punch at Izuku. "What the fuck is going on here?!" Walking up to them, I grab Izuku and pull him away. "Iida?" I turn towards him and glare. "Genzai, you're here!" Kirishima exclaimed. I take a moment to look around. Kirishima, Todoroki, Iida, Yaoyorozu and Izuku were here. 

"Can someone explain what the fuck is happening?" I demand, my temper rising. Izuku took it upon himself to explain the situation. He said we were going to save Katsuki and asked me if I was with them. I, of course, said yes. After we settled the matter, we took the train to the train station nearest to the location Yaoyorozu said the tracer she placed was. Yaoyorozu explained that the villains knew what we looked like and that we needed disguises. 

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