Waking up to reality

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'Not every subject is dead' 'Why do you think I had you?' 'That woman was an obstacle'
"NO!" My eyes snap open as a yell rips out of my throat as I sit up. Looking around all I see is white, white, white. My bangs fall in front of my eyes obscuring my vision, so I push them back with my hand, but alas they fall back and continue annoying me.

"Oh for fucks sake". I groan out the words. Remembering the fact I have no fucking idea where I am, I look around, trying to find out where I am. In that moment I notice a person sitting across the room, leaning on the back of the chair, his hands crossed in front of him. 'Katsuki? Is he asleep?' As soon as that question goes through my mind his eyes snap open. He starts blinking and looking around, his eyes trailing across the room and stop as they meet mine.

"You're awake". It sounded like a statement. I smirk. "So are you, Katsuki". His eyes slightly widen and he sneers. "Yea, yea, I was waiting for your sorry ass to wake up". 'hmm?' "Ohh, so you were waiting for me? Were you worried about me?" I ask in a teasing tone. He blushes and splutters. "W-what, no, I wasn't worried you shit!"

I put a hand over my heart and laugh out loud. "Why do you wound me like that!" As I continue laughing, I feel pain in my side. "Shit!" Grabbing my side I wince. Katsuki stops spluttering, stands up and hurries to my side. "Stop moving you idiot, you'll rip your stitches". He grabs my shoulders and gently pushes me back in a lying position.

'wait, how long was I out?' I ponder on that thought. "About half a day". 'huh?' "Wait, did I say that out loud?". Katsuki only nods. "What happened to Aizawa-sensei?"

"He was badly injured, but he will live". He kept it short and simple. "I'm glad". I answer in relief.

Katsuki takes a chair and moves it next to my bed. "What is it?" I move my head towards him. "What happened after I passed out? Did every villain escape?" He puts his elbow on my bed, next to my leg, and leans his head in his hand. "What's it to you?" His tone disinterested, but his eyes inquiring. "Nothing". I avert my eyes and look at the ceiling. "There's something you're hiding, isn't there?"

I sigh and turn my head back towards him. "Why are you so interested? It's not like we're friends". He looks taken aback and takes his hand off of my bed. He leans back in his chair and narrows his eyes. "We aren't, aren't we?" That answer confused me. I felt as if we had just taken a step back. Like he was further away from me.

"It's about my father". As if interested, he leans forward. "What is?" I sigh and decide to just tell him the truth, it's not like it matters now. "One of the villains was my father". His hand goes to his knee and he tilts his head slightly to the left. "Wait, was it the tall, blond one?" My eyes narrow in suspicion. "How did you?" I trail off. "It was the eyes". He answers. "You two have the same eyes, not just the color, you have the same look in them". He elaborates.

"You know, telling someone they have the same look in their eyes as their villain father isn't very comforting". I laugh and immediately regret it. I bite my lip and wince as my side starts hurting again. Katsuki sighs. "That's not what I meant, and what did I tell you, stop fucking laughing, it's only making your wound worse".

"How long am I supposed to stay here?" I ask exasperated. He grins. "They told me to tell you you are free to go as soon as you wake up". 'what?!' "And you tell me now?!" I quickly pull off my sheet. "Whoa, whoa wait!". Katsuki suddenly yells. 'what?' As soon as the sheet that was covering my body falls down I look at him. 'why is he looking away?' His head is turned away, but his eyes keep darting back at me.

Looking down at myself, I realize what's the problem. The only part of clothing I have are a pair of gray sweatpants, and only the bottom of my torso is covered in bandages. "Katsuki". I call his name. His red eyes meet my blue ones. Unable to hold it in after seeing the look on his face, I start laughing uncontrollably. Even though my side is hurting, I can't stop. "I can't believe you!" I yell in amusement. "W-what you fucker!? Why are you laughing again!?"

"Are you shy?" I ask in a teasing voice. "No I'm fucking not, what gave you that idea!?" He yells in defense. "Come on, have you seen Kirishimas hero costume? He isn't even wearing a shirt! Why are you so shy after seeing me shirtless?" I chuckle. "I just told you, I'm not shy!" He yells exasperated. I grin and take a step towards him. His eyes widen in panic and he takes a step back. This continues until his back meets the wall. Lifting up my right arm, I place it on the wall next to his head and lean on it.

"Katsuki, why so shy?" I tilt my head. His breath quickens and he turns his head to the side, and doesn't answer. "Can you answer me?" I continue pushing on. Looking closely at him, I notice the slight blush that is coming from beneath his neck, up to his ears. I lean closer to him. "Why are you blushing?" He finally turns towards me, and his lips twist into a frown.

"I'm not blushing! I'm just hot!" He answers heatedly. I smirk. "Yeah, you are". For a second he looks confused, but then his face explodes in a fiery blush. I lean even closer, so close that out noses almost touch. The tension in the room was thick. I raise my left arm, and just as I'm about to touch his jaw, there's a knock at the door. As to not further embarrass Katsuki, with a disappointed sigh, I push myself off of him and take a few steps back.

"Come in". I call out. The door opens and All Might walks in. "Genzai-shounen, Bakugou-shounen". He says in a greeting. "I'm here on behalf of Aizawa". I nod. "Yes?" He clears his throat and looks at Katsuki, and then back to me. I just nod at him to continue. "Since Aizawa is unable to take care of you at the moment, I thought it would be best if you stayed with me for the time being". I can almost sense the confusion emitting off of Katsuki.

"That's fine with me, but I have a lot of stuff I need to move if I'm going to be at your place". All Might grabs his chin in thought. "Then I can take a couple of my things and go to Aizawa's place, I think he wouldn't mind". I nod in agreement. "If it's not a problem, I think that would be best". All Might quickly dismisses the thought with a shake of his hand.

He claps his hands and starts. "Okay! Clothes were brought to you so you should change, I'll wait for you in the waiting room". And with a wave he exits the room. After he exited the room, I look at Katsuki but he's already looking at me. "Aizawa's place?" He crosses his arms and narrows his eyes. "I will explain everything, but right now I need to change". He remains unmoved. I smirk. "Unless, you want to stay and watch me undress myself?" His eyes widen and he splutters. "W-what no! Who the fuck would want to watch that?" I snicker.

"I'm leaving!" He storms out of the room and slams the door. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. Slowly walking towards the bedside desk I see clothes neatly folded. A dark shirt, some jeans and a pair of shoes under the desk. Carefully, but quickly I put them on. Exiting the room, I notice All Might patiently sitting down on one of the chairs. Upon hearing my footsteps he stands up and walks towards me. "Are you ready to go?" I just nod and walk past him.

In front of the hospital there was a taxi waiting for us. Opening the door I sit down. All Might enters seconds after me. He tells the driver the location and the car starts moving. As I'm looking outside of the window, the scenery changing, revealing the setting sun. The orange in the sky quickly turning dark, the clouds disappearing and stars emerging. The dread inside me, filling me up. My thoughts turning darker than the night sky. 'he isn't done with me yet'

And he wasn't.

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