Bakugou Katsuki

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After agreeing to the battle, All Might leads the other students away and into a building. Coming back to me and Bakugou, he leads us into a different building. 'This isn't the same one where I fought Todoroki'. Following closely behind him I turn my head back and look over my shoulder. Bakugou is stalking behind us. Turning my head back forward I almost run into All Might's back. He turned around and looked at me in an apology, I just look at him blankly.

"Okay, Bakugou-shounen go inside and wait until my signal". Turning towards Bakugou All Might proclaims. Bakugou just nods and walks by me, not without hitting my shoulder of course. 'You just keep getting on my nerves'. After Bakugou enters the building, All Might turns to me. "Genzai-shounen, be careful and try not to hurt each other". Nodding I turn towards the door and All Might sounds the alarm. After doing that he leaves and joins the students in the other building, monitoring our fight.

Looking towards the door I sigh and enter. Almost immediately I hear explosions. Preparing myself, I pull my black face-mask on. 'This comes in handy against the smoke, heh, who knew'. Covering behind a wall I hear Bakugou yell. "COME OUT YOU FUCK, YOU STARTED THIS, I WILL FINISH IT!". 'Does he need to yell all the fucking time? Can't he speak like a normal human being?' Grabbing my bat I charge it and prepare myself. Hearing footsteps, I jump out and duck, swinging my bat at his legs.

His eyes widen and he barely jumps over it. Glaring at each other our eyes meet. 'Damn, his eyes are pretty'. Shaking my head to get rid of the thoughts I go back in position. 'Can't be thinking of that in the middle of a fight'. With a shout he jumps at me, his hands extended and explosions emitting. Ducking under him I quickly turn around, charge my legs and kick at his back. He rolls mid-air and falls back on his feet. I grip my bat and swing it at the ground. It slammed into it leaving an indent. Nothing happens for a few moments but then suddenly a low rumble was heard.

His confused eyes wonder around, when suddenly they widen. Jumping away from the spot where he was standing, he gets hit by a stream of lightning coming from the ground underneath him. Groaning he stumbles away. His furious eyes look at me and he charges again. He goes in with a right hook, I duck, but not expecting his knee coming up I barely have time to cross my arms in front of me. The knee hit sends me back a few feet. Looking up at him he seems to be grinning, but it's hard to properly see from all the smoke emitting from his hands.

Cracking my neck, my eyes narrow. 'I'm not good at hand-to-hand combat, but it seems it's no problem for him'. Dropping my bat down on the ground next to me, I conclude that I can't beat him with brutal strength alone. 'My legs are weaker now, since I charged them a lot against Todoroki, but I guess I'll have to endure it, damn drawback'. Crouching down I charge my legs, Bakugou seeing this, gets into a defensive position. 'Seems like he knows what's coming, too bad he won't be able to see it'.

Taking a step forward I dash towards him. His eyes narrow and he prepares a right hand hit. Drawing his hand back his eyes barely following me, he thrusts his hand forward, hoping for a hit. Ducking under it I step next to it 'Guess I'll try with my whole body weight'. Using my hand, I thrust it under his arm and around his neck. Using the momentum, I place my right leg behind his right, out-stepped one, and at the same time draw my leg back pushing him forward using my body.

Both falling to the ground, him taking the fall and my whole body weight, he grunts. Straddling his hips I use my hands to bind his above his head. His furious eyes look at me and he yells, "WHAT THE HELL YOU DICK". Smirking down at him I lean down, "Didn't I tell you I look forward to fucking you up, Katsuki?". Hearing this, he shuts up and his eyes widen. A blush spread down from his face to his neck. "GET OFF OF ME!". He yells out in outrage. 'He looks cute like this'. Using one hand to hold his wrists I reach up and pull down my mask and grin at Bakugou. After doing that I reach behind me, to my pocket and I grab the tape I was given to by All Might.

Bringing the tape to my lips, I look down at Bakugou. Grabbing the beginning of the tape with my teeth, while still looking at Bakugou, I rip it. Grabbing it with my free hand I move it towards his hands. Looking down at him I grin innocently. 'He's still blushing'. His eyes meet mine and he looks away. Tying the tape around his hands I get up. Dusting my hands off I look towards the camera and give a peace sign. Turning back towards Bakugou, who's in a sitting position now, I say, "Guess I win, Katsuki". He sneers at me, "Don't call me by my name you fuck". Tilting my head confused I answer, "You weren't complaining earlier".

Realizing his mistake, he huffs and turns his head away, looking at a wall. Turning to leave, I hear All Mights booming voice, "GENZAI WINS!". Turning towards Katsuki, grinning, I give him a small wave. "Looking forward to seeing you at school". Glaring he spits out, "Go to hell". My eyes widen and snap to his, my shoulders stiffen and my breathing grows erratic. Seeing my reaction, his glare turns into confusion.


5 years ago

A man could be seen down on the ground. Black charred grass all around where he was lying. His breathing erratic, his eyes wide, looking up. Above him stood a shadow of what seemed like a child. The child was small and frail in stature, nothing threatening about it, nothing except its eyes. They seemed as if they were glowing, glowing in anger and rage. Sparks darting around them. The man started crawling back his eyes terrified. Scrambling to his feet the man turns to run away, but his legs give out and he falls back onto the charred ground. Turning back towards the child. The child still stood in the same spot, in the same position as before, but his eyes followed the man. "PLEASE DON'T". The man screamed in fear. "DON'T KILL ME". His eyes full of tears, his lips bloody, his face burned,"I DIDN'T MEAN TO HURT THEM, I HAD TO". The child took a step forward, barefooted. Getting closer and closer to the man. Finally reaching the man he crouches in front of him. Grabbing the man by the hair he pulls his face towards his own, its eyes now wide open. "But you had a choice, you could have stopped, you could have let them leave, but you didn't". The child's eyes narrow, "Do you know why?". The child inquired. The man shook his head frantically, tears staining his charred face. "Because you are a monster, and monsters deserve to die". "And to think I looked up to you, wanted to be like you, used to call you my family". Using his free hand, the child placed it on the mans dirty cheek. "Goodbye". Sparks shoot out through the mans skin. Seconds later, screams could be heard through the night. After a while the man stopped moving. Letting the body drop the child turns to walk away. Suddenly the man behind him,his head raised up, with his dying breath exclaims, "You already are like me, you are a monster", The man coughs, "I hope you burn in hell, I'll be seeing you there". Dropping his head to the ground, the man exhaled. The child, stiff, frozen on the spot, grits its teeth and let's out a whisper, "So be it, I'll be a monster, If it means I'll kill OTHER MONSTERS, THEN BE IT!". The child screams into the night sky.


I snap out of it, turning away, trying to hide my expression. I grit my teeth and bite my lip, my hands clenched, nails digging into my palm. Forcing the words out, trying to sound calm, but failing, "I guess I will, I mean, after the things I did, the only place I could go to is Hell, and back to him". "Hey, what the fuck are you talking about?". he calls out. Turning around I say, "Nothing, you just brought back old memories". I walk away not turning back. Not seeing Bakugou's eyes soften, his shoulders slouch, not seeing him release a shaky breath.

Walking back home after school I take the longer path. My eyes trailing around the street, they stop at a bench. Stepping forward I place my hand on the bench and lean down to sit. Spreading my arms on the back of it, I lean back and look up at the sky. Letting out a deep breath, I whisper into the silent night.

"They are just memories, right?".

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