It's Him

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"You already are a monster​​​​​​". Jumping out of my bed and onto the ground I try to calm my  breathing. 'calm down, you're safe, just calm down'. Letting out a sigh I rub my face. Looking at the clock at my bedside table I groan. '4:13 am', guess I'm gonna take that morning run earlier today'. 

Grabbing some comfortable clothes, I change and go out. Getting out of the house, I start a slow pace towards the park. Slowly accelerating I soon hit a full blown sprint. 

After a while of sprinting, I come to a halt near a bench. Just as I'm about to take a seat  I hear a distant sound of explosions. 'what the fuck is that'. Looking towards the way the explosions came from, I debate whether I should go check it out or not. 

'meh, I have time'. Starting a light jog towards the noise, I come to a halt when I see what's happening. The trees surrounding the area are charred, the ground black in some spots. In the middle of all that a blonde boy is standing. 'seriously, ugh'. I groan out loud. Hearing this, the boys red orbs snap to me. 

"It's you". He adds. 'wait, what' Expecting him to yell. "It's, me?". I reply in confusion. He starts walking towards me, and I prepare myself for an outburst or a hit. I was right, because as soon as he was close he threw a punch with his right arm. Repeating the move I did in the battle trials against him, I evade his hit and move to his right, thrust my arm under his outstretched one and wrap it around his neck, using my right leg I put it behind his own. Pushing with my body and pulling with my leg I manage to slam him into the ground. 

As I open my eyes 'when did I even close them?' I notice the dust around us is raised. Trailing my eyes over Katsuki I look at his face. His eyes are closed. Slowly blinking them open he looks at me. 

"Again with the body slamming, seriously do you like forcing people down?". He groans out. "You knocked the breath out of me". He moves his head to the side and coughs. I grin "I only like forcing you down". 

His eyes widen, but then he grins. Using his superior physical strength, he somehow reverses our positions. He was now on top of me. Not bothering to do anything, I sigh. "You're right, this feels like shit". 

Trailing my eyes over his form I notice what he is wearing. Black tank top, dark sweatpants and black trainers. Forcing my eyes up to meet his. "What?". He questions. "This is a bit provocative, in the middle of a public park". I gesture to our position. His eyes widen and a barely noticeable blush appears on his face. "Shut up". He whispers as he gets off of me.

I begin to get up when I see his hand extended towards me. Blinking up at him in confusion I tilt my head. He glares. I shake my head and laugh, while taking his hand. I get up and dust myself off. "Why are you up so early? ". I look towards him and reply. "Morning run, you?". I evade the true reason. "Training". I look towards the destruction around us. "I figured, what did the poor trees ever do to you?". I gesture around us. He snorts. 

Looking at my watch I notice its 6am. 'shoot, I need to hurry up'. "Well, nice seeing you here I gotta go!". I turn to leave when he yells out. "LATER, YOU FUCK!". I start walking away and show my middle finger not looking back. 

Getting closer to my street, I hear sirens. 'what now?'. Getting even closer, I notice they are all going to the direction of my house. 'shit' breaking into a run I get to my house 'no'. The heat was unbearable, there were police cars everywhere, firefighters trying to put out the fire. "MOM!". I yell out. "WHERE ARE YOU, MOM?". I desperately look around. 

Trying to run into the burning house, I get grabbed by a police officer. "NO! LET ME GO! SHE'S STILL IN THERE!". The officer turns me towards him. His eyes sad, his teeth clenched. He forces out. "I'm sorry kid, we got her 5 minutes ago, she didn't make it". NO, NO, NO it can't be, no'. The officer let me go, with nothing holding me up, I fall down to my knees. Digging my fingers into the dirt, I scream out. NO! MOM PLEASE! I'M SORRY, COME BACK, MOM COME BACK". Lightning starts darting around me, the ground starts shaking. Suddenly everything turns black. 

Blinking my eyes open I look around. Everything is white. "Ugh". I groan out. 'my head hurts'. "If you're wondering why your head hurts", I turn towards the voice, "it's because they had to knock you out". Aizawa-sensei was standing there. "What happened?". I question. 

He pulls out a chair and puts it next to my bed. "Your quirk happened". I tilt my head. "You don't remember?". I shake my head. "Your quirk started acting up because of your emotions, if they hadn't knocked you unconscious things would have turned bad". I just nod, not knowing what else to say. After a few minutes of silence Aizawa turns to me. "It's okay to cry". I bite my lip and clench the hospital bed sheets. ​​​​​​I shake my head. "What happened to my mother?". I turn towards Aizawa. 

He sighs. "Listen, it was an accident, they found a pot on the stove, and burned rags, she was cooking and the she wasn't paying attention and caught fire". I nod. "After you are discharged, call this number, I will come to get you and we will talk about where you will be staying". Taking the paper he handed me I nod. Aizawa got up and left the room, talking about how his phone was ringing. Quietly following him, being careful so he doesn't notice I put my ear to the door. 

'something feels weird'. "What?". I hear Aizawa. "Yes I know", he sighs, "there were some witnesses, we payed them to keep quiet about what they saw", 'what' ​​​​​​, "they said they saw a figure exit the house", he replies, "yes, I think it's him", 'who?' , "how do I know? well its because", I prepare myself, "they said he had scars on his cheek". I step away from the door. 

My whole body shaking, my fingernails digging into my palm, drawing blood, my breathing erratic, blood pumping, ears ringing.

"It's him", I whisper, "he's back". Shaking my head I grab the door handle and open the door. Aizawa stops talking and quickly turns to me, seeing my expression, he sighs. "I'll call you back". He says into the phone, tucking in into his coat. His eyes meet mine. "It's him, isn't it?". I question. Aizawa stays quiet. 

"It's my father?". 

How I wished I was wrong. 

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