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Finally, it was the day of the internship. The whole class headed to the station with Aizawa-sensei. "You all have your costumes, right?" Aizawa-sensei asked once we all got there. "Remember, you aren't allowed to wear them in public. Don't drop them or anything". He reminded us. "Yessir!" Ashido excitedly yelled from the group. "Speak clearly! It's a 'yes, sir' Ashido". Aizawa-sensei reprimanded. "Yes, sir". Ashido dejectedly exclaimed.

"Make sure you mind your manners with the heroes at your internships!" Aizawa-sensei lectured. "Off with you, now". He added as an afterthought.

"Genzai". He called out to me. It's weird being called Genzai by him, but we aren't alone, so it makes sense. Begrudgingly walking to him, I stop. "Yes?" Shoving my hands in my pockets, I tilt my head to the side. He lets out a sigh. "You... are you okay?" I knew this question was bound to be asked, so I already prepared an answer. "I told you already, don't ask me that". Nonchalantly answering his question, I turn to board the train, but his voice stops me. "You can tell me anything". He scratches his cheek and shifts on his feet.

Seeing him so concerned and hearing him say that... it felt like a part of the burden I carried got take off of my shoulders. Turning around, I send him a small smile. "After I come back from the internship, we will talk". Seeing me smile caught him off guard and his brows shot up to his hairline. After a moment he calmed down. "We will, come back in one piece please and don't cause trouble, knowing you, it's useless to tell you that". Hearing his words made me laugh. "Yes dad, I'll come back in one piece". I answer, mocking him and walk away.

His eyes widen after I called him 'dad', but he calms down. "Wait...What about the trouble part!?" He yells after me. Turning my head around, I wave at him. "Can't promise that!" I throw a shit-eating grin his way and board the train, going to my designated seat. I open up my bag and grab a pair of headphones, which I connect to my phone. Immediately music floods my senses and I relax in my seat, the scenery out the window ever-changing.

~ When I close my eyes~

~ I'm climbing in the dark ~

~ Trying not to fall apart ~

~ Sometimes I get so high ~

~ Falling is the only out I see ~

~ And I don't wanna take you down with me ~

Listening to the song reminded me of Katsuki. How unnecessarily cold I was to him, just because of my own insecurities. Even though he was so close to me, I pushed him away, hurting him in the process.

~ This life is like a razor ~

~ When it cuts I bleed ~

~ But it's in my hand ~

~ And I'm doing it to me ~

The lyrics invoke a strange feeling in my chest. It felt like my heart was being gripped tight.

Grabbing the place above my heart, I close my eyes.

~ Sometimes it's like an ocean ~

~ And it gets too deep ~

~ There's no way that now ~

~ You could rescue me ~

There were moments in my life that made me feel like giving up, that there's no point in continuing to exist. Most of the time I could hold back those feelings...those feelings of despair and anguish.

Now, I have people I can confide in, people I can trust, but I just keep on messing up. I continuously push them away, afraid to let them in, afraid to let them see the real me, to see the monster growing each passing day.

Lightning Strike ||Bakugou Katsuki|| (bxb)Where stories live. Discover now