Cavalry Battle

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AN: For story purposes, Arashi will be replacing Mina in the Sports Festival battles.

'Teams, eh?' Standing in the middle of the field, participants all around me, I look around for a possible team. Noticing a mop of blond and red hair, I run over to them. Putting my arms around their shoulders, I grin. "Hello there boys". I'm greeted by an overly enthusiastic Kirishima. "Genzai!" Turning my head to the other side, I'm met with a glaring Katsuki. "Why the glare Katsuki?" His head turns to me and his glare lessens, but was still present.

"I was just telling him about how I'm going to be an unwavering horse!" Kirishima interrupts with his fist in the air. "An... unwavering horse?" I question, bemused. He grins and nods his head. "Yeah! He's going to be a rider and I'm going to take all his blasts!" My expression turns confused. 'rider? blasts?' I burst out laughing. "Wow, there's a few things wrong with that sentence alright!" Kirishima innocently turns towards me, confused as to why I'm laughing. "What do you mean?" He asks, his head tilted. I grip my stomach and double over.

"I can't breathe, Katsuki help!" Kastuki turns his head towards me and frowns. "I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about". 'wait, what? Did he not get it?' "Katsuki, could it be? You didn't get it?" His frown deepens. "Get what?! Spit it out Sparky!" He yells out annoyed. I straighten up from my laughing, and turn towards Katsuki. "You're the rider? He's going to take all your 'Blasts'". I carefully pronounce 'Blasts'. His eyes slowly widen in realisation, he raises his hands and explosions start going off. "What the fuck!?"

Seeing his expression, I start laughing once again. Noticing me laughing at him, he steps towards me and raises his hands threateningly. "You bastard!" Upon seeing his hands so close, I raise my own in defense. "Whoa, whoa let's save the blowing up for the battle". Before he can answer, Midnight interrupts and declares that time is up.

We all get into position. Katsuki on top, Kirishima in front, Sero on the left and me on the right. Katsuki ties his point headband on. "We're aiming for one thing". I hear Katsuki from above. Looking at him, I nod my head. 'Midoriya' "START!" Present Mic yells out.

As soon as Present Mic yelled out start, we started running towards Midoriya, as did every other team. 'this seems like a fight for the 10,000,000 points' One team gets the closest and one guy uses his quirk. His quirk spreads out beneath Midoriya's team and they start sinking slowly. Midoriya noticing their problem fires of his jet pack on his back, which he got from the girl who's on his team, and they fly out of the sinking quirk.

Upon landing back down, Uraraka, who's on Midoriya's team, steps on Mineta's sticky ball quirk, which glues her equipped foot to the ground. Using their jet pack again, they fly of to the sky, but the equipped foot which was stuck to the ball breaks. As they fly through the sky, Katsuki turns towards Sero and starts speaking. "Tape me with your quirk, so when I fly off towards Midoriya you can pull me back". Sero nods and puts his tape on Katsuki's arm. Katsuki fires of to the sky after Midoriya.

"Don't get carried away!" Katsuki yells as he gets closer to Midoriya. Katsuki pushes his hand towards Midoriya, explosions going off, but gets blocked by Tokoyami's quirk, Dark Shadow. Katsuki starts falling down, but is pulled back by Sero's tape and we caught him. Katsuki starts seething with anger. As we get back into position and start chasing after Midoriya, Katsuki's point headband gets taken off.

"Class A is too simple-minded". The blond guy who took off Katsuki's headband proclaims. "Shit!" I yell out. "What'd you say, bastard?" Katsuki glares. "Give that back, I'll kill you!" He threatens. The blond guy started explaining how his class observed our quirks in the previous parts of the festival and how we chase after being a temporary first place. "Oh, while I'm at it, you're famous aren't you?" He asks Katsuki. 'what?' "As the victim of the sludge incident!" He proclaims gleefully. 'oh yeah, Katsuki was involved' "Tell me sometime, about how it feels to be attacked by villains once a year". He continues annoyingly.

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