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Arashi was forced to remain in the hospital until his wounds properly healed. So, he spent his time blankly staring at the ceiling.

Over and over and over again.

Burn! Burn! Everything will burn! The might flames will cleanse the world of all its sins! That was what the man had said.

"Sin...". Arashi mumbled out, trailing his eyes over the hidden cracks of the ceiling. "Sin cannot be cleansed...". He took a deep breath and closed his eyes shut. "Sin will remain in this world forever...". Sitting up, he let the bed covers pool at his hips. "Sin will remain for as long as humans remain".

That was a fact. Something which was the truth. The undeniable truth.

He made no move as the door slid open.

A nurse walked in and stopped next to his bed. She glanced at him with her bland brown eyes and shifted on her feet. Arashi watched as her eyes raked down his body, before they snapped back up to look him in the eyes.

... Sin indeed...

"Uh... You... You are free to leave!" The nurse stuttered out, a light blush staining her cheeks. Arashi raised his brows and watched as her blush darkener.

"Where are my clothes?" He removed the sheet from the rest of his body and swung his legs off the side of the bed.

"On your bedside table". She raised a shaky hand and pointed to the other side of the bed. Arashi glanced to the side and saw that they were there. How did he not see them?

Oh well.

"Thank you". He looked back at her and waited for her to leave the room. When she did no such thing, Arashi narrowed his eyes. "Excuse me, was the top part of my body not enough? You wanna see the bottom part, too?" Her eyes snapped wide at the accusation and she whipped around faster than he could blink, disappearing out of the door.

Arashi sighed out and pushed off the bed, his bare feet settling against the cold tiles. He circled to the other side of the bed and grabbed the clothes that were there.

Seems like someone had put them there.

He changed into the sweatpants and reached towards the shirt, when, yet again, the door slid open.

"Are you done?" Came the all familiar voice.

"Almost". Arashi glanced at the ash-blond boy and felt his lips quirk up. Katsuki seemed to had noticed that, because he walked up to the black-haired boy with his hands in his pockets.

"What's so funny?" He questioned, tilting his head to the side. Arashi shook his head and pulled the shirt over his head.

"Nothing...". The shoes went next. As soon as he was done, a hand wrapped around his wrist and he was met with crimson eyes. "Katsuki?" Arashi questioned, scrunching his brows.

"You know... I heard what you said to the nurse". Oh... "Don't you think she's a little too old for you?" Katsuki leaned forward and Arashi was pushed backwards, his back touching the room walls. The blond boy raised his brows, his other hand trailing down Arashi's side. "Hmm?" He hummed and Arashi bit back a laugh.

"You're unbelievable". He mumbled out, looking off to the side.

"Really? How so?" Katsuki leaned back a little, a small grin on his face.

"You're cute when you're jealous". If only Arashi had a camera in that moment. The look on the blond's face was...

... Priceless...

"I wasn't jealous!" He forced out, a blush creeping along his neck. Arashi couldn't contain himself any longer. His voice resounded through the small room as he threw his head back in laughter. "Stop laughing!" Katsuki demanded, grabbing Arashi by his shirt. That did nothing to stop him, it only made things worse. Arashi fully leaned onto the wall, losing his strength from all the laughter leaving him. "Arashi!" The said boy wrapped his arms around Katsuki's middle and leaned his face into his neck, his shoulders shaking.

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