Make me feel something

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The tingling in my arms stops as I let go of the ground, rising to my feet, I take a few wobbly steps back. Taking deep fast breaths, I shake my head. When I blink, he's gone from my sight. Bracing myself, I furiously look around. Hearing a slight distorting sound, I shift my body to the side as a fist flies next to my head. Quickly releasing a wave of lightning from my body, I see him wince for a moment and he disappears.

Still releasing the lightning, I look around for him. Seeing him a couple of feet in front of me, I stop my quirk. "That was a nice plan". He says and just as I nod, he disappears again. "Shit!" Jumping back from my spot, I see him appear a feet away from me. A fist whips my way and I cross my arms in front of my body. His fist collides with my forearm and I wince from the pain. That's a strong punch! He spins in the air and a fist collides with my back. I'm sent sprawling forward onto my hands and knees.


"But anyway, you kind of get it now, right?" He asked. Everyone around me was holding their stomachs in pain. I ignored my back and watched him. "You can slip through things and warp at the same time, are you a hybrid like Todoroki?" Ashido asked and Mirio denied it. "Nope, I've only got one". He said. His quirk isn't warping... I know what it is now. Quickly raising my hand, I speak up. "Can I guess your quirk?" He looks at me and nods. "Go ahead!". He said with a smile.

Stepping out of the crowd, I stop. "You said you only got one quirk, right? It's not warping, it's slipping through everything. But, you look like you warp because, once you slip into the ground and stop using your quirk you eject through the solid space?" Most of my classmates looked at me weirdly because of the explanation I gave. Mirio just clapped his hands together. "Correct! That's most of what happens". He said.

"It's called Permeation, the warping is a part of that, kind of". He said that if he activates his quirk through his whole body, it can slip through anything, including the ground. "Wait... that means when you disappeared you fell into the ground?" Uraraka asked. Wait, what? Did they not notice that? "Did you guys seriously not notice that?" Once again, they looked at me weirdly. "It's kinda weird you did". Kirishima said and I playfully glared at him.

"I mean... his clothes fell onto the ground, it kind of made sense to me that he also fell, but inside the ground". Kirishima furrows his brows. "Never mind". Waving him off, I look back at Mirio. He continued explaining that when he goes underground, he gets repelled back in an instant when he deactivates his quirk, because things that have mass can't overlap. He added that he can change the direction he wants to go by angling his body.

"Wait, I already said all that, you said it was most of what happens, what's the part you didn't tell us?" I interrupt. He blinks and smiles. "You're awfully perceptive". I send him a grin. "Thank you". He clears his throat. "Most of you are thinking 'That's an unfair quirk, to be able to dodge everything and appear wherever you want to, it's a very strong quirk', but it really isn't, I was the one who made it strong". That is interesting.

"When I activate my quirk, my lungs can't take in oxygen, if I breathe in, it all just goes through, the same is with my hearing and sight. Vibrations go through, light goes through. I can go through everything, that means I can't feel anything". That sounds very hard to control... what the hell did he do to master this, just how much time did he spend on that? Hearing what he went through made me look up to him, he is so strong, not because of his quirk, but because of himself, if it was me in his place, I'd probably never use my quirk or go into this school.

That takes hella dedication and patience.

"I changed the experience I got during my work study into power and took the top spot! That's why I think it's something you should do even if you're scared, first years!" He's awfully positive.

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