He Came

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A couple of days have passed since I learned the truth. 'my father is alive' I still couldn't fully wrap my head around that fact. My relationship with my classmates and Aizawa-sensei was steadily improving. Aizawa-sensei became something akin to a father figure to me, it was weird, living with him. I grew up without a father, so it was bound to be different.

My school life went normally, we chose a class representative, funnily, Midoriya somehow got the part. Katsuki wasn't happy with that, he almost ripped Midoriyas head off. What was even funnier, not even a day passed, Midoriya handed over the roll of class representative to Iida, who gladly accepted it.

Waking up to my alarm clock ringing, I sigh. 'night passes way too quickly' shifting slightly so I can turn it off I sit up. Lazily rubbing my eyes, I yawn. Felling stiff, I bring my arms above my head and stretch, hearing a pop, I let out a breath. Barely able to stand on my feet, I drag myself to the bathroom. Washing up, I head downstairs. Hearing shuffling coming from the kitchen, I head in that direction. Aizawa-sensei was making breakfast. "Morning". His head turns towards me. "Morning, did you sleep well?". I place my hand over my mouth and yawn. "It was good enough". 

He shakes his head in disapprovement. "3 hours of sleep won't do you any good, you know that, right?". I just wave my hand in dismissal. "I was training yesterday and I overused my quirk, so my head hurts". Just as I finished my sentence, he was about to add something. "And yes, I took some aspirin, but after using it so much, it hardly affects me now". He closes his mouth and sighs. "Set the table". I nod. After we set the table, we ate in silence. After finishing breakfast, I hurried upstairs to get dressed. Putting on my uniform, I leave the top button undone and my tie loose and I grab my bag.

Heading back downstairs with my bag on my shoulder, I was about to leave the house. "You know, you are breaking the dress code?". I turned around and Aizawa-sensei was staring disapprovingly at me. "Nobody said anything since I started school, so I don't care". Turning around and opening the door, I wave in farewell and close the door. The walk to school was short since I decided to jog halfway.

Getting to my classroom, I enter the room. Walking through the door, I hear multiple 'good morning's' and I reply with 'morning'. Reaching my seat, I place my bag at the side of the desk. Sitting down, I place my hands on my desk and lean my head on them, closing my eyes. After what seemed like seconds, I was woken up from my nap when someone tapped on my desk. Opening my eyes, I sit straight and stretch my hands over my head. 

Finally looking up at who woke me up I'm met with Aizawa-sensei. 'I guess it's homeroom already' "Yes?". I inquire. He sighs and shakes his head. I hear a snicker from the other side of the classroom. Turning my head I'm met with Kaminari, who had his hands over his mouth to stifle his laughter. "Genzai, you are always sleeping in class". He added after he stopped laughing. Slightly narrowing my eyes at him, I snarl. "Piss off Pikachu". Suddenly the whole classroom went into uproar. Everyone started laughing. "OH MY GOD, PIKACHU, THAT'S THE BEST THING EVER". I couldn't make out who said that. "I'M NEVER GOING TO LET THIS GO KAMINARI, HAHAHA". 

Aizawa-sensei cleared his throat, making them all calm down. "Today we have a special activity". That seemed to catch everyones attention. "After you all change in your hero costumes, wait for me in front of the school". After saying that, he left the classroom. Sighing, I run a hand through my hair. Suddenly, I feel a kick at my chair. Internally groaning, I turn back to Katsuki. "You know, If you want my attention, you can get it in another way". Hearing this he let's out a growl. I grin innocently.

"Do you know what he's talking about?". He asks after he calms down. "Honestly, no idea". I answer. 'I really have no clue what's going to happen' He scoffs, but his eyes go to mine. He held my gaze for a few seconds, and looked like he wanted to say something. After nothing happened for a few seconds, I grew annoyed. "What?". I demand. This seemed to shake him out of whatever he was thinking about. Sighing loudly he shakes his head. "Nothing". Seeing as thought I'll get no answer from him, I turn around.

After we all changed into out hero costumes, we went in front of the school. A bus was waiting for us. Getting inside, we all take a seat. Somehow, I ended up between Kirishima and Katsuki. This was not a good position, because the class ended up teasing Katsuki and he ended up yelling right next to my ear. Him yelling, plus Kirishima laughing really isn't healthy for a persons eardrums. 

As the bus came to a stop I sighed in relief. Getting out of the bus we are met with a man in a spacesuit. He proceeded to explain why we were here. After we went in USJ we stopped. Aizawa-sensei was there and he added some things. Suddenly a chill went through my body, making me visibly shudder. Katsuki, noticing this, walked up and stood next to me. "What's wrong?". Turning towards him, my eyes trail over his left shoulder and stop. "Fuck". As soon as I uttered those words, Katsuki's whole body turned around. "What the fuck?". He spat out shakily.

We were staring right at a huge purple wall. 'is that a portal?' Suddenly people started walking through the portal. "Sensei, they aren't supposed to be here, are they?". Turning towards Aizawa-sensei, I shakily ask. Aizawa's eyes narrow. "Get behind me everyone, those are real villains". The students start panicking and they all scurry behind Aizawa-sensei. 

Out of nowhere, clapping was heard. One by one we all turned towards the way the clapping was coming from. It was coming from the group of villains. As it continued, I felt dread fill me up. The villains started to move, parting for someone to walk through. As the rows seperated, one by one, my heart started racing. I took a step back. Katsuki's eyes snapped to me in question. 

"Well, well, well, who would have thought I would meet you today". The voice rang out loud and clear. Violent shivers went down my body. From the rows of villains, still lightly clapping, He emerged. "What a coincidence, right Shi-shi?". Katsuki's yell was the last thing I heard, before a purple mist swallowed me and everything went black.

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