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There was darkness around me, its tendrils surrounded me, gripping tight and not letting go. "Where am I?" I speak out loud, my voice echoing through the infinite blackness. 

It was your faultA voice rang in front of me. 

It was all your faultIt continued, in a tone so devoid of emotions, so devoid of feelings. 

You did this to me. You did this to me. You did this to meIt repeated over and over again. 

The darkness in front of me opened up, revealing the so familiar house I used to live in. 

Go in. See what you did. The voice ordered. 

So I started walking, walking and walking. It took so long to reach the front door, longer than it's supposed to. I reached my hand for the doorknob, but as soon as I placed my palm on top of it, I whip my hand back. It's burning hot. 

Yes it is. You did that. It's like that because of you. The moment those words were spoken, smoke started coming through the openings on the door. Dread starts filling me. No, it can't be. Soon after that, screams are heard from within the house. 

"Oh God, not again". My fingers ended up in my hair, gripping tightly at the roots. The screams were now not only coming from within the house, but from every direction. Such blood curdling screams of pain and agony. "HELP ME! PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP ME!" My mothers voice pleaded, calling out to someone, someone to save her. There was no one, no one was there for her. wasn't there for her. 

There was silence. The screams stopped. The smoke decreased. And footsteps were heard. Light taps on top of the wooden floor, getting closer and closer to the front door. Each step invoked a shiver from deep inside me and my body froze in terror, unable to move. 

The footsteps stopped once they reached the door, and the doorknob moved. 

The door was opened agonizingly slow, it started screeching in a horrible ear shattering way. My heartbeat was so loud, I could hear it in my ears, I could feel my blood pulsing through my body and in fear my eyes shut tightly. 

The screeching of the door stopped and there was silence once more. A strong smell of burnt flesh hit my senses. There was breathing in front of me. Deep breaths that sounded so painful, so hard. I don't know what made me open my eyes, but I did it. And I regret it so dearly. 

My mother was in front of me, her head bend down. Her face was obscured. Her clothes were falling apart and the little skin I could see was charred black. 

There is no God here. Those words conjured such terror within me, such fear. They were uttered with hate, with malice. 

Her pupil less eyes and her burnt skin were etched so clearly into my memory.

"I'm sorry!" I tried to take a step back, but my feet wouldn't move. Looking down, I saw that they were sinking into the ground. 

Before she could take a step forward, the world shifted and everything disappeared in a swirl of grey. 


"-zai!" I could hear something. "Genzai!" The yell made me jump up. My leg got caught up in something and I was about to fall down but hands caught me. "Are you okay? Does something hurt? Can y-". I waved my hand in front of my face. "Shut up for a second". I ordered, not even looking at the person. A sigh was heard from across the room. "Seems like you're fine". 

Raising my head, I look towards the way the second voice was heard from. "Aizawa-sensei!" I exclaim in surprise. He was leaning on the wall. Then who's the first one? I look at the person beside me and I'm met with a mop of messy green hair. "Midoriya?" Addressing him out loud made him flinch slightly. 

Lightning Strike ||Bakugou Katsuki|| (bxb)Where stories live. Discover now