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The four of us ended up in the hospital, I didn't really think there was need for me to go there, but as it turns out, I was actually bleeding. The Hero Killer somehow cut my side, but I didn't notice. I noticed once the ambulance came after the Hero Killer killed the Nomu.

Iida, Midoriya, Todoroki and I were currently in a hospital room, they put all four of us in the same room. I was lying on my back, hands behind my head and looking up at the ceiling when Todoroki spoke up. "Were you able to sleep, Midoriya?" Midoriya immediately answered. "No, not really". Todoroki let out a sigh. "I didn't think so... me neither".

"Thinking about it, we did something amazing, huh?" Midoriya looked up at the ceiling in thought. "Yeah". Todoroki's flat tone echoed through the room. I let out a sigh and move the curtain which was shielding me from the view of others. "Morning". As I utter those words, their heads snap to me. "Ah, Genzai, are you okay?" Midoriya hurriedly asked. Nodding, I swing my legs over the side of the bed. Midoriya nods back. "Seeing an ending like that really makes you feel like it's a miracle we're alive". He looked down at his leg. "With my leg like this, he probably could've killed us if he wanted to".

Todoroki raised his arm closer to his face. "Yeah, we were obviously left alive on purpose". Saying that, he turns to Iida. "You're amazing to have been able to face him after all the murderous intent directed at you". Iida shook his head. "No, that's not it...I...". Before he could continue, the door of the room opened.

"Oh, are you wounded kids awake?" In walked Gran Torino with another hero. "Manual". Iida said. Manual, oh, the water hero. "Kid, I've got a lot of complaints for you". Gran Torino walked up to Midoriya. "O-Oh, I'm s-sorry". Midoriya started apologizing. "But, before that, you've got a visitor". Gran Torino interrupted Midoriya's apologies and turned to the door.

In walked a huge man with a dog head. "Hosu's chief of police, Kenji Tsuragamae". Iida and Todoroki stood up, but I decided to stay seated. Midoriya was getting up, but the chief of police told him to stay seated. When he finished his sentence he said 'woof'. Hearing him say 'woof' almost made me burst out laughing, but before that could happen I grabbed the bed curtain and closed myself inside. "Huh? Genzai, are you alright?" I heard Iida's voice outside of the curtain.

Taking a deep breath, composing myself, I answer. "My head hurts so I blocked the light". I could barely say the sentence without laughing, so as soon as I finished, I covered my mouth. "Oh, okay".

"You must be the U.A. students who brought down the Hero Killer, right?" The chief asked. "Yes". Todoroki flatly answered. "Regarding the Hero Killer we arrested... he had fairly serious injuries, with burns and broken bones, and is receiving treatment under strict guard, woof". The chief explained. WOOF!? "Since you are U.A. students, I'm sure you already know that when superpowers were still becoming the norm, the police attached high importance to leadership and standards and made sure Quirks were not used as weapons".

Knowing he was going to go full-on-textbook explaining, I tuned out the conversation. Letting my body fall back onto the bed, I crossed my hands behind my head. Not used as weapons, huh? That turned out great. The events of last night were still vivid in my mind. The Hero Killer's determination on fulfilling his goal, his pure ambition, his willpower to continue even after all he went through. Am I prepared for all that? Am I prepared to chase my father to the end? Am I strong enough for that yet?

I shake my head. I am strong enough. I will do it. I must do it. Even if it's the last thing I do.

Someone cleared their throat. "Genzai, would you open up the curtain". The chiefs voice rang out through the silence of the room. Raising my body, I reach for the curtain and slide it to the side. Brightness immediately attacked my senses. "Fuck". I whisper quietly. As I raise my eyes, I'm met with the unimpressed ones of the chief. Shit. I send him a small smile in apology.

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