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It's harder for you
To follow your dreams
The older that you get

As you get older
You start to realise
Your path isn't as straight forward

There are many roads
You cannot take
And you wonder if you went the right way

There are many detours
And you start to go off track
And eventually, you're just lost

You're confused and lost
But you still push forward
Even within the rainstorms

As you begin to wander
You start to wonder
Where your path may be

No matter the frustration
No matter how slowly
You'll never let go of your dream

You may have gotten lost
You may have wondered off
But you want to believe this is your path

You may have lost your way
But it was the only way
That the right path – your path – could be found


Your entire life is not set in stone. It will not be a walk in the park. It will not be a straight part.

Sometimes, you unintentional divert from your original course. Sometimes, we're forced to make a decision we don't like. There are times when we'll even willingly go down the wrong road.

There are some things that were made for us and others that were just not meant to be. You cannot be quick to jump and sat which is which, however. Often times, we cannot understand or see the true answer in the beginning stages.

Trials, hardships, difficulties... just because things don't go smoothly as first does not mean it never will. Just as if things go smoothly in the beginning, it doesn't guarantee it will end well.

Ultimately, you'll meet all sorts of crossroads and travel down different roads; wide, narrow, safe, dangerous, dirt, pitch- we'll pass through it all. If you persist though, you'll get where you need to be.

Until next time,
Ade Alethra

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